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EE4271 VLSI Design. Dr. Shiyan Hu Office: EERC 518 shiyan@mtu.edu. Device. Adapted and modified from Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective by Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic. Goal of this chapter. Present intuitive understanding of device operation
EE4271VLSI Design Dr. Shiyan Hu Office: EERC 518 shiyan@mtu.edu Device Adapted and modified from Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective by Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic.
Goal of this chapter • Present intuitive understanding of device operation • Introduction of basic device equations
MOS Transistor Types and Symbols D G S NMOS D G S PMOS
Circuit on the Chip A transistor
The MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) Transistor Polysilicon Aluminum
|V | GS A Switch! An MOS Transistor Simple View of A Transistor
Silicon Basics • Transistors are built on a silicon substrate • Silicon forms crystal lattice with bonds to four neighbors
Doped Silicon • Silicon is a semiconductor • Pure silicon has no free carriers and conducts poorly • Adding dopants increases the conductivity • extra electrons (doped Borons) – n-type • missing electrons (doped Arsenic/Phosphorus) more holes) – p-type n-type p-type
NMOS Transistor Diffusion
NMOS - II • Refer to gate, source, drain and bulk voltages as Vg,Vs,Vd,Vb, respectively. • Vab=Va-Vb • Device is symmetric. Drain and source are distinguished electrically, i.e., Vd>Vs. • P regions have acceptor (Boron) impurities, i.e., many holes. • N regions have donor (Arsenic/Phosphorus) impurities, i.e., many electrons. • N+ and P+ are heavily doped N and P regions, respectively.
NMOS - III • Gate oxide are insulators, usually, silicon dioxide. • Gate voltage modulates current between drain and source, how?
Enhancement NMOS - II • Does not conduct when Vgs=0, except that there is leakage current. • When Vgs is sufficiently large, electrons are induced in the channel, i.e., the device conducts. This Vgs is called threshold voltage.
Enhancement NMOS III Positively Charged Negatively Charged
Enhancement NMOS - IV • When Vgs is large enough, the upper part of the channel changes to N-type due to enhancement of electrons in it. This is referred to as inversion, and the channel is called n-channel. • The voltage at which inversion occurs is called the Threshold Voltage (Vt). • A p-depletion layer have more holes than p-substrate since its electrons have been pushed into the inversion layer. • Does not conduct when Vgs<Vt (Cut-off).
Enhancement NMOS - VI • When Vgs>Vt, the inversion layer (n channel) becomes thicker. • The horizontal electrical field due to Vds moves electrons from the source to the drain through the channel. • If Vds=0, the channel is formed but not conduct.
Linear Region - II • When Vgs>Vt and Vgd>Vt, the inversion layer increases in thickness and conduction increases. • The reason is that there are non-zero inversion layer at both source and drain (our previous analysis works for both Vgs and Vgd).This is called linear region. • Vgd>Vt means that Vgd=Vgs-Vds>=Vt, i.e., Vds<=Vgs-Vt • Vds>0 • Ids depends on Vg, Vgs, Vds and Vt.
Saturation Region - II • When Vgs>Vt and Vgd<Vt, we have non-zero inversion layer at source but zero inversion layer at drain. • Inversion layer is said to be pinched off. This is called the saturation region. • Vgd<Vt means that Vgs-Vds<Vt, i.e., Vds>Vgs-Vt. • Electrons leaves the channel and moves to drain terminal through depletion region.
Saturation Region - III • In saturation region, the voltage difference over the channel remains at Vgs-Vt. This is because if Vds=Vgs-Vt, the inversion layer is barely pinched off at the drain (since then Vgd=Vt). If Vds>Vgs-Vt, the channel is pinched off somewhere between the drain and source ends. Thus, the voltage applied across the channel is Vgs-Vt. • As a result, Ids depends on Vgs in this region, so we cannot keep raising Vds to get better conduction.
Summary • Three regions of conduction • Cut-off: 0<Vgs<Vt • Linear: 0<Vds<Vgs-Vt • Saturation: 0<Vgs-Vt<Vds • Vt depends on gate and insulator materials, thickness of insulators and so forth – process dependant factors, and Vsb and temperature – operational factors.
