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Embedded Systems Hardware: Storage Elements; Finite State Machines; Sequential Logic. fig_03_08. Finite state machine (FSM): High-level view Moore machine: output is a function of the present state only Mealy machine: output is a function of the present stare and the inputs. fig_03_08.
Embedded Systems Hardware: Storage Elements; Finite State Machines; Sequential Logic
fig_03_08 Finite state machine (FSM): High-level view Moore machine: output is a function of the present state only Mealy machine: output is a function of the present stare and the inputs fig_03_08
fig_03_09 Examples: Latch and register What is the difference? Shift register (shift right) fig_03_09 fig_03_10
fig_03_15 fig_03_15 fig_03_16 Verilog—shift registers; behavioral and structural (por=power on reset)
fig_03_18 fig_03_18 Parallel-in, serial-out shift register fig_03_19
fig_03_20 Linear feedback shift register (for providing random numbers, e.g.); Note: pullUp needed to prevent floating Reset pin on D flipflops fig_03_20, 3_21, 3_22
fig_03_23 “Dividers”: slow clock down, e.g. Simple divide-by-2 example fig_03_23,3_24
fig_03_25 Example: Asynchronous divide-by-4 counter [asynchronous 2-bit binary upcounter; ripple counter] Note: asynchronous because flip-flops are changed by different signals Note: if 1st stage output appears at time t0 + m, nth stage output appears at time t0 + nm; so this configuration is good for dividing the signal but using it as a ripple counter is prone to static and dynamic hazards Both outputs change: fig_03_25, 03_26, 03_27
fig_03_29 Synchronous dividers and counters (preferred): Example: 2-bit binary upcounter Inputs: DA = not A DB = A xor B fig_03_28, 03_29
Johnson counter (2-bit): shift register + feedback input; often used in embedded applications; states for a Gray code; thus states can be decoded using combinational logic; there will not be any race conditions or hazards fig_03_30 fig_03_30, 03_31, 03_32, 03_33
fig_03_34 3-stage Johnson counter: --Output is Gray sequence—no decoding spikes --not all 23 (2n) states are legal—period is 2n (here 2*3=6) --unused states are illegal; must prevent circuit from ever going into these states fig_03_34
Making actual working circuits: Must consider --timing in latches and flip-flops --clock distribution --how to test sequential circuits (with n flip-flops, there are potentially 2n states, a large number; access to individual flipflops for testing must also be carefully planned)
Timing in latches and flip-flops: Setup time: how long must inputs be present and stable before gate or clock changes state? Hold time: how long must input remain stable after the gate or clock has changed state? fig_03_36 fig_03_36, 03_37 Metastable oscillations can occur if timing is not correct Setup and hold times for a gated latch enabled by a logical 1 on the gate
fig_03_38 Example: positive edge triggered FF; 50% point of each signal fig_03_38
fig_03_39 Propagation delay: minimum, typical, maximum values--with respect to causative edge of clock: Latch: must also specify delay when gate is enabled: fig_03_39, 03-40
Timing margins: example: increasing frequency for 2-stage Johnson counter –output from either FF is 00110011…. assume tPDLH = 5-16ns tPDLH =7-18ns tsu = 16ns fig_03_41 fig_03_41, 03_42
Case 1: L to H transition of QA Clock period = tPDLH + tsu + slack0 tPDLH + tsu If tPDLH is max, Frequency Fmax = 1/ [5 + 16)* 10-9]sec = 48MHz If it is min, Fmax = 31.3 MHz Case 2: H to L transition: Similar calculations give Fmax = 43.5 MHz or 29.4 MHz Conclusion: Fmax cannot be larger than 29.4 MHz to get correct behavior
Clocks and clock distribution: --frequency and frequency range --rise times and fall times --stability --precision
fig_03_43 Clocks and clock distribution: Lower frequency than input; can use divider circuit above Higher frequncy: can use phase locked loop: fig_03_43
fig_03_44 Selecting portion of clock: rate multiplier fig_03_44
fig_03_46 Note: delays can accumulate fig_03_46
fig_03_47 Clock design and distribution: Need precision Need to decide on number of phases Distribution: need to be careful about delays Example: H-tree / buffers fig_03_47
fig_03_48 Testing: Scan path is basic tool fig_03_48
fig_03_47 fig_03_47
fig_03_48 fig_03_48
fig_03_49 fig_03_49
fig_03_50 fig_03_50
fig_03_51 fig_03_51
fig_03_52 fig_03_52
fig_03_53 fig_03_53
fig_03_54 fig_03_54
fig_03_55 fig_03_55
fig_03_56 Testing fsms: Real-world fsms are weakly connected, i.e., we can’t get from any state S1 to any state S2 Weakly connected: we can get from a state S initial to any state Sj; sequence of inputs which permits this is called a transfer sequence Homing sequence: produce a unique destination state after it is applied Inputs: I test = Ihoming + Itransfer Finding a fault: requires a Distinguishing sequence fig_03_56
fig_03_57 Basic testing setup: fig_03_57
fig_03_58 fig_03_58
fig_03_59 Example: machine specified by table below Successor tree fig_03_59
fig_03_63 Example: recognize 1010 fig_03_63
fig_03_65 Scan path fig_03_65
fig_03_66 Standardized boundary scan architecture Architecture and unit under test fig_03_66