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The Practice of Piety 1602 By Lewis Bayly. Book of Sports. Isaiah 55:1-3 Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
The Practice of Piety 1602 By Lewis Bayly
Isaiah 55:1-3 Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, And your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live.
The Sabbath-day is God’s market-day, for the week’s provision; wherein He will have us to come to Him, and buy of Him, without silver or money the bread of angels, and water of life, the wine of the sacrament, and milk of the Word to feed our souls; tried gold to enrich our faith precious eye-salve, to heal our spiritual blindness; and the white raiment of Christ’s righteousness, to cover our filthy nakedness.
There cannot be unto a Man who delights in the Lord any greater delight or recreation, than the sanctