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List Decoding Using the XOR Lemma

List Decoding Using the XOR Lemma. Luca Trevisan U.C. Berkeley. Yao’s XOR Lemma. If f:[N] -> {0,1} is weakly hard on average every circuit of size s computes f correctly on at most 1- d fraction of inputs Define f +k :[N] k ->{0,1} as f +k (x1,…,xk) = f(x1)+…+f(xk) mod 2

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List Decoding Using the XOR Lemma

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  1. List Decoding Using the XOR Lemma Luca Trevisan U.C. Berkeley

  2. Yao’s XOR Lemma • Iff:[N] -> {0,1} is weakly hard on average • every circuit of size s computes f correctly on at most 1-d fraction of inputs • Define f+k:[N]k ->{0,1} asf+k(x1,…,xk) = f(x1)+…+f(xk) mod 2 • Then f+k is very hard on average • every circuit of size ~s computes f correctly on at most ~1/2+ (1-2d)k/2 fraction of inputs

  3. Concatenation Lemma Essentially equivalent to XOR Lemma • Iff:[N] -> {0,1} is weakly hard on average • circuits of size s succed on at most 1-d fraction of inputs • Define fk:[N]k ->{0,1}k asfk(x1,…,xk) = f(x1),…,f(xk) • Then fk is very hard on average • every circuit of size ~s computes f correctly on at most ~(1-d)k fraction of inputs

  4. This Talk • We observe: • any black-box proof of Concatenation Lemma or XOR Lemma gives way of converting • ECCs with weak unique-decoding algorithms into • ECCs with strong list-decoding algorithms • Better codes if the Concatenation Lemma • Holds even if x1,…,xknot fully independent • Proof uses limited non-uniformity

  5. This Talk • We give ‘almost uniform’ version of Impagliazzo’s Concatenation Lemma for pairwise independent x1,…,xk • We get codes with quadratic encoding length and quasi-linear time list-decoding(no polynomials in the construction) • The uniform version of Impagliazzo’s result also gives a weak uniform version of O’Donnell’s amplification of hardness within NP(work in progress)

  6. Concatenation Lemma A black-box proof argues: • Let f:[N]->{0,1}, and define • F(x1,…,xk)=f(x1),…,f(xk) • Let G have agreement e with F • There is a circuit that computes f on 1-d fraction of inputs and • makes poly(1/e,1/d) oracle queries to G • has size poly(log N, 1/e, 1/d, k) (e can be as small as ~(1-d)k)

  7. Error-Correcting Code • Let C:{0,1}m->{0,1}N be ECC with decoding algorithm that corrects up to dN errors • Define C’:{0,1}m->({0,1}k)Nk • Given message M, compute C(M) • C’(M) has an entry for each k entries of C(M) • C’(M)[x1,…,xk]=C(M)[x1],C(M)[x2],…,C(M)[xk]

  8. Decoding • Given a corrupted G that has agreement e with C’(M), think of • C(M) as f • C’(M) as F • G as A • Enumerate all exp(log N, 1/e,1/d,k) circuits having oracle access to A. At least one defines string having agreement 1-d with C(M) • Apply unique decoding algorithm for C() to each string in list • List will contain M

  9. How to Improve • Encoding length is Nk • Shorter encoding length if x1,…,xk not fully independent • Impagliazzo proves concatenation lemma for pairwise independent x1,…,xk. Proof inherently non-uniform • List size and decoding time are quasi-polynomial • Shorter list / faster decoding if reduction is uniform • Levin’s and GNW’s proofs are uniform, but need full independence of x1,…,xk • We give almost uniform proof of pairwise-independent concatenation lemma • Quadratic encoding length • Quasi-Linear decoding time

  10. Impagliazzo’s Proof • If f is hard to solve on more than 1-dfraction of inputs. • Then there is a set H containing d fraction of inputs and f is hard to solve on more than ½+e fraction of H • If f is hard to solve on more than ½+e fraction of set H of density d • then F(a,b)=f(a+b),…,f(a+kb)hard to solve on more than O(1/dk) fraction of inputs

