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UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY Doinita Ariton Associate professor

UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY Doinita Ariton Associate professor Head of Interinstitutional Centre for Consulting and Professional Guidance.

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UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY Doinita Ariton Associate professor

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  1. UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY Doinita Ariton Associate professor Head of Interinstitutional Centre for Consulting and Professional Guidance ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  2. CICOP(Interinstitutional Centre for Consulting and Professional Guidance) is a result of Phare 2000 Economic and Social Cohesion Program, project “Strategies for professional insertion of disadvantages people on the market labour”, identification cod: RO.0007., having as main objective to define and elaborate of counselling services for unemployed people, students, graduates and not only; achieving the competence report for all interested persons. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  3. The co-founders of this department are: • Local Council, • County Council, • AIESEC, • Local Agency for unemployment (AJOFM Galati) • Le Havre University – Formation Continue. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  4. CICOP’s specific objectives are: • The professional, economic and legal counselling of people regarding the different opportunities and possible variants of professional evolution. • The development of entrepreneurial spirit and free initiative, of adaptation at new situations. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  5. CICOP’s activities: • analyzes the formation needs and a better cooperation between university specializations, occupational classified list and labour market • monitories the way of graduates’ insertion on labour market • achieving the competence report for interested persons ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  6. New projects (implementation phase): • “From competence to formative credit: creation of models and instruments for the elaboration of common and shared professional standards of the education-training-work” system - CERTISKILLS, I/03/B/F/PP-154/91, promoter: Confartigianato Formazione CNIPA Umbria, Perugia, Italia • Right Person for Right Job – RIPERIJO(A/02/B/F/PP/124.208 ) – courses for trainers in professional orientation • Career Counselling in Lifelong Learning Using New ICT (VIRCOUNS) approach & Tools, (PT/04/B/F/PP-159035) - dissemination ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  7. Products/results expected: • 40 “competency dictionaries” on paper (publication) and computer (Cd rom) • U.C. for the competence contained in the 40 “dictionaries” on paper and digital media (Cd rom) • Training standards for the U.C. identified at the previous phase on paper and digital media (Cd rom) • Competence based planning manual on paper and Cd rom • 10 training plans on paper and digital media • Software (including tutorials) for competence based planning ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  8. Competence: Being capable to identify the clients needs and realize the standard program Abilities (2) • high communication abilities • planning capacity • organizing capacity • ability to put into practice the knowledge accumulated during the faculty, and preparation courses done by the company • IT elements of softwarecombining for problem solving ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  9. A scenario envisaging the presence of a series of “banks” where the “skill-based resource” could be stored and managed for the benefit of the entire network of public and private subjects: • a bank of vocational skills relating to the various sectors of economic/business activity; • a bank of “skill portfolios” pertaining to individuals; • a bank of required skills; • a bank of the training offer, organised according to skill units which can be capitalised. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  10. Project Proposal MASTER MESLOS European Master on Regional and Local Sustainable Development ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  11. FP 6 – PROJECT –SMEs Virtual Platform on Agro-Food Sector to access the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme – SPAS - ETI-CT-2005/023339 Co-ordinator organisation name: BESEL, S. A. ECEE (European Centre of Excellence For the Environment) ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  12. FP 6 – PROJECT –SMEs Virtual Platform on Agro-Food Sector to access the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme – SPAS - ETI-CT-2005/023339 The main objective of the underlying Coordination Action is the creation of an international network of organisations capable to give a mentoring service to SMEs working in the agro-food sector, providing them opportunities to participate in the FP6 and FP7. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  13. FP 6 – PROJECT –SMEs Virtual Platform on Agro-Food Sector to access the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme – SPAS - ETI-CT-2005/023339 The project starts with the homogenization of activities and will develop a Best Practice Guide for trans-regional co-operation in order to encourage and guide SMEs towards the most appropriate instruments, in particular IPs and NoEs in the FP6 and further advances produced in the FP7. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  14. FP 6 – PROJECT –SMEs Virtual Platform on Agro-Food Sector to access the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme – SPAS - ETI-CT-2005/023339 The project starts with the homogenization of activities and will develop a Best Practice Guide for trans-regional co-operation in order to encourage and guide SMEs towards the most appropriate instruments, in particular IPs and NoEs in the FP6 and further advances produced in the FP7. ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  15. FP 6 – PROJECT – SMEs Virtual Platform on Agro-Food Sector to access the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme – SPAS - ETI-CT-2005/023339 • Identify SME requirement in Romania. • Clustering. • Assist 350 SMEs in Romania. • Involvement of NIS countries (INCO dimension) using geographical position of ECEE (eastern Romania) but also the partnership in the region (ECEE is member of black sea club containing all the countries from black sea basin with competence in innovation and development field ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  16. Projects proposed for this year – till now: • @ZAPPING - provide on line support through the selection of e-learning paths for some professional profiles; classification of learning objects according to some main topics; access to on line services; information etc…- promoter Tuscany Region, Calls for proposals DG EAC/23/05 - eLearning Programme, Transversal Action • Education and Training on Food Safety – Key Elements for Reducing Health Costs (EDU_TRAIN_FOOD_SAFETY) - Budgetline 22.02.06 ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

  17. THANK YOU! ARISE - 7 octombrie 2005

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