The Mission of JTF-CS Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) plans and integrates DoD support to the designated Lead Federal Agency for domestic Chemical, Biological Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosive (CBRNE) consequence management operations. When directed by Commander U.S. NORTHERN COMMAND, JTF-CS will deploy to the incident site, establish command and control of designated DoD forces and provide military assistance to civil authorities. Save Lives, Prevent Injury Provide Temporary Critical Life Support
Definition of CBRNE Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive • CBRNE is defined as a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive incident • Incidents include industrial accidents, acts of war, or acts of terrorism • A Weapon of Mass Destruction is a device or material specifically designed to produce casualties or terror High-Yield
Evolving Terrorist Threat and U.S. Response ? Department of HLS formed Unified Command Plan 2002 U.S. Northern Command stand-up French supertanker Limburg, Bali nightclub 2002 World Trade Center, Pentagon, Anthrax Office of HLS formed 2001 2000 USS Cole Unified Command Plan 1999 JTF-CS stand-up 1999 Nairobi/Tanzania Embassies 1998 PDD 62 Khobar Towers, Olympic Park 1996 Tokyo Subway, Oklahoma City 1995 PDD 39 1993 World Trade Center Response Incident
What is JTF-CS? • Approximately 160 civilian and military personnel at Fort Monroe, Virginia • Deployable Command and Control headquarters for Department of Defense personnel who provide detection, decontamination, medical, and logistical support • Source of response plans for essential DOD support to the Lead Federal Agency JTF-CS: providing coordination of DOD teams to save lives, prevent injury, and provide temporary critical life support
Guiding Principles of JTF - CS Guiding Principles of JTF - CS § Consistent with the Constitution DoD assistance provided § under civilian oversight and accountability § In accordance with public law § Respect for federal/state roles 6
Guiding Principles of JTF - CS Guiding Principles of JTF - CS Lead Federal Agency (LFA) supported by DoD § § DoD roles, skills, and structures emphasized Reserve Components serve as forward resources for consequence management § § Role of federal military in domestic operations (Posse Comitatus) 6
Effective CBRNE response requires a very different set of resources, skills, and experience -- Situational awareness -- Pre-planning -- Pre-identifying appropriate personnel and organizations A Unique Mission • DoD traditionally stands ready to assist state and local authorities in response to natural disasters
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Situational Awareness Liaison Officers Operations Center Command Assessment Element
Locations JTF-CS Supports JTF-CS provides CBRNE-event planning, exercise, and response support within the U.S., its territories and possessions Alaska Hawaii Marshall Islands Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Guam
CBRNE Threat Spectrum M O S T L I K E L I H O O D L E A S T CBRNE response requires a unique set of resources, skills, and experience High-Yield Explosive most likely Industrial Chemicals Biological Toxins Biological Pathogens (Contagions) most dangerous Radio- Isotopes Chemical Weapons Nuclear Weapons most destructive
The effects are the enemy…not the terrorist Effects cause harm • Potential Effects • Thermal • Radiation • Asphyxiation • Chemical • Psychological • Biological • Mechanical Harm drives the mode of response Mode of response drives the resources required RESPONSE Ability to anticipate needs drives the speed of response A Different Mindset DOD created JTF-CS to deal with this enemy.
Provides development of and review plans for CBRNE incidents Advocates development of doctrine and requirements Joint Planning Augmentation Cells Responds to CBRNE incident (terrorist or accidental) Assists the LFA in support of civil authorities Provides command and control for assigned DoD forces Plan, Train, … Respond if Needed Ongoing Support Scheduled Event Support/Exercises CBRNE Incident Support ROUTINE INCIDENT • Participates in interagency exercises • Participates in special events
High-Yield Explosive JTF-CS Planning Processes JTF-CS Plans Nuclear Radiological DoD Guidance, Policy, and Plans Local and State Plans CJCS CONPLAN 0500-98 CJCSI 3125.01 USNORTHCOM CAMPLAN 2525 CONPLAN 0500 (TBP) Contagious & Non-Contagious Biological Persistent & Non-Persistent Chemical
Disaster Occurs Local first responders react City requests aid from state Governor requests Presidential Disaster Declaration through FEMA President declares major disaster or emergency FEMA implements Federal Response Plan FEMA requests DoD support Secretary of Defense authorizes DoD support JTF-CS (if req’d) implements DoD support plans Response Process JTF-CS sends Liaison Officers JTF-CS sends Command Assessment Element
Local State FEMA DOD Secretary of Defense Mayor/County Executives Governor FEMA Director of Military Support U.S. Northern Command Incident Commander and First Responders Commander of State National Guard Federal Coordinating Officer JTF-CS Response Units State Coordinating Officer SCO FCO DCO Participants I N C I D E N T Disaster Field Office
Notional Tasks and Requirements JTF-CS provides command and control, and coordination for the following types of tasks and requirements JTF-CS Base Support Installation Task Force Medical Medical Care and Supplies Task Force Response Incident Site Support JTF Troops HQ Support Task Force Support Logistics and Displaced Persons Support
Conclusion • JTF-CS will plan and integrate DOD support to the designated Lead Federal Agency for domestic CBRNE incidents • When directed, JTF-CS deploys to the incident site to establish command and control of assigned DOD forces • JTF-CS provides military assistance to civil authorities While hoping the need never arises, JTF-CS is ready to to save lives, prevent injury, and provide temporary critical life support after a domestic CBRNE incident
For further information, please contactJoint Task Force Civil Support, Public Affairs380 Fenwick Road, Building 96Fort Monroe, VA 23651(757) 788-6631(757) 788-6259Fax (757) 788-6132 http://www.jtfcs.northcom.mil