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SCIENCE UPDATE September 1 , 2004

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SCIENCE UPDATE September 1 , 2004

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  1. This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation • In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button • Select “Meeting Minder” • Select the “Action Items” tab • Type in action items as they come up • Click OK to dismiss this box • This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. SCIENCE UPDATESeptember 1, 2004 Presented By: Chris Castillo-Comer Director of Science

  2. The State of Science in Texas • Science is now a part of the accountability system • Science has more funding for science programs • Science has had graduation requirements for science strengthened; • There is a greater emphasis on science teaching and learning across the state; • Partnerships are being strengthened for science CComer

  3. SCIENCE: Significant Changes • Science TEKS have standardized learning and teaching across the state. • Science TAKS has: • Mandated the teaching of Biology, chemistry and physics learning • Increased the rigor of science courses • Increased enrollment in Physics: Texas Physics enrollment is at an all time high: 35%. Texas ties with Illinois and exceeds CA and NY in number of students completing Physics classes. • The Master Science Teacher program is the first of its kind in the nation. CComer

  4. Final Rule to Add Fourth Science Mandate to RHSP and DAP • SBOE by Aug. 1, ’07 must determine that the Legislature has appropriated enough money to pay for a fourth-year mandate and that the added requirement can be successfully implemented. CComer

  5. Entering freshmen 2007; • Graduating class of 2011 • The total number of graduation credits required under both plans remains at 24. • ATTACHMENT III--Text of Proposed New 19 TAC; • Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements • Subchapter F. Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2007-2008 • §74.63. Recommended High School Program. • Science--four credits. One credit must be a biology credit (Biology, Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology). Students must choose two credits from subparagraph (A) and one credit from subparagraph (B) of this paragraph to complete the science requirement. CComer

  6. ATTACHMENT III--Text of Proposed New 19 TAC; Chapter 74. (A) A student must select two credits from the following areas. Not more than one credit may be chosen from each of the areas to satisfy this requirement. (i)Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); (ii)Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry; and (iii)Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics, or IB Physics. CComer

  7. ATTACHMENT III--Proposed New 19 TAC; Chap 74 • (B)After successful completion of a biology course and two credits from IPC, a chemistry course, • and/or a physics course, • a student may select the fourth required credit from any of the following courses: • Geology, Meteorology, and • Oceanography (GMO); • (ii) Environmental Systems; • (iii) Aquatic Science; • (iv) Astronomy; • (v) Anatomy and Physiology of Human Systems; • (vi) AP/IB Biology; • (vii)Chemistry, AP/IB Chemistry; • (viii)Physics, AP/IB Physics; • (ix) AP/IB Environmental Science; and • (x) Scientific Research and Design. CComer

  8. Response to Public Commentary: • The number of responses who favored a fourth year of science was gratifying. • Many schools will not see an increase in costs when implementing the four years of science. • Schools will have at least three years to plan for the changes and recent rigorous expectations have already hastened schools to increase laboratory facilities throughout the state. • The majority of the science courses that will be needed for the fourth credit can be taught by teachers with a composite science certification. • Most schools have adequate staff with these certification requirements already in place. • In addition, most of the science courses needed for the fourth credit will not require a laboratory setting and can be taught in regular classrooms. CComer

  9. DEMOGRAPICS AND TRENDS: Why science is important

  10. Texas DemographicsPersons Per Square Mile CComer

  11. Texas Demographic Trends • Increasing population: • 1990 (16, 986,335) • 2000 (20,851,820) • Estimate for 2030 (33,912,528) • Numerical Increase: 3,865,485 • Percent Increase: 22.8% • Aging Population (Median Age 35 to 38 by 2020) • How did we get all of these people? • 23% International Migration • 19% Domestic Migration • 58% Natural Increase CComer

  12. Increased Urbanization • 41% of the population of Texas lives in 4 counties on 1.8% of the dry land. • 50% of the population of Texas lives in 7 counties on 3.2% of the dry land. • 80% of the population of Texas lives in 40 counties on 15% of the dry land. CComer

  13. Changing Ethnicities: Texas CComer

  14. How We Did Overall Science ’04 Statewide results are preliminary CComer

  15. The Personal Graduation Plan By Law, A High School Personal Graduation Plan Must…. • Identify educational goals for student • Include diagnostic information, monitoring & intervention • Include intensive instruction • Provide innovative methods to promote student’s advancement • Address participation of parent TEC 28.0212, SB 1108, 2003 CComer

