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The Sixth Element. The Stages of Evolution. Brahman. Earth Prithivi. Water Jala. The Five Elements (Mahabhutas). Fire Tejas. Stability. Air Vayu. All Creation. Adaptability. Space/Time Akasha. Mind Manas. Purification. Wholeness, Unified Field. Intellect Budhi.
The Sixth Element The Stages of Evolution
Brahman Earth Prithivi Water Jala The Five Elements (Mahabhutas) Fire Tejas Stability Air Vayu All Creation Adaptability Space/Time Akasha Mind Manas Purification Wholeness, Unified Field Intellect Budhi Integration Self, Atman A l l D e v e l o p m e n t Growth The Eightfold Prakriti (Nature) All Evolution Creativity Intelligence Consciousness Curving back on my Self, I create again and again- Rig Veda
‘Big Picture’ Trends Technology: Mainframe PC Internet Employment: Hierarchies Freelance Networks Environment: Exploit Conserve/Sustain Renew/Improve Dynamics: Static Chaos Higher Order Wealth: Land / Industry Knowledge Consciousness World View: Material Energy/Quantum Spirit/Unified Intelligence: IQ - Rational EQ - Emotional SQ - Spiritual Development: ‘Hard’ Tools ‘Soft’ Tools Vedic Tools
Guru #1: Tom Peters • 1970’s • Smokestack industries failing • Unable to adapt to change • Japanese cars trashing Detroit • Sony &c take over Electronics • Peters & Waterman @ McKinsey: • Any signs of renewal? • Apple / HP / IBM - high tech • WalMart / Nordstrom - retailing • FedEx / SAS etc - services Hard to Teach, though…
Thriving on Chaos 45 Prescriptions for a World Turned Upside Down Leadership The Leadership Challenge Creating Total Customer Responsiveness C-1: Specialise / Create Niches / Differentiate C-2: Provide Top Quality, as Perceived by the Customer C-3: Provide Superior Service / Emphasise the Intangibles C-4: Achieve Extraordinary Responsiveness C-5: Be an Internationalist C-6: Create Uniqueness C-7: Become Obsessed with Listening C-8: Turn Manufacturing into a Marketing Weapon C-9: Make Sales and Service Forces into Heroes C-10: Pursue Fast-Paced Innovation C-11: Launch a Customer Revolution Systems People Creating Value for the Customer Customers Innovation And so on… (Five Sections!)
Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner “The Leadership Challenge” When Leaders Are at Their Best The Practices and Commitments of Exemplary Leadership What Constituents Expect of Leaders Challenging The Process Search for Opportunity: Confronting and Challenging the Status Quo Experimenting and Taking Risks: Learning from Mistakes and Successes Inspiring A Shared Vision Envision the Future: Imagining Ideal Scenarios Enlist Others: Attracting People to a Common Purpose Enabling Others to Act Foster Collaboration: Promoting Cooperative Goals and Mutual Trust 8. Strengthening Others: Sharing Power and Information Modeling the Way Set the Example: Doing What You Say You Will Do Achieve Small Wins: Building Commitment to Action Encouraging The Heart Recognising Contributions: Linking Rewards with Performance Celebrate Accomplishments: Valuing the Victories Beginning the Journey 13. Becoming a Positive Force: The Leader Who Makes a Difference Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision Model the Way Enable Others To Act Encourage the Heart
“The Leadership Challenge” Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner Why Five? People ? Model the Way Systems Leadership Encourage the Heart Enable Others To Act Customers Innovation Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision Tom Peters “Thriving on Chaos”
The Fundamentals of Progress Adaptability Integration Growth Stability Purification Maharishi Mahesh Yogi The Science of Creative Intelligence
Peter Senge Peter Senge Systemic Thinking “The Fifth Discipline” Personal Mastery Team Learning Peter Senge, founder of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT's Sloan School of Management, experienced an epiphany while meditating one morning back in the fall of 1987. That was the day he first saw the possibilities of a "learning organization" that used "systems thinking" as the primary tenet of a revolutionary management philosophy. He advanced the concept into this primer, originally released in 1990, written for those interested in integrating his philosophy into their corporate culture. Shared Vision Mental Models
Integration… Personal Mastery Team Process Systemic Thinking Shared Vision Mental Models Peter Senge Model the Way Challenge the Process Encourage the Heart Inspire a Shared Vision Enable Others to Act Kouzes & Posner People Leadership Innovation Systems Customers Tom Peters Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Fundamental Of Progress