  11. 1st Part: Hard-Core Sets • Thm: • If f cannot be solved on (1-d) fraction of inputs with circuits of size s, • Then there is set H of size dN such that f cannot be solved on (½+e) fraction of H with circuits of size s*poly(e,d) • Equivalently: • If for every H of size dN there is circuit of size s that solves f on (½+e) fraction of H • Then there is circuit of size s*poly(1/e,1/d) that solves f on (1-d) fraction of inputs

  12. Impagliazzo’s Proof • Set/function Game. At step i: • Player A produces a set Hi of size dN • Player B produces a function gi that agrees with fi on ½ +e fraction of Hi Player A wins at step t if g(x)=maj{g1(x),…,gt(x)} agrees with f on 1-d fraction of inputs • Thm [Imp95]: there is a winning strategy for A that suceeds in poly(1/e,1/d) steps

  13. Impagliazzo’s Proof • If for every H there is circuit of size s and agreement ½+e with f on H • Let Player A play Impagliazzo’s strategy • Let Player B always reply with a circuit size s • Construct size s*poly(1/e,1/d) circuit that computes f on 1-d fraction of inputs

  14. Uniform Version • Thm: suppose there is distrib C over circuits such that for every H of size dN • PrC~C[ Prx~H [C(x)=f(x)]> ½ +e] > s Then there is distrib C’ over circuits such that • PrC~C’[ Prx [C(x)=f(x)]> 1 -d] > spoly(1/e,1/d) • Proof: pick t=poly(1/e,1/d) ckts from C and take majority. There is at least probability st that it works.

  15. 2nd Part: Pairwise Independence • Suppose f is (1-d)-hard, but algorithm A computes • F(a,b)=f(a+b),f(a+2b),…,f(a+kb) On e ~1/dk fraction of inputs • Let H be set of size dk. • [Imp95]: can compute f on ½+e’ frac of H. • Let A(a,b)= A1(a,b),A2(a,b),…,Ak(a,b) • Define 0/1 random variables Z1,…,Zk • Zi=1 iff Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib) AND a+ib is in H

  16. Studying the Zi • A(a,b)= A1(a,b),A2(a,b),…,Ak(a,b) • Zi=1 iff Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib) AND a+ib is in H • Note: E[Zi]= Pr[Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib)|a+ib in H] d • Suppose E[Zi]> d(1/2 + e’) or E[Zi] < d(1/2-e’)Then easy to solve f on H better than ½ • Remains to consider case all E[Zi] ~ d/2

  17. Studying the Zi • A(a,b)= A1(a,b),A2(a,b),…,Ak(a,b) • Zi=1 iff Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib) AND a+ib is in H • E[Zi] ~ d/2 for all i • Suppose the Zi are almost pairwise independent • Then sum of Zi concentrated around kd/2 • Number of a+ib in H concentrated around kd • Impossible for A to have noticeable prob of being correct on all inputs

  18. Studying the Zi • A(a,b)= A1(a,b),A2(a,b),…,Ak(a,b) • Zi=1 iff Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib) AND a+ib is in H • There are i,j such that E[ZiZj] > d2/4 + e’’ • Equivalent:Pr[ Ai(a,b)=f(a+ib) AND Aj(a,b)=f(a+jb)]> ¼+e’’conditioned on a+ib and a+jb are in H • Equivalent: pick x,y in HPr[ Ai(a,b)=f(x) AND Aj(a,b)=f(y)]> ¼+e’’where a,b such that a+ib=x and a+jb=y

  19. Using the Dependency • Pick x,y in HPr[ Ai(a,b)=f(x) AND Aj(a,b)=f(y)]> ¼+e’’where a,b such that a+ib=x and a+jb=y • Then one of: • Pr[ Ai(a,b)=f(x)]>1/2 +2e’’/3 • Pr[ Aj(a,b)=f(y)]>1/2 +2e’’/3 • Pr[ Ai(a,b) XOR Aj(a,b) XOR f(y)=f(x)]>1/2 +2e’’/3 • In each case we get circuit for f on H