  16. Schools must develop interventions for students who need a Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) because of their performance in science… • TEC 28.0212 ..develop and administer a PGP to each student enrolled in MS or HS who: • (1) does not perform satisfactorily on TAKS • (2) is not likely to receive a HS diploma before the fifth school year following the student’s enrollment in grade level nine CComer

  17. Science Class Enrollment CComer

  18. Trends in Science Course Enrollment CComer

  19. Three-Year 157,420 Increase: Largest in Texas History 157,420 Texas Students Enrolled in Higher Education CComer

  20. 88,000+ More Students Enrolled at Two-Year Colleges Health-Related • Two-year colleges enrolled 56% of the increased number of students 1% Two-Year College University Independent CComer

  21. 2005 Hispanic Target Remains a Challenge * Asians are not targeted in the plan. CComer

  22. The percent of students entering from public high schools has remained steady. (44.4%) (44.2%) (44.1%) (43.4%) (43.6%) (44.1%) Percent of Graduating Class

  23. Large increases in the percent of entering students with the Recommended or Above Curriculum 78% 73% 65% 55% 53% 53%

  24. Texas sends fewer students to higher education compared to other states. Source: Measuring Up 2002 – 9th graders in higher ed after 4 years.

  25. Economically Disadvantaged Students are Less Likely to Enroll in Higher Education CComer

  26. What’s Hard to Hear • Most science teaching is ineffective in K-12 • Most students are not learning much science • Teaching and learning science is hard • It does not have a mechanical component like math and reading • Most curriculum materials are not research based and do not help teachers teach or students learn • Only about 1000 hours are available to teach science K-12: 50 hrs/yr in K-5, 100 hrs/yr in 6-12 • --Dr. Nelson, Former Astronaut and Director of AAAS CComer

  27. THE SCIENCE INITIATIVE:What it will bring?

  28. SEDL TAMU CComer

  29. CComer

  30. CComer

  31. New Middle School TAKS Grade 8 Information Booklets now on TEA website: • New Objectives and TEKS that will target by the Middle School TAKS at Grade 8 • Periodic Table and simple formulas • Conversions for reference • TEST Framework included • New Testing Calendar: Science 8 on Wed. Middle school Grade 8 CComer

  32. Master Science Teacher CertificationIncludes $5,000 stipend Program goals: • Recruit, train and mentor science teachers; • Bring teachers together with scientists, mathematicians and engineers to enhance subject matter knowledge and teaching skills; • Develop more rigorous curricula, aligned with challenging state and local standards, and consistent with post secondary expectations; • Effectively integrate technology into the classroom • MST Rules will be set by the Commissioner • SBEC will administer the program • LEVELS: EC-4; 4-8; 8-12 CComer

  33. NEW! $200,000 Grants for STRANDS Project and Texas Parks and Wildlife “PARK-NERSHIPS” Project SEDL Contract: Haidee Williams RFP’s to go out mid-November ‘05 CComer

  34. Teacher Quality Grants • Joint effort between TEA and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, with two types of awards for 2004-2005. • Type A Teacher Quality grants are awards for up to $300,000 for the development of uniform, teacher training modules for the mathematics and science courses for teachers of grades 6 – 12.  • A total of 6 awards (for a total of $3.6 million) for partnerships to develop each of the science modules: Middle School Science Parts I (grades 6-7) and II (Grade 8); Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and IPC. CComer

  35. IPC MODULE: Dr. Andrea Foster University of Houston COE - Dept of Curr 256 Farish Hall Houston, Tx77204-5027 PH: 713-743-4951 FAX: 713-743-4951 asfoster@uh.edu CHEMISTRY MODULE: Dr. Bob Blake Texas Tech University MS 1061Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2607 20th St. Lubbock, TX 79410 PH: 806-742-4200 FAX: 806-742-1289 bob.blake@ttu.edu BIOLOGY MODULE: Dr. Molly Weinburgh Texas Christian University Box 297920 Fort Worth, TX 76129 PH: 817-257-6115 FAX: 817-257-5525 m.Weinburgh@tcu.edu PHYSICS MODULE: Dr. Jim Barifaldi University of Texas Science Education Center SZB 340 Austin, TX 78712-1294 PH: 512-471-9460 FAX: 512-471-9244 kjbeily@mail.utexas.edu/jbeily Science Teacher Quality Module DevelopmentType A Grant Recipients: GRADE 6-7 MODULE: Dr. Sandra West Texas State University 601 University Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 PH: 512-245-3360 FAX: 512-245-8713 sw04@txstate.edu GRADE 8 MODULE: Dr. Linda Hodges University of North Texas P O Box 305280 Denton, TX 76203-5280 Ph: 940-565-4450 Fax: 940-565-4425 Lhodges@coe.unt.edu

