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Where we are with technology

Where we are with technology. Sabrina Norman April 29, 2008. The problem …. technology skills teachers have most experience using teachers comfort level with specific technology skills experience level of the teachers with specific technology skills

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Where we are with technology

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  1. Where we are with technology Sabrina Norman April 29, 2008

  2. The problem… • technology skills teachers have most experience using • teachers comfort level with specific technology skills • experience level of the teachers with specific technology skills • technology needs teachers feel are a priority for them • when do teachers prefer to participate in staff development activities

  3. Solution… • develop a survey for determining teacher technology needs • create a survey; keep it short and sweet • develop survey questions that will work for elementary and secondary schools • send link to survey to principal and have him/her to forward to staff (Adds authority) • process data to determine needs of staff at both schools

  4. Process… • search Internet for Technology Surveys • determine which questions will best fit both schools • create account with www.surveymonkey.com • create survey on website • edit as necessary for clarification, needs, and length • prepare survey for collecting results • send email to principals so they are aware of why it is being conducted and encourage teachers to participate • begin disaggregation of data

  5. Overall Results…

  6. Overall Results…

  7. Overall Results…

  8. Overall Results…

  9. Results by school…

  10. Results by school…

  11. Results by school…

  12. Results by school…

  13. Plan… • Conduct staff development activities on Smart Board as soon as possible with both schools. • Make staff development available is short sessions after school. • Plan for more in-depth staff development activities for summer. • Plan staff development activities with other ITF’s to meet the needs of teachers throughout the system.

  14. Other leadership activities… • revise the current Acceptable Use Policy • “Consider renaming AUP to Ethics in Information Policy.” (Warlick – Redefining Literacy) • develop new technology policies for equipment that will be distributed next fall • collaborate in developing the new technology plan for our school system • plan county-wide staff development opportunities for next year • conduct staff development for new technology equipment

  15. Reflections… • teacher assistants did not take survey but will participate in staff development activities • survey didn’t work initially. Made revisions • inadequate because of lack of specific knowledge of teachers curriculum • I must spend time with the curriculum and Smart Board software and just play • have to get comfortable using software to create variety of activities

  16. Reflections… • teachers using Smart Board more as a projection screen due to lack of training • those teachers don’t interact with the Smart Board so neither do their students • teachers with Smart Boards are unfamiliar with the volume of possibilities of the Smart Notebook software • trouble integrating use of Smart Board and software into everyday lessons • teachers need time to explorethe software and create lessons

  17. Teacher comments… • 2nd grade teacher – “I have noticed a drastic overall improvement in my math scores since the children have been using the Smart Board.” • Middle School Health teacher and 28 yr. veteran teacher - “I don’t know how I ever taught without my Smart Board. If you came and took it away from me, I would quit teaching. I will never go back to the way I taught before.” • 2nd grade teacher – “My level ones are more engaged in the learning process. They pay attention more and are eager to come to the board and participate.”

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