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MDT PS DCS for ATLAS. Eleni Mountricha National Technical University of Athens Power Supplies DCS group. Eleni Mountricha NTUA. MDT chambers in ATLAS and their HW PS DCS system Present Status of PS system Conclusion. Outline. Eleni Mountricha NTUA.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MDT PS DCS for ATLAS Eleni Mountricha National Technical University of Athens Power Supplies DCS group Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  2. MDT chambers in ATLAS and their HW • PS DCS system • Present Status of PS system • Conclusion Outline Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  3. MDT chambers in ATLAS and their Hardware Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  4. MDTs Side A Side C Endcaps Barrel Inner Middle Outer stations 16 sectors ATLAS experiment and MDT chambers 1150 chambers Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  5. MDT chambers and the naming convention BIL1A01 B I L 1 A 01 side size layer partition sector station Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  6. Mainframe CAEN SY1527 Branch Controllers A1676 Crates Boards LV: A3025 & A3016 HV: A3540P Power Supplies modules Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  7. PS DCS system Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  8. UIM User Interface Layer UIM UIM DCS CTRL Processing Layer API Vertex Tracker Muon Communication and Memory Layer DM EV LV Gas LV HV Cooling HV Cooling HV Gas HV LV Cooling HV Gas Cooling HV LV Gas Driver Layer D D D • PVSS (SCADA system) and Finite State Machine (SMI++ tool) States & Alarms Commands • Monitor and control Hardware using PVSS elements (datapoints) • Automate system in propagating commands as well as state and status Software Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  9. Datapoints that correspond to hardware modules (channels, boards, crates, branch controllers, mainframe) • Datapoints that correspond to the chambers • Internal datapoints • for the FSM • for the OPC Server (communication with hardware) • for the RDB manager (archiving of datapoint elements) Alarms are activated for the datapoints and their elements PVSS datapoints Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  10. One FSM tree is implemented for each partition • Hierarchy is set for the parts of the system (nodes and their children) • Commands and states propagate correctly FSM trees Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  11. FSM panels Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  12. Panels used by experts for the configuration of the system : • alarmHandling.pnl • communicationHandling.pnl • archiveHandling.pnl • fsmHandling.pnl • chamberDpHandling.pnl • settingsHandling.pnl • descriptionHandling.pnl Tool panels Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  13. Tool panel example Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  14. Present status of PS system Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  15. Most chambers are incorporated in the system having LV modules (9 modules missing) • HV modules for almost all chambers in sectors 1-12 Barrel Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  16. Both Big Wheels and Small Wheels (one for each side) are incorporated to the system having both LV and HV modules • Chambers in the Outer layer in side C are also incorporated in the system but most LV modules are missing Endcaps Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  17. Conclusion Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  18. PS DCS system is in use for the MDTs • Improvements are made in the PVSS/FSM part of the system to achieve higher stability of the system • Development is implemented concerning expert panels to achieve more efficient control of the system • MDT PS from the HV/LV modules’ point of view are reaching their completion Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  19. Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  20. Eleni Mountricha NTUA

  21. Eleni Mountricha NTUA

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