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Brinson Memorial Elementary School’s Vision

Thank You for all that you have done! Congratulations on a fantastic school year! We have a lot to celebrate. Brinson Memorial Elementary School’s Vision. Brinson Memorial Elementary School will be the highest performing elementary school in North Carolina.

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Brinson Memorial Elementary School’s Vision

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  1. Thank You for all that you have done!Congratulations on a fantastic school year! We have a lot to celebrate.

  2. Brinson Memorial Elementary School’s Vision • Brinson Memorial Elementary School will be the highest performing elementary school in North Carolina

  3. Brinson Memorial Elementary School’s Mission • Brinson Memorial, in partnership with families and communities, will provide opportunities for all students to reach their highest potential and become responsible citizens in a global society

  4. 21st Century Content -Core Content -Entrepreneurial -Global Awareness -Health and Wellness -Financial Literacy -Information and -Economic Literacy Communication -Business Literacy Technology -Civic Literacy

  5. 21st Century Skills Skills (The 4 C’s) Collaboratation Communication Creativity Crticial Thinking

  6. Future Ready Students for the 21st Century The guiding mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century. www.21stcenturyskills.org

  7. ELA and Math Common Core Transition Plan • Essential Standards for Social Studies will be taught this year • ELA and Math will be taught and tested in the 2012 -2013 school year • “Begin with the End in Mind (Covey)”-What will your 45 day plans look like by June of 2012 as your prepare for the next school year • How will you house your new resources for future lesson planning?

  8. Celebrate Our Facilico TeamHead Day Porter-Austin MitchellHead Night Porter-Kimothy Mclaurin

  9. Welcome our new Title I Teacher • Melissa White

  10. Welcome Our Staff Members in their  New Teams • Michelle Sheaffer - new member of the 3rd grade team • Cathy Rock -new member of the 4th grade team

  11. Welcome Our New Members of the  Bus Driving Team  • Alton Kinsey-EC Monitor • Barbara Dixon • Shannon Lee – EC BUS • Teresa Green- PM

  12. Welcome our New 1st Grade Team Member! Jill Grant

  13. Welcome Our New 2nd Grade Team Member! Kimberly Valenti

  14. Welcome Our New 5th Grade Team Member! Michele Owens

  15. Cabinet Kathy Barber-co-facilitator K-2 Reading-Linda Edwards 3-5 Reading-Ashley Fillingame Math-Kathy Barber Safety Standards-Gregg Carlaccini

  16. Cabinet • Safe and Inviting-Sherri Grubbs • Drop Out Goal Team-Debbie Hunter • Title I and FastForword-Stacey Dimattia • Media Technology and Information-Mary Batten

  17. Cabinet Vote • Please complete the cabinet vote on my admin wiki on the Cabinet page • This is due by 3:00 on Friday, August 19th

  18. Grade Level Chairs • EC-Kathy Pike • Resource-Sherri Grubbs • Kindergarten-Jan Hemphill • 1st Grade-Katie Hiligan • 2nd Grade-Dawn Jones • 3rd Grade-Betsy Gatchel • 4th Grade-Ginny Mangum • 5th Grade-Roberta Ebron

  19. National Board Certified Teachers and or Master’s Degrees Currently we have 9 teachers with their Boards! District average is 6 and at the state level 5  Please Stand at this time

  20. Master’s and Teacher’s Degrees • 27% of our staff have their advanced degree (49 certified staff) 13 teachers! • 26% at the district level • 27% at the state level *Jill Grant and Ryan Hill received their Teaching degrees this past fall

  21. International Society for Technology in EducationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania June 26th-June 29th

  22. Professional Learning Network -3rd Grade and their Teacher and Student Wikis -BME Techspot -Facilitating Summer Professional Development for future 1:1 programs -BME’s 3rd grade Wiki that was shared with people all over the world

  23. “If there is anything that the research community agrees on, it is this: The right kind of continuous, structured teacher collaboration improves the quality of teaching and pays big, often immediate, dividends in student learning and professional morale in virtually any setting.” DeFour

  24. Ensuring That Students Learn It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change

  25. Ensuring that all students learn critical corollary questions • What is it we expect them to learn? • How will we know when they have learned it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn? • How will we respond when they already know it?