If Kouzes & Posner expands on Leadership, is there An ‘Application’ for each Fundamental of Progress? Questions… Personal Mastery Team Process Systemic Thinking Shared Vision Mental Models Peter Senge Model the Way Challenge the Process Encourage the Heart Celebrate the Path Enable Others to Act Kouzes & Posner People Leadership Innovation Systems Customers Tom Peters Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Fundamental Of Progress
Questions… Personal Mastery Team Process Systemic Thinking Shared Vision Mental Models Peter Senge What makes Maharishi’s Fundamentals of Progress so Fundamental? Model the Way Challenge the Process Encourage the Heart Celebrate the Path Enable Others to Act Kouzes & Posner People Leadership Innovation Systems Customers Tom Peters Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Fundamental Of Progress
Quantum-Mechanical Universe Life! Universe Matter Matter Fields Body Elementary Particles Strong Nuclear Weak Nuclear Energy Fields Mind Electricity Magnetism Gravitation Space-Time Spirit Unified Field
Physics and Nature ‘eightfold’ Prakriti n=8 Superstring ‘Earth’ Higgs Fields Prithivi Five Tanmatras ‘Water’ Matter Fields Apas ‘Fire’ Forces Tejas Five ‘Great’ Elements ‘Air’ Gravitino Vayu Spacetime Graviton Akasha Mind Hilbert Space Manas Brahman Intellect Quantum Principle Budhi Consciousness Self Unified Field Atman
Physics and Nature ‘eightfold’ Prakriti n=8 Superstring ‘Earth’ Stability Higgs Fields Five Tanmatras ‘Water’ Adaptability Matter Fields ‘Fire’ Purification Forces Five ‘Great’ Elements ‘Air’ Integration Gravitino Spacetime Growth Graviton Mind Creativity Hilbert Space Brahman Intellect Intelligence Quantum Principle Consciousness Self Unified Field Spirit
Any Evolutionary Process… Fundamentals of Progress n=8 Superstring Stability Higgs Fields Chaos Adaptability Matter Fields Purification Forces Integration Gravitino Growth Graviton Order Creativity Hilbert Space Power Intelligence Quantum Principle Knowledge Unified Field Happiness Spirit
Integrated Development Tools Covey / Maslow Peck /Kouzes & Posner NC / Zero Emissions AI / Open Space Sustainable Settlements Learning Community Tool Kit Personal Mastery Team Process Systemic Thinking Shared Vision Mental Models Peter Senge 5 Disciplines People Leadership Innovation Systems Customers Tom Peters Thriving On Chaos Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Maharishi Fundamentals Of Progress
hunter gatherer age of agriculture age of industry information age consciousness era -250,000 1900 1975 Evolution of Mankind Stability Adaptability Purification % of population % of population Integration Growth 2000 time after - Peter Russell: The Awakening Earth (USA: The Global Brain)
Evolution of Man Self Actualisation Being Needs Esteem needs Social needsemotional Safety Needscomfort Physiological needssurvival Peak Experience Abraham Maslow: The Further Reaches of Human Nature
Evolution of Man Peak Experience Stability Physiological needssurvival Safety Needscomfort Adaptability Social needsemotional Purification Esteem needs Integration BeingNeeds Growth (Creative Intelligence) Self Actualisation Abraham Maslow: The Further Reaches of Human Nature
Covey’s Seven Habits Object: High Effectiveness 7 Interdependence 5 6 PUBLIC VICTORY Seek First ToUnderstand, Then To Be Understood Synergise Sharpen the Saw 4 Think Win-Win Independence 3 Put First Things First PRIVATE VICTORY Begin With The End In Mind 1 2 Be Proactive Dependence Foundation: Principle-Centredness The Gap! Stephen Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
‘The Gap’ is a state of Awareness Restful Alertness, ‘The Gap,’ The Zone Mental Activity (Doing) This shows the possibility of a new way of Being Thinking Not Thinking Transcending Mental Alertness (Being) Aware Waking Metabolism, brain waves -all different from waking dreaming or sleeping. Not Aware Dreaming Deep Sleep Transcendental Consciousness: Wakeful Hypometabolic State diagram: Dimitri Kannelakous, SRI *R K Wallace: American Journal of Physiology, 1971
Stages of Community 1. Pseudo 2. Chaos Semblance of unity Behaviour ruled by etiquette / habit Particle/body not wave/mind Differences emerge Waves interact chaotically DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 3. Emptiness 4. Community United spirit Harmony / Acceptance Coherent Group Wave Function Unmasked Differences accepted / valued Wave function collapsed DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS M. Scott Peck The Different Drum
Community Building Guidelines Developing a Sense of Self: wear your name tag and speak your name talk personally and specifically use "I" statements when you speak speak when moved don't speak when not moved take responsibility for your own success hold on through difficulties A Sense of Others' Self: be present listen respectfully value differences include yourself and others, avoid exclusivity be aware of ways in which we may exclude others express any dislikes in the group the power of acceptance respect confidentiality
