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Developing Leadership Diversity

2. Chapter Objectives. Apply an awareness of the dimensions of diversity and multicultural issues in your everyday life.Encourage and support diversity to meet organizational needs.Consider the role of cultural values and attitudes in determining how to deal with employees from different cultures

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Developing Leadership Diversity

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Chapter 11 Developing Leadership Diversity

    2. 2 Chapter Objectives Apply an awareness of the dimensions of diversity and multicultural issues in your everyday life. Encourage and support diversity to meet organizational needs. Consider the role of cultural values and attitudes in determining how to deal with employees from different cultures or ethnic backgrounds. Reduce the difficulties faced by minorities in organizations. Break down your personal barriers that may stand in the way of enhancing your level of diversity awareness and appreciation.

    3. 3 Diversity Workforce Diversity A workforce made up of people with different human qualities or who belong to various cultural groups Diversity Differences among people in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, race, or other dimensions

    4. 4 Interactive Leadership

    5. 5 Social Value Systems Power Distance How much people accept equality in power; high power distance reflects an acceptance of power inequality among institutions, organizations, and individuals. Low power distance means people expect equality in power Uncertainty Avoidance The degree to which members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity and thus support beliefs and behaviors that promise certainty and conformity Individualism A value for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves

    6. 6 Social Value Systems (contd.) Collectivism A preference for a tightly knit social framework in which people look out for one another and organizations protect their members’ interests Masculinity A preference for achievement, heroism, assertiveness, work centrality, and material success Femininity A preference for relationships, cooperation, group decision making, and quality of life

    7. 7 Ex. 11.3 Rank Orderings of 10 Countries Along Four Dimensions of National Value Systems (adapted)

    8. 8 Ethnocentrism

    9. 9 Biculturalism

    10. 10 Glass Ceiling

    11. 11 Ex. 11.5 Evolution of Organizational Diversity Awareness and Action

    12. 12 Diversity Awareness Training

    13. 13 Ex. 11.6 Stages of Personal Diversity Awareness

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