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Islam ABC book. A. A stands for Allah, Muslims believed that there was only one God . B. B stands for Billal , one of the companion of the prophet . He was the first black to convert to Islam. C.
A • A stands for Allah, Muslimsbelievedthattherewasonly one God.
B • B stands for Billal, one of the companion of the prophet. He was the first black to convert to Islam.
C • C stands for Caliph, itis a Muslimruler. Someonewhocantake the place after Muhammad.
D • D stands for Dawah, itis the missionarywork for Islam. It isalso an invitation to convert to Islam.
E • E stands for Eid el fita, itis the threedaysholidaythatmakes up the end of Ramadan.
F • F stands for Farj, itis the prayerbeforesunrise.
G • G stands for Gazhi, itis a Muslimsoldier. A man whofightsagainstinfidels. There isstill modern Ghazis.
H • H stands for Hajj, a pelgrimage to the city of Mecca. One of the five pillars of Islam. EveryMuslims has to go thereat least once in there life.
I • I stands for Imam, a religious and political figure of Islam. He isallowed to pray to the front row. He isalso the personwho calls all Muslims for whorship.
J • J Stands for Jihad, itmeans struggle in English. Muslimstoughtthat if you die in war, youdeserveyou place in Paradise.
K • K stands for Ka’ba, a smallshrine in the middle of the Mosque in Mecca. Muslims face the Ka’ba duringprayers.
L • L stands for Laylatul-qadr, the daywhen Muhammad revealed the Qu’ran to Muslims. In English itmeans the night of power.
M • M stands for Mecca, itis a holy city of the Islamic religion. Also the birthplace of Muhammad. EveryMuslims have to go thereat least once in there life.
N • N stands for Niqab, itis a clothethatMuslimswomen wear everyday, because in the Islam religion a women’s face isverypersonal. Theycanonlytakeit off in front of familymembers.
O • O stands for Oasis, itissmall area in the desertwhere water canbefound. Manymuslimstraveling in the desertwherestoping by there to getsome water.
P • P stands for prophet, itis a personregarded as a proclaimer of the will of God.
Q • Q stands for Qu’ran, itis the Islamicsacred book to be the words of God. Theybelievethatis the worddictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. And it’swritten in Arabic.
R • R stands for Ramadan, itis the ninthmonth pf the Muslimyear. I thatperiodthereis strict fastingfromsunrise to sundown.
S • S stands Sunnah, itis the way of life pescribed as nomative for Muslims. On the basics of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Qu’ran.
T • T stands for Tawheed, itis the concept of monotheism. Monotheismiswhenyoubelieve in only one God.
U • U stands for Ulama, itissomeonewhoisrich and famous. Some people referethem to Muslimpriests. Theywerewelleducated, « ancientnerds ».
V • V stands for veilitis, a piece of the materialworn by women to protects or concealtheir face.
W • W stands for worship, itis to show reverence and adoration for divinity.
X • X stands for Xi’an, troughtradeIslamicideaswereintroduced to China. This isanotherreasonwhytradewas important.
Z • Z stands for Zakat, itis one of the five pillars of faith. It meansCharity. Muslimsshare 2.5% of theirwealthy to poor people.