  20. Uniform Version • Let f be a function and A be an algorithm that computes • F(a,b)=f(a+b),f(a+2b),…,f(a+kb) on e ~1/dk fraction of inputs • Then can define distribution of circuits such that for each set H there is prob at least poly(e,d,1/k) that circuit computes f on H on more than ½+e’ inputs • Proof: replace non-uniformity in Impagliazzo’s argument with random choices.

  21. Everything Together • Suppose function f and algorithm A are so that • F(a,b)=f(a+b),f(a+2b),…,f(a+kb) agrees with A on e ~1/dk fraction of inputs • Then can sample distribution of circuits such that there is prob. exp(1/e,1/d,k) of sampling a circuit that agrees with f on 1-d frac of inputs • Also can produce list of size exp(1/e,1/d,k) that contains whp circuit d-close to f

  22. Coding Application • From • binary error-correcting code with codewords of length N and unique decoding algorithm for d fraction of errors • Error-correcting code with • alphabet of size 2k, • codewords of length N2 • list decoding up to 1-O(1/dk) errors, with list of size exp(1/d,k) • implicit representation of list is computed in polylog N time. Explicit representation in Npolylog N time.

  23. Comparison to Previous Work • Sudan’97: • linear encoding length + • quasi-linear encoding time + • polynomial list-decoding time – • list is polynomial in 1/e + • Feng’99, Alenkkhnovich’02: • improve to quasi-linear decoding time = • Guruswami-Indyk’01-02 • Even better rates but quadratic decoding time +/- • Do not use polynomials =

  24. Possible Improvement • Prove a Concatenation Lemma for almost pairwise independent inputs. • As in BSVW’03, let Ft be vector space and S be small bias space, then consider • F(a,b)=f(a+b),f(a+2b),…,f(a+kb) Where a ranges in Ft and b ranges in S • Whole argument works out up to the point • Pr[f(a+ib)=Ai(a,b) XOR Aj(a,b) XOR f(a+jb)]>½

  25. Other Applications • O’Donnell proves a (non-uniform) amplification of hardness result in NP using Impagliazzo’s hard-core sets. • We can prove: • Let f be NP function, can construct f’ such that • If f’ has BPP algorithm that works on ½+e fraction of inputs • Then f has BPP algorithm that produces exp(1/e,1/d) circuits, one of them solves f on 1-d fraction of inputs

  26. How to Choose the Circuit • Suppose every problem in NP has BPP algorithm that works on ¾+d’ fraction of inputs • Let f be NP function, C1,…,Cl circuits such that one of them solves f on 1-d fraction of inputs • Define • F(x1,…,xt)=g(f(x1),…,f(xt)) • Di(x1,…,xt)=g(Ci(x1),…,Ci(xt)) Where g() is noise-sensitive function

  27. How To Choose The Circuit • Define • F(x1,…,xt)=g(f(x1),…,f(xt)) • Di(x1,…,xt)=g(Ci(x1),…,Ci(xt)) • If Cid-close to f then Didt-close to F • If Cid’-far from f then Di(½+d’’)-far from F • We have algorithm to compute F on > ¾ of inputs, can distinguish two cases

  28. Uniform Result • Suppose for every NP problem there is BPP algorithm that works on 1-1/(log n)c fraction of inputs • Then for every NP problem there is BPP algorithm that works on ¾+1/(log n)c fraction of inputs (Proof not completely written up)

  29. Conclusions ``Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.’' (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

  30. Conclusions • An information-theoretic interpretation of black-box concatenation lemmas • Conversion of weaker to stronger error-correcting codes • In coding theory • Suggests a new technique for list-decoding • What is it? • In complexity theory • Emphasis on two aspects of Concatenation Lemma proofs: non-uniformity and derandomization

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