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Benefits of the Cross. Holy Spirit A. Salvation 1. Romans 5:12 (THE NEED) 2. John 3:16 (THE SOLUTION) Acts 4:12 3. Romans 10:8-10 (How to apply the solution) 4. Ephesians 2:8-9 (It is a gift) 5. John 1:12 (You have a right to this gift) 6. Sinner’s Prayer
Benefits of the Cross Holy Spirit A. Salvation 1. Romans 5:12 (THE NEED) 2. John 3:16 (THE SOLUTION) Acts 4:12 3. Romans 10:8-10 (How to apply the solution) 4. Ephesians 2:8-9 (It is a gift) 5. John 1:12 (You have a right to this gift) 6. Sinner’s Prayer B. Assurance of Salvation 1. Romans 10:8-10 2. Ephesians 2:8-9 3. 1 John 4:15 4. 1 John 1:9 5. Romans 8:1
Benefits of the Cross C. Restoration to Fellowship 1. God is NOT mad at you!!! [1 John 1:9] 2. Go to the Father in the name of Jesus. It has NOTHING to do with how you feel! [1 John 2:1] D. Rededication and Who We Are in Christ 1. 2 Corinthians 5:17 2. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 3. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 4. Romans 8:37 5. Galatians 3:26-29 E. The Holy Spirit and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit 1. There are two distinct operations of the Holy Spirit: a. The Holy Spirit Within [John 14:16-17] b. The Holy Spirit Upon [John 7:37-38]
Holy Spirit and Righteousness 2. When you are born again, you have the Holy Spirit within! a. After the resurrection, the New Birth was available [John 20:22] b. [John 14:17] c. [Romans 8:6] d. [Romans 8:9] e. We belong to Jesus at the New Birth! We have the Spirit! 3. The Holy Spirit within us also helps to develop our character. We can see this in Galatians 5:22-23 (Fruit of the Spirit). 4. The Holy Spirit upon us gives us power to serve. We can see this in 1 Cor. 12:8-10 (Gifts/Manifestations of the Spirit). 5. The Father wants us to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit – or the New Birth plus the H.S. baptism [Acts 8:12- 17].
Holy Spirit and Righteousness 6. Learn this about the H.S. in the New Birth: a. There must be constant renewals of the Spirit [2 Cor. 4:16; Ephesians 3:16] b. This is done: 1. Through fellowshipping with the Lord daily 2. by praying daily, and 3. by reading God’s Word daily! 7. We must walk in the Spirit [Galatians 5:16] a. To walk means to habitually order our behavior in the realm of the Fruit of the Spirit. b. We have this fruit at the time we are born again (at the New Birth). They are manifested as we stay connected to the Vine [John 15:4-5]. c. In doing this, comes as understanding of the way of the Spirit.
Holy Spirit and Righteousness 8. In order to walk in all the blessings of God, we must receive the fullness of the H.S. as did Jesus [1 John 2:6]. a. Matthew 3:16 b. Luke 4:18 c. Acts 1:8 9. There is a Seven-Fold Manifestation of the Holy Spirit “Upon” [Isaiah 11:1-3] a. Spirit of Wisdom: Insight to accomplish the will of God completely, to the minutest detail, without turning to the right or the left. 1. John 8:29 2. Matthew 16:21-23 3. Matthew 4:3-11 b. Spirit of Understanding: Knowledge of the Scrip- tures. Jesus did not go to a seminary or formal schooling – the H.S. taught Him.
