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Approximate List-Decoding and Uniform Hardness Amplification

Approximate List-Decoding and Uniform Hardness Amplification. Russell Impagliazzo (UCSD) Ragesh Jaiswal (UCSD) Valentine Kabanets (SFU). Hardness Amplification. f. F. Hard function. Harder function. Given a hard function we can get an even harder function. Hardness. {0, 1} n. {0, 1} n.

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Approximate List-Decoding and Uniform Hardness Amplification

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  1. Approximate List-Decoding and Uniform Hardness Amplification Russell Impagliazzo (UCSD) Ragesh Jaiswal (UCSD) Valentine Kabanets (SFU)

  2. Hardness Amplification f F Hard function Harder function • Given a hard function we can get an even harder function

  3. Hardness {0, 1}n {0, 1}n s f δ.2n • A function f is called δ-hard for circuits of size s (Algorithm with running time t), if any circuit of size s (Algorithm with running time t)makes mistake in predicting the function on at least δ fraction of the inputs

  4. XOR Lemma {0, 1}nk {0, 1}n f fk f f f 0/1 k XOR 0/1 fk:{0, 1}nk {0, 1} fk(x1,…, xk) = f(x1)  …  f(xk) • XOR Lemma: If f is δ-hard for size s circuits, then fk is (1/2 - ε)-hard for size s’ circuits (ε = e-Ω(δk), s’ = s·poly(δ, ε))

  5. XOR Lemma Proof: Ideal case C (which computes fkfor at least (½ + ε) fraction of inputs) A whp C (which computes f for at least (1 - δ) fraction of inputs)

  6. XOR Lemma Proof A “lesser” nonuniform reduction C (which computes fkfor at least (½ + ε) fraction of inputs) A Advice (|Advice|=poly(1/ε)) whp C1 Cl C (which computes f for at least (1 - δ) fraction of inputs) One of them computes f for at least (1 - δ) fraction of inputs l = 2|Advice| = 2poly(1/ε)

  7. Optimal List Size • Question: What is the reduction in the list size we should target? • A good combinatorial answer using error correcting codes C A whp C1 Cl

  8. XOR-based Code [T03] Think of a binary message msg on M=2n bits as a truth-table of a Boolean function f. The code of msg is of length Mk where code(x1,…,xk) = f(x1)  …  f(xk) x (|x| = n) msg f(x) x = (x1, …, xk) code f(x1)  …  f(xk)

  9. List Decoder ≈(1/2 + ) m c w XOR Encoding Decoding channel m1,…,ml ≈ (1 - δ) • Decoder • Local • Approximate • List Information theoretically l should be O(1/2)

  10. The List Size • The proof of Yao’s XOR Lemma yields an • approximate local list-decoding algorithm for • the XOR-code defined above • But the list size is 2poly(1/) rather than the • optimal poly(1/) • Goal:Match the information theoretic bound • on list-decoding i.e. get advice of length • log(1/)

  11. The Main Result

  12. The Main Result C((½ + ε)-computes fk) A Advice(|Advice| = log(1/ε)) whp C ((1 - δ)-computes f) • ε = poly(1/k),δ = O(k-0.1) • Running time of A and size of C is at most poly(|C|, 1/ε)

  13. The Main Result C((½ + ε)-computes fk) A w.p. poly(ε) C ((1 - δ)-computes f) • ε = poly(1/k),δ = O(k-0.1) • Running time of A and size of C is at most poly(|C|, 1/ε)

  14. The Main Result C((½ + ε)-computes fk) • We get a list size of poly(1/ε) • … which is optimal but… • ε is large: ε = poly(1/k) Advice(|Advice| = log(1/ε)) A A’ w.p. poly(ε) whp C ((1 - δ)-computes f) Cl C1 l = poly(1/ε) At least one of them (1 - ρ)-computes f Advice efficient XOR Lemma

  15. Uniform Hardness Amplification

  16. Uniform Hardness Amplification • What we want f hard wrt BPP g harder wrt BPP • What we get Advice efficient XOR Lemma f hard wrt BPP/log g harder wrt BPP

  17. Uniform Hardness Amplification • What we can do: [BDCGL92] f Є NP: hard wrt BPP f’ Є NP: hard wrt BPP/log Advice efficient XOR Lemma Simple average-case reduction g Є PNP||:harder wrt BPP h Є PNP||:hard wrt BPP g Є ??harder wrt BPP 1/nc ½ - 1/nd • g not necessarily Є NP but g Є PNP|| • PNP||: poly-time TM which can make polynomially many • parallel Oracle queries to an NP oracle Trevisan gives a weaker reduction (from 1/nc to (1/2 – 1/(log n)α) hardness) but within NP.