Great Groups Greatness starts with superb people. Great Groups and great leaders create each other. Every Great Group has a strong leader. Leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. Great groups are full of talented people who can work together. Great Groups think they are on a mission from God. Every Great Group has an island -- with a bridge to the mainland. Great Groups see themselves as winning underdogs. Great Groups always have an enemy - a Vision and a Goal! People in Great Groups have blinders on. Great Groups are optimistic, not realistic. In Great Groups the right person has the right job Leaders give Great Group what they need, free them from the rest. Great Groups ship. Great work is its own reward. Take Home Lessons from Organising Genius, by Warren Bennis and Patricia Biederman
Processes and Stages Zero Defects -- TQM Zero Inventory -- J.I.T. Zero Waste -- ZERI / NC Zero Wait -- Internet Zero Conflict -- World Peace Carl-Goran Heden Zero Ladder 1. Pseudo Community 2. Chaos AI: Core Stories 3. Emptiness 4. Community Scott Peck - Stages of Community 3. First Things First 2. Begin with End In Mind 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood 6. Synergise Stephen Covey 5even Habits of Effective People Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Element Of Progress
Zero Emissions “More jobs, more wealth, and NO pollution”
Stability ZeroEmissions Process Waste Start where any waste is being made Growth Zero Emission Process Inputs Discover where Waste could be Used as input Diversify Replicate Zero Emissions processes in the biosystem Adaptability Cluster Bring together businesses so waste streams are inputs Breakthru Find ways to convert waste into inputs - wealth & work Integration Purification
Stability The Five AI Processes Dive! Choose the positive as the focus of inquiry Growth Adaptability “The Positive Core” Discover Inquire into stories of life-giving forces Destiny Find innovative ways to create that future Design Create shared images for a preferred future Purification Dream Locate themes, Select topics for further inquiry Integration
Applications… Habitat Destruction Alien Species Pollution Islandisation Over - Harvesting Attenborough: State of the Planet Word Processing Spreadsheet Database / Organiser Internet / email Web / Graphics Integrated Application Wing Flaps Variable Pitch Props Retractable Undercarriage Monocoque Fuselage Radial Air-cooled Engine The DC3 Stability Adaptability Purification Integration Growth Element Of Progress Brahman PURE CONSCIOUSNESS Group Practice Unified Field OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE Meditation Ayurveda Jyotish Stapathya Veda Vedic Technology
Applications… Applications… Zero Defects -- TQM Zero Defects -- TQM Zero Inventory -- J.I.T. Zero Inventory -- J.I.T. Zero Waste -- ZERI / NC Zero Waste -- ZERI / NC Zero Wait -- Internet Zero Wait -- Internet Zero Conflict -- World Peace Zero Conflict -- World Peace Carl-Goran Heden Zero Ladder Carl-Goran Heden Zero Ladder Stability Stability Adaptability Adaptability Purification Purification Integration Integration Growth Growth Element Of Progress Element Of Progress Group Practice Group Practice Ayurveda Ayurveda Jyotish Jyotish Stapathya Veda Stapathya Veda Meditation Meditation Vedic Technology Vedic Technology Brahman PURE CONSCIOUSNESS Brahman PURE CONSCIOUSNESS Unified Field OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE Unified Field OF ALL THE LAWS OF NATURE
‘Uses’ Teaching Easier! Quick Wins What’s missing -- can add… Diagnosis What’s needed? Build Your Own Evolutionary Process / model etc.. Consulting With a full toolkit Model Valid? Matches the observed data… Vedic Tools Develop consciousness directly Vedic World a) World Peace, b) Heaven on Earth
Conclusion Tom Peters Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner Peter Senge Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Abraham Maslow David Cooperrider & Diana Whitney Peter Russell Stephen Covey Scott Peck Carl-Goran Hedén Gunter Pauli David Attenborough And many many others… All reflect this consciousness based model of nature The must be something to it, surely… This seems to be a set of principles and a process It’s the new paradigm for progress & development It allows us to integrate, improve and unify all these… Earth Stability Water Adaptability Fire Purification Direction of Evolution Air Integration Space-Time Growth Mind Intellect The Self Manifestation