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IDP Conference 2004 “Developmental Governance in Action”

SESSION 5: ‘Managing the IDP: The Amatole District Municipality Experience’ - Andile Fani Manager: Municipal Support Amatole District Municipality Eastern Cape Province 5 March 2004. IDP Conference 2004 “Developmental Governance in Action”.

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IDP Conference 2004 “Developmental Governance in Action”

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  1. SESSION 5: ‘Managing the IDP: The Amatole District Municipality Experience’ - Andile FaniManager: Municipal SupportAmatole District Municipality Eastern Cape Province 5 March 2004 IDP Conference 2004“Developmental Governance in Action”



  4. Legislative context • Section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act states that: •  A municipal council- a)Must review its integrated development plan– i.Annually in accordance with an assessment of its performance measurements in terms of section 4 i; and ii.To the extent that changing circumstances so demand; and b)May amend its IDP in accordance with a prescribed process.

  5. Why Review? • While the legislation requires a review, it makes sense for us to review for the following reasons: • To ensure that the IDP is relevant (implementation performance, check targets, objectives, changing circumstances etc.) • IDP is the municipality’s strategic plan and as such should inform aspects such as the institutional and financial. • To inform other spheres of government.

  6. Content elements of review

  7. Process elements of review

  8. What are ADM’s themes for IDP Review? • While there are many areas that require “tightening up” in ADM’s IDP, some areas require particular attention: • Institutional issues • Sector plans and associated spatial framework • IDP-budget link • Updated list of projects

  9. Municipal Vision The Amatole District Municipality strives for a future where constituent communities have a peaceful, stable and sustainable environment with basic needs being met through a participatory development process and where communities have access to economic opportunities.

  10. Organisational arrangements • Executive Mayor • Municipal/ Strategic Manager • DIMAFO • IDP Steering Committee • IDP Representative Forum (including Sector Plan Consultative Forums) • Support providers and planning professionals – PIMSS…

  11. Strategic Cluster approach

  12. Cont...


  14. Cluster Projects Institution and Finance Cluster • Institutional study • Development of appropriate policies regarding rendering of authority functions • Special Programmes capacity building and awareness programmes • Finance and Budget reform Programme • Appointment of international advisor in financial division

  15. Inst and Fin..(cont..) • Municipal Support Programme • Establishment of Internal Audit capacity at Category B’s • Roll-out of PMS • Roll-out human resource policies • Continue with the implementation of the equity plan • Review and implementation of skills development plan.

  16. Infrastructure Cluster • Water and Sanitation projects • Local municipal roads projects • Water Services Authority Development Programme • Solid Waste Projects • Land Reform and settlement Plan • Housing Projects

  17. LED and Environmental Cluster • Small business support programme • Facilitate LED Initiatives linked to opportunities arising from IDZ & SDI • Establishment of LED units in Category Bs • LED development of funding source database • Establishment of LED Development Agency

  18. LED cluster (cont…) • Marketing plan for ADM tourism • Establishment of RTO and LTOs • Investigate the options for development of Calgary Museum • Facilitate and support resuscitation of Kiwane Tourism Resort and community tourism • Establishment of one-stop service centre for investment for investment enquiries linked to development agency

  19. LED and Environ. (cont…) • Undertake an environmental skills audit and design educational programmes • Encourage sustainable use of renewable resources • Develop and Implement Municipal Coastal Management Programmes • Ensure ADM owned land is free of alien vegetation • Ensure ADM complies with all SA environmental legislation

  20. Social Needs Cluster • District wide water source mapping • Waterborne diseases control programme • District wide sanitation education mapping • ADM prevalence study and impact assessment of HIV/Aids

  21. Social Needs Cluster (cont…) • HIV/Aids awareness and prevention campaigns • Community based care • Integrated communicable diseases and health programme • District Health council Implementation

  22. Sector Plans and Programmes - Land Reform and Settlement plan - Integrated Transport plan - Integrated Waste Management plan - Integrated Environmental Programme - Local Economic Development plan - Disaster Management plan

  23. Sector Plans (cont..) - Water Services Development plan - Safe and healthy environment - Communicable Diseases Programme - District Spatial Development Framework

  24. IDP Assessment GENERAL CHALLENGES: - Alignment of cluster envelopes - New powers and functions - Capacity to develop and operationalise PMS - Non participation of government departments – alignment - Financial and Human Capacity to implement IDP


  26. Process • Legislative Context: Municipal Systems Act and Regulations; • IDP 2002/2003 – setting of Objectives and KPI’s for ADM; • Framework for PMS adopted June 2002 – customised Balanced Scorecard adopted; • 2002/2003 – First year of implementation; • District Scorecard and Departmental Scorecards developed and implemented.

