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Explore the initiatives at Rock Creek Elementary School focusing on enhancing the school climate and student recognition, from assemblies and awards to conflict mediators and legacy projects.
Annual Ad Hoc Student Discipline Review Committee & Recommendations 2008-2009 SCHOOL: Rock Creek Elementary School COMMITTEE MEMBERS:Terry Wagner-Rasmussen, Chelsea Rambo, Fritz Gere, Kathy Kurtzman, Lisa Paris, Melissa Flatt, Tiffany Sanyang, Tonyia Cairns(parent), Misty Johnston (parent), Marianne Sager, John Schuster MEETING DATE(S):May 18, 2009
OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS WHICH FOCUS ON ENHANCING A POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE AND STUDENT RECOGNITION . . . • Rock Creek has numerous programs in place at each grade level to enhance positive school climate and school attachment. Here are just a few extra focuses this school year… • 5th Grade Recognition- Monthly assemblies to recognize students, includes awards for: academic achievement, habit of mind, teacher recognition, principal recognition, and evidence of empathy. • It’s a Girl Thing (3rd, 4th & 5th)- Weekly class held during lunch recess to teach skills to help reduce relational aggression. (SPACE skills, Ladders of Inference, Responses to Putdowns, Problem-Solving & Empathy, etc.) • Conflict Mediators (4th & 5th)- Fourth and fifth grade students participated in a zero hour class in which they learned effective problem solving and conflict management skills applied to school and home. Some of the students continued to train and qualified to become Recess Conflict Mediators, providing assistance to Playground Supervisors for first and second grade recess. • Second Step- (K-5th) Social Worker is available to help support and model Second Step Lessons for classrooms.
OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS WHICH FOCUS ON ENHANCING A POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE AND STUDENT RECOGNITION . . . • Weekly Target Behavior- Announced during morning announcements and posted outside of Eagles’ Nest. • Second Step- Social Worker available to help support and model Second Step Lessons for classrooms. • Rock Creek Legacy Program- What is YOUR legacy? Student Leadership Team produced a segment on RCNN to promote students school-wide to write what they want their legacies to be when they leave Rock Creek. Classrooms were invited to do written legacy assignments that can be submitted to the Eagles’ Nest to be posted around the school. Students are randomly selected to read their legacy over the intercom. Students struggling with behavior choices are also assigned to writing a legacy and finding a way to make the positive legacy come alive. • Principal Visibility- Mr. Gere has made himself very visible and available to students. This is also a boost to school climate.
OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS WHICH FOCUS ON ENHANCING A POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE AND STUDENT RECOGNITION . . . • Terry & Rambo Groups (1st through 5th)- Students were invited (bi-weekly) based on individual climate survey data, as well as staff recommendations. Group lessons are focused on effective skills for conflict resolution, handling feelings, making friends, and coping with stress. • Mileage Monday- PTSA program that promotes connectedness and exercise. This is a very successful program that fills the field with students running laps every Monday at lunch recess (Fall & Spring). Prizes and recognition are awarded. • RCNN- Bi-monthly program that broadcasts news and special recognition around the building for K-5th grades. Social skills and school expectations are also highlighted during RCNN broadcasts. This program is produced, filmed and run by Rock Creek students. • Lunch Bunch- Weekly teacher selected groups who eat lunch with Ms. Rambo and participate in a social skill activity.
OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS WHICH FOCUS ON ENHANCING A POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE AND STUDENT RECOGNITION . . . • Alternative Recess- Eagles’ Nest option throughout the school year as an alternative to playground activities for those students who need quiet activities. • Problem-Solving Team- This team meets bi-weekly to problem-solve individual student situations (behavioral and/or academic) based on teacher referral. Team brainstorms ways to support the student in the general education setting. • Spirit Assemblies- This year’s focus was Empathy. Each grade level participated in an assembly, including awards for students who demonstrate empathy. Student Leadership Team led the empathy skit in the assemblies. • Positive Principal/Dean Phone Calls- Staff periodically submitted positive student recognition referrals to the principal and dean for positive phone calls home. • A more extensive list of positive programs can be provided upon request.
OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS WHICH FOCUS ON ENHANCING A POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE AND STUDENT RECOGNITION . . . • School-wide Recognition (Eagle Feathers & Eagle Wings)- We hold monthly drawings for students to win prizes for Eagle Feathers. Eagle Wings recognize classrooms for doing a great job as a community. • Acts of Kindness recognition from students on Student Leadership Team- Student Leadership Team (4th & 5th grade) developed a plan for noticing positive behaviors around the playground, includes a slip for the child to take home as recognition. • Other suggestions to discuss further next year include: • School Spirit Assemblies- 2 or 3 targets for each grade level next year • Parent Volunteers to Facilitate Organized Games • Increased Responsibility for Student Leadership Team • Assigned Instructional Support Group for students who show a pattern of aggressive-type behaviors • RTI school-wide plan • Class Meetings and Love & Logic Study Groups for Teachers • Increase Positive Principal & Dean Phone Calls • Intentional Positive Recognition at recess by adults (bi-monthly “adopt a student) • RCNN Segment added to recognize positive student behaviors
Climate Survey • One of our site plan goals is for 90% (or more) of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 to report affirmatively on questions related to liking school, feeling cared for by staff, and feeling safe at school. • Rock Creek is currently working on implementing a Climate Survey for grades 3-5 to compare with our survey from Fall 2008. It will be completed by mid-June. We will use the data to help us determine the next steps for supporting students in the 2009-10 school year. • The Climate Survey data will also help us determine a list of students to include in support groups, such as Terry & Rambo’s bi-weekly groups. • The data will also help us determine spirit assembly skill targets for next school year.
STUDENT DISCIPLINE TRENDS • The two areas that stand out as trends in our monthly problem-solving data include: aggressive behavior and peer relationship problems. • We have started implementing an assigned instructional support group for students showing a pattern in the area of aggressive behaviorthis school year. Next year this group will focus further on strategies for handling frustrations and conflict in more appropriate ways. • Peer relationship problems will continue to be addressed in “It’s a Girl Thing” since the majority of our data reflects that girls are commonly involved in these conflicts. We will start groups for grades 3rd-5th by mid-September of 2009. • Next year, we will also continue to help teachers increase the effective use of class meetings to help handle peer relationship problems within the classroom. • Second Step support will also be offered to increase social skill efficacy in students.
RECOMMENDED SANCTION CHART REVISIONS • We have no suggested revisions for the Sanction Chart at this time.