  18. Techniques

  19. Techniques • Advice efficient Direct Product Theorem • A Sampling Lemma • Learning without Advice • Self-generated advice • Fault tolerant learning using faulty advice

  20. Direct Product Theorem {0, 1}nk {0, 1}n f fk f f f 0/1 k concatenation fk:{0, 1}nk {0, 1}k fk(x1,…, xk) = f(x1) | … | f(xk) {0, 1}k • Direct Product Theorem:If f isδ–hard for size s circuits, then fkis • (1 - ε)-hard for size s’ circuits (ε = e-Ω(δk), s’ = s·poly(δ, ε)) • Goldreich-Levin Theorem:XOR Lemma and Direct Product Theorem • are saying the same thing

  21. XOR Lemma from Direct Product Theorem C ((½ + ε)-computes fk) A1 • Using Goldreich-Levin Theorem whp CDP (poly(ε)-computes fk) A2 w.p. poly(ε) C ((1 - δ)-computes f) • ε = poly(1/k),δ = O(k-0.1)

  22. LEARN from [IW97] CDP(-computes fk) LEARN [IW97] Advice: n/2 pairs of (x, f(x)) for independent uniform x’s whp C ((1 - δ)-computes f) • ε = e-Ω(δk)

  23. Goal • We want to eliminate the advice (or the (x, f(x)) pairs). • In exchange we are ready to make some compromise on • the success probability of the randomized algorithm CDP(-computes fk) LEARN [IW97] LEARN’ Advice: n/2 pairs of (x, f(x)) for independent uniform x’s w.p. poly() whp No advice!!! C ((1 - δ)-computes f) • ε = e-Ω(δk) • ε = poly(1/k), δ = O(k-0.1)

  24. Self-generated advice

  25. Imperfect samples • We want to use the circuit CDPto generate n/2 pairs (x, f(x)) for independent uniform x’s • We will settle for n/2pairs (x,bx) • The distribution on x’s is statistically close to uniform and • for mostx’s we have bx= f(x). • Then run a fault-tolerant version of LEARN on CDP and the generated pairs (x,bx)

  26. How to generate imperfect samples

  27. A Sampling Lemma xk x1 x2 x3 2nk • D is a Uniform Distribution nk

  28. A Sampling Lemma xk x1 x2 x3 • |G| >=  2nk • Stat-Dist(D, U) <= ((log 1/)/k)1/2 G nk

  29. Getting Imperfect Samples • G: subset of inputs on which CDP(x) = fk(x) • |G| >= 2nk • Pick a random k-tuplex, then pick a random subtuplex’of size k1/2 • With probability, xlands in the “good” set G • Conditioned on this, the Sampling Lemma says that x’ is close to being uniformly distributed • If k1/2 > the number of samples required by LEARN,then done! • Else…

  30. Direct Product Amplification • CDPCDP’which poly(ε)-computes fk’ • where (k’)1/2 > n/ε2 • ?? • CDP CDP’such that for at least poly(ε) fraction of k’-tuples, x • CDP’(x) and fk’(x) agree on most bits

  31. Putting Everything Together

  32. CDP for fk CDP’ for fk’ DP Amplification Sampling pairs (x,bx) Fault tolerant LEARN with probability > poly() circuit C (1-)-computes f Repeat poly(1/) times to get a list containing a good circuit for f, w.h.p.

  33. Open Questions

  34. Open Questions • Advice efficient XOR Lemma for smaller  • For ε > exp(-kα) we get a quasi-polynomial list size • Can we get an advice efficient hardness amplification result using a monotone combination function m (instead of )? • Some results: [Buresh-Oppenheim, Kabanets, Santhanam] use monotone list-decodable codes to re-prove Trevisan’s results for amplification within NP

  35. Thank You

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