  27. Process (cont…) • 2003/2004 reviewed IDP adopted – reworked objectives and strategies; • These reworked objectives and strategies informed Departmental and District Scorecards; • 2002/2003 financial year – first PMS Audit completed by AG – qualified report: • PMS Audit Committee (Reg 14).

  28. The Municipal Scorecard Inputs Outputs Outcomes Resource Management Perspective Service Delivery Perspective Municipal Development Perspective Governance Process Perspective The Municipal Organisation Process The Municipal Area

  29. The District Scorecard Inputs Outputs Outcomes District Development Perspective Municipal Resource Management Municipal Service Delivery District Resource Management District Service Delivery Governance Process Perspective Process The District Area

  30. Implementation Processes • Departmental scorecards drafted for current financial year in line with reviewed IDP; • District scorecard completed; • Generic reporting format , including KPI reporting sheets, for Section 57 employees developed and used for quarterly reviews to ensure uniformity of approach;

  31. Implementation Processes (cont…) • Accountability agreements put in place through all HOD’s – inclusion in all departmental scorecards • PMS Audit Committee appointed by Council – Reg 14(2) – first review of Sect 57 employees nearing completion and report to Council to be tabled during Feb 2004.

  32. The District Scorecard Inputs Outputs Outcomes District Development Perspective Municipal Resource Management Municipal Service Delivery District Resource Management District Service Delivery Governance Process Perspective Process The District Area

  33. Critical Success Factors • Quality of IDP – specifically in relation to objectives, strategies and KPI’s (per cluster); • Consensus on scorecard content (linked to municipal powers and functions); • Regular performance review and feedback using standardised measurement tools; • Legislative compliance to be ensured


  35. Introduction • ADM has embarked on a strategic initiative to provide integrated approach to support Local Municipalities and is now in a position to meaningfully fulfill its Section 83(3)(c) functions in terms of the Municipal Structures Act. • Departmental support has been significantly enhanced through the formation of a dedicated strategic Municipal Support Unit (MSU) which is institutionalised in the District Municipality.


  37. Process • Performed an environmental scan • Assessed impact of phase 1 support to LMs • Identified other role-players in ADM’s area • Identified areas of support to be provided by the Municipal Support Unit. • Developed a programme of support currently being rolled out to LMs (2003 onwards)

  38. Determination of Training Needs • Analysis of phase 1 of support to LMs • Environmental scans • Financial health survey, based on AG check list

  39. Determination of Training Needs (cont…) OTHER MECHANISMS: • CFO Co-ordinating Committee meetings • Human Resources Managers Forums • Administration Managers Forum • LED Managers Forum • Reports submitted to DIMAFO • Interaction with LMs • In-depth status quo analysis of Ward Committees

  40. Support needs addressed by: • Identifying available funding • Allocating funding to prioritized needs • Addressing unfunded needs through - Interacting with LMs - Facilitating workshops - Learning and sharing forums - Ad hoc support on request

  41. Support needs addressed by: (cont…) • Sourcing additional funding • Establishment of Donor Funding Forum , including donor funding policy & database, to access donor funding … • To supplement equitable share & own revenue sources • To improve budget allocations to municipal programs

  42. Subsidiary Support • Co-ordination of CFO Co-ordinating Committee, HR Managers’ Forum, Administration Managers’ Forum, MSC and DIMAFO meetings • Evaluation of LM priority project business plans to ensure compliance with respective IDPs and cluster funding envelopes

  43. Subsidiary Support (cont…) • Evaluation of LM CMIP business plans to ensure compliance with respective IDPs • Job description writing (ToR) • Identification of MSIG and LGSG as sources of funding and preparation of business plans

  44. LM Support Monitoring Monitoring tools developed to achieve the following objectives: • To inform planning & co-ordination of support activities of functional departments. • To provide quantifiable measures of achievement of support objectives. • To inform on project areas requiring additional focussed and dedicated support.

  45. Key issued for consideration at DIMAFO LMs submit monthly reports for purposes of discussing the following key issues … • Monitoring and evaluation of linkages between IDP and operating and capital budgets • IDP implementation and monitoring • Financial management (i.e. in-year reporting as required by Proclamation R1536)

  46. Key issued for consideration at DIMAFO (cont…) • Preparation, approval and submission of annual reports, financial statements and responses to Auditor-General’s comments • Implementation of free basic services • Political and administrative governance • Public participation and communication • Intergovernmental relations

  47. Thank You

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