Holy Spirit and Righteousness 1. Luke 4:32 2. Matthew 7:28-29 3. John 7:14-15 c. Spirit of Counsel: The ability to share wisdom and knowledge at the right time, and in the right way. 1. Isaiah 50:4(a) 2. John 4:7-9, 28-30, 39-45* *Jesus told her about salvation first, not her sins, al- though He did mention her sins in a way that helped her. Because of the timing and the right way, MANY BELIEVED! d. Spirit of Might, Power, and Ability: Miracles performed be- cause of the Holy Spirit “upon.” 1. Matthew 12:28 [cast out devils] 2. Mark 5:22-24, 35-42 [raise the dead] 3. Matthew 12:15 [heal the sick]
Holy Spirit and Righteousness e. Spirit of the Knowledge of God: the ability to have personal and intimate fellowship with the Father. 1. Isaiah 50:4(b) 2. Luke 5:15-16 3. Luke 6:12 [private fellowship] 4. Luke 9:8 [all-night fellowship] 5. Mark 1:35 f. Spirit of the Fear of the Lord: Respect, awe, reverence, obedience, and sensitivity toward the Father. 1. Proverbs 8:13 2. 1 John 3:8 3. Luke 22:41-44 4. John 8:29 g. Spirit of Delight in the Fear of the Lord: Quick discern- ment and intuitive* knowledge of every situation. *The direct knowing or learning something w/out conscious use of reasoning.
Holy Spirit and Righteousness • Righteousness – Law, Grace, Baptism A. Righteousness (Defined): The ability to stand in God’s presence without the feeling of guilt and condemnation or without having an unworthy or inferiority consciousness. It is a revelation of who you are in Christ [save from wrath – Romans 5:8-9]. B. What Happened to Us? [2 Corinthians 5:17] 1. In Christ, we are brand new creations of God that never existed before. 2. The old man (the sin natured man) is passed away. 3. As we learn to accept our place in God, the guilt, condemna- tion, and impurity will pass away. C. How Did We Become Righteous? [2 Corinthians 5:21] 1. At Calvary, Jesus became sin for us. He was and is the Son of God and He was without sin. 2. We took Jesus’ righteousness, and He took our sin. This is known as The Great Exchange.
Holy Spirit and Righteousness 3. This is God’s grace and favor to the world. 4. Jesus did not deserve our sin, and we did not deserve His righteousness [Romans 5:6]. D. How Do We Receive His Righteousness? [Romans 3:21-22] 1. It is by faith, and not by works (there is no amount of work we can do on our own to obtain righteousness). a. Romans 4:5-6 b. Romans 3:20 c. Justified means righteous 2. Many Christians are still doing good works or deeds to gain acceptance with God, not realizing that we are already accepted if we are in Christ! a. Matthew 5:20 b. Titus 3:4-7 3. The moment a person puts his or her trust in Jesus, God justifies (makes righteous) that person. 4. Righteousness is a free gift [Rom. 3:24] – you can’twork for it!
Holy Spirit and Righteousness E. What is Righteousness? Righteousness is our relationship or standing as sons and daughters of God through Jesus Christ. It is not to be confused with our fellowship with the Father [1 John 1:1- 10]. A. If we fall into sin, we remain God’s children. This is because we have a relationship with the Father. B. However, our daily walk with Him – our fellowship with Him – is hindered. C. If your child disobeyed you, he or she is still your child! However, the communication or fellowship that you had with your child is strained! D. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:9]. WHATEVER YOU DID WRONG, HE WILL FORGIVE YOU!
Holy Spirit and Righteousness F. Righteousness is a Force 1. The Work of Righteousness is Peace [Isaiah 32:17-18] – Harmonious Accord [Romans 5:1]. No longer will you be afraid that God is against you or waiting for a reason to punish you. 2. The Effect of Righteousness is Quietness and Assurance [Isaiah 32:17]. Rest and calmness will result as we assured of answered prayer [1 John 5:14]. 3. Righteousness Dispels Fear and Oppression [Isaiah 54:14-15] You will have no fear of the enemy when you realize your righteousness. You will be fearless before the devices of the enemy and with God in you, nothing evil can successfully prevail against you [Isaiah 54:17].
The Benefits of Righteousness LawGrace Sin Consciousness Righteousness Servants of God Sons of God Works Faith Continual Animal Sacrifices Lamb of God – Once 4 All Guilt and Condemnation Assurance and Peace Physical Death Life Eternal Fear of God Boldness to Approach Throne Law of Moses (Fear) Law of Love (Joy in Serving) Debtors (Owe God) Free (To Serve God) Limited Favor Unmerited Favor