  36. These initial versions of the science modules were due to the SBOE for review and approval by May 31, 2004, as called for by the Request for Proposal (RFP) from the Joint TEA/THECB Committee, and as called for by the Joint Plan submitted to the Governor’s Office and the Legislative Budget Board in 2003. • This very short timeline also called for adjustments and refinements to the materials to be made by August, 2004.  Many have had the opportunity to preview these initial versions and each science module covers in the TEKS for its particular grade level and subject area. • I also expect that these teacher training materials will be of significant assistance to science teachers and school districts as they prepare to meet the requirements of the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT, by helping to ensure that all teachers are highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. • Finally, the subsequent use of the modules as training materials for science teachers across the state will be a joint effort by colleges and universities, school districts, and region service centers. CComer

  37. CComer

  38. Type B Grants • Abilene Christian University-Chemistry • Blinn College-Grade 8 • Jarvis Christian College-Gr. 6&7 • Lamar University-Biology • Our Lady of the Lake University-Physics; Chemistry • Rice University-Gr. 6&7 • Texas A&M University, Commerce-Chemistry • Texas A&M University-Texarkana-IPC • Texas Christian University-Biology • Texas State University-Gr. 6&7 • Texas Tech University-Chemistry • Texas Wesleyan University-Gr. 6&7 • University of Houston-Victoria-IPC; Gr. 6&7 • University of North Texas-Gr. 6&7;Gr. 8;Physics • University of Texas at Arlington-Physics • University of Texas at Dallas-Gr. 6&-7; IPC • University of Texas at Tyler-Gr. 6&7 • University of Texas-Pan American-Physics • University of the Incarnate Word-Gr. 8;IPC • Wayland Baptist University-IPC CComer

  39. Example of class summary report teachers can create after administering a diagnostic to students. Report summarizes individual student performance by Science strand and aggregate class performance The Texas Science Portal And Diagnostic has been funded! CComer

  40. GirlStart Program • Encourage females to take rigorous science courses that will lead to science careers • Provide professional development for pre-service and in-service teachers and provide technology to support improved science instruction… • 400-500 In-service Teacher Training at: • CAST and 3 area Mini-casts • 400-500 Pre-service Teacher Training at: • San Antonio, Dallas, El Paso, and Houston areas in cooperation with IHE • Service to children at 10 statewide events CComer

  41. Teacher Quality Grants for Elementary Teachersthrough the Texas Regional Collaboratives:2.2 Million Dollars 20 Area Trainings: Elementary Workshops Bridging II TAKS Module 2: Tools to Teach Science Professional Development Academies for Elementary Teachers CComer

  42. University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center • NEW! TEA SCIENCE Funding $1.9 Million • TEXTEAMS ACADEMIES FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ACROSS THE STATE Target-Students not successful at: • TAKS Exit Level • TAKS Grade 10 • Science classes needed for graduation Trainers: Donna Wise: IPC • Lisa Duvall: Biology • MS TAKS Chart and Formula Chart at CAST • Also will unveil MS TEKS Charts CComer

  43. MEETING CHALLENGES: How to improve

  44. Available from TEA: • TAKS Science Information Booklets • TEKS Science in English and Spanish • TAK Science released tests • TAKS science item analysis • Science Study Guides: • Grade 10 and Grade 11 • Guidelines for Field Experiences Brochure • Science and the Counselor • High School • Middle School • Latest Science TAKS PowerPoint K-12 • Data and Analysis CComer

  45. Revised Information Booklets now on TEA website: • New samples are included that were reviewed by teacher committees • Revisions to clarify TAKS process http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student. assessment/taks/booklets/index.html CComer

  46. TAKS Released tests • Now available online at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/release/taks/index.html CComer

  47. Online TAKS tests and State Item Analysis • Now available at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student. assessment/resources/release/index. html#2003 CComer

  48. TAKS Scale Score Reports • Now available online at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/ student.assessment/scoring/ convtables/2004/index.html CComer

  49. Resources to Explore: Science Grade 11 Exit Level Benchmarking items TRACK PROJECT: http://www.telecampus.utsystem.edu/ecea/ecea1.htm CComer

  50. CComer

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