Analysis - II • Denote by V(x) the voltage at a point x along the channel. The gate-to-point voltage is Vgs-V(x). Since it needs to be > Vt for every point along the channel, the charge per unit cross section area at x is • Cox is the capacitance per unit, which is • where is a constant called the permittivity of the gate oxide and tox is the thickness of gate oxide.
Analysis - III • Gate width W, so the total charge is QW. • I=QW/t=QWv, v being velocity of carrier. • Given surface mobility of electrons, which depends on process, an empirical formula for v is • We have • Integrate x from 0 to L, we have • For saturation region, replace Vds by Vgs-Vt, we have . It does not depend on Vds. I 1 Q W 1
Effective Channel Length/Width is due to lateral diffusion of the source and drain junctions under the gate
Summary - II • Three regions of conduction • Cut-off: 0<Vgs<Vt, I=0 • Linear: 0<Vds<Vgs-Vt, • Saturation: 0<Vgs-Vt<Vds
PMOS - II • Dual of NMOS • Three regions of conduction • Cut-off: 0>Vgs>Vt • Linear: 0>Vds>Vgs-Vt • Saturation: 0>Vgs-Vt>Vds • Current computation is the same as NMOS except that the polarities of all voltages and currents are reversed. • Mobility in PMOS is usually half of the mobility in NMOS due to process technology.
Short Channel Effects • The discussion is true for long channel. • The depletion layer/electron move under the gate is assumed to be caused entirely by vertical field, i.e., • Near source and drain, there is also depleted region due to horizontal electrical field (Vd,Vs). Thus, the region below gate is already partially depleted. • Device actually conducts with smaller Vt. • If the channel is very short, effect is significant, which make the device hard to control. • In practice, L>= Lmin.
Sub-threshold conduction (Leakage) • Vgs<Vt, cut-off and I=0. Not true. • In practice, for Vgs<Vt, • I is exponentially dependent on Vgs. Id0 and n are experimentally determined, k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is temperature. • Source of standby power consumption in portable devices. • Some extremely low-power circuits use sub-threshold conduction, e.g., digital watch.
Transistor Equivalent Resistance • In linear region, R=V/I, so • In saturation region, the voltage applied across the channel is Vgs-Vt. Thus, • Roughly speaking, channel resistance inversely depends on W since
Transistor Resistance - II • Larger gate width (larger gate area) -> smaller resistance -> device runs faster • This means that power/area increases with delay decreases. A lot of power-delay tradeoff like this.
Transistor Capacitance Gate Capacitance = Channel Capacitance + Overlap Capacitance
Polysilicongate Source Drain W x x + + n n d d L d Top view Gate oxide t ox + + n n L Cross section Overlap Capacitance Overlap capacitance=2Cox Xd W
Channel Capacitance Cut-off Resistive Saturation Larger gate width -> Larger capacitance
Measuring the Gate Cap i=CdV/dt, so C=idt/dV
In Standard Cell Library • A gate type has multiple gate sizes (widths) • Larger gate width means larger gate capacitance and smaller driving resistance. • Thus, for a gate type, we have a variety of transistors with different capacitance and resistance tradeoff. • Larger width means larger capacitance and thus larger power due to charging and uncharging the capacitance. • Usually, larger width transistor has smaller delay.
Technology Scaling • Devices scale to smaller dimensions with advancing technology. • A scaling factor S describes the ratio of dimension between the old technology and the new technology. In practice, S=1.2-1.5.
Technology Scaling - II • In practice, it is not feasible to scale voltage since different ICs in the system may have different Vdd. This may require extremely complex additional circuits. We can only allow very few different levels of Vdd. • In technology scaling, we often have fixed voltage scaling model. • W,L,tox scales down by 1/S • Vdd, Vt unchanged • Area scales down by 1/S2 • Cox scales up by S due to tox • Gate capacitance = CoxWL scales down by 1/S • scales up by S • Linear and saturation region current scales up by S • Current density scales up by S3 • P=Vdd*I, power density scales up by S3 • Power consumption is a major design issue
Summary • NMOS • Cut-Off, Linear and Saturation Regions • How to compute I • sub-threshold conduction • PMOS is the dual device of NMOS • I-V characteristics of MOS transistors • Resistance • Capacitance