  26. Group IQ “While a group can be no smarter than the sum total of the knowledge and skills of its members, it can be much “dumber” if its internal workings don’t allow people to share their talents.” Robert Sternberg (1988)

  27. Collaborate What? What do students need to learn and be able to do? How do we know students are learning it? What will we do if the students have not learned it? What will we do if students have learned it? congeniality and focus on building group camaraderie consensus on operational issues discipline, technology, social climate, field trips, attendance, tardies

  28. They quickly learn which teammate has been particularly effective in teaching a certain skill. The others replicate the effective practice!

  29. Professional Learning Communities Excuses! They are allOURstudents. RESULTS Focused!

  30. Teacher Assistants and EC Caregiver • Connie Faircloth -TA with Jan Hemphill • Tammy Whitley -TA with Jill Grant • Tameka Strayhorn –TA with Nikki Manning • Shirley Blount -TA with 2nd grade • Kimberly Lassiter -4th/5th EC Caregiver with Jennifer Turner

  31. Kagan Trained Teachers -27 out of 31 (87%) trained in Kagan -100%-Celebrate 2nd, 3rd and EC Teams -Next steps: Developing new structures for 2011-2012 -Principal Expectation: 100% of grades 1-5 students will be placed into Kagan flexible groups by October 3rd, 2011. Kindergarten students should be placed into Kagan groups by October 24th

  32. Formative Assessment’s Critical Features • There are five attributes that have been identified from the literature as critical features of effective formative assessment: • Learning Progression • Learning Goals and Criteria for Success • Descriptive Feedback • Self and Peer Assessment • Collaboration

  33. NC DPI-Professional Learning Community (State and District Initiative) • 5 Modules completed during school year • Passwords distributed to staff • All certified staff required to complete • District Reading Goal Team will meet monthly to monitor and provide support for schools • We will utilize S Days and PW (now Professional Development) Days • Aug. 24th, Oct. 31st, Jan. 20th, Mar. 30th and June 8th

  34. DPI Modules • Call for Change • Understanding the Standards • Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy • Formative Assessment-NC Falcon • Developing Local Curricula • NC Professional Teaching Standards and the Evaluation Tool

  35. Brinson’s PLC-District and School Initiated • Common Core Transition • Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children, Fountas and Pinnell • Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work: New Insights for Improving Schools, DuFour, DuFour, Eaker • Administrative Wiki • DPI Modules

  36. Inclusion Model Teachers • Kindergarten-Jan Hemphill • 1st grade-Nikki Smith • 3rd grade-Ashley Fillingame • LD Resource for 1st and 3rd-Kathy Pike • LD Resource for 4-5-Sarah Everhart (part-time)

  37. BME Administrative Wiki • How to navigate, utilize and download information • Paperless tool • Professional Learning Community • Teacher and Student Resources

  38. Craven County SchoolsDistrict EOG Trend DataSource: ABCSummary Report (Preliminary 2011) Preliminary

  39. Craven County SchoolsCOMPOSITE PRELIMINARYPerformance Results 2007-2008 thru 2010-201164% or16 of 25 schools increased

  40. Craven County SchoolsMATHPRELIMINARYPerformance Results 2007-2008 thru 2010-2011Grades 3-875% or15 of 20 increased High School Math is based on AYP data (pending)

  41. Craven County SchoolsREADINGPRELIMINARYPerformance Results 2007-2008 thru 2010-2011Grades 3-855% or11 of 20 increasedHigh School Reading is based on AYP data (pending)

  42. Craven County SchoolsSCIENCEPRELIMINARYPerformance Results 2007-2008 thru 2010-2011Grades 3-865% or 13 of 20 increased

  43. Craven County SchoolsABC Growth PRELIMINARYPerformance Results 2007-2008 thru 2010-2011

  44. Craven County Schools Overall Growth Sorted by Growth Average

  45. Craven County Schools Composite Comparison 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 Sorted by 2011 Percent Proficient Congratulations, BME: Honor School of Excellence! Congratulations, Trent Park Elementary 11.9 increase!

  46. 4 out 15 elementary schools met high growth

  47. 4th out of 20 schools in Math growth

  48. Brinson Memorial Elementary2010-2011 • Honor School of Excellence with High • High Growth the past four years • 100% (13 out of 13) targets met • Overall composite 91.6% • 2nd out of 15 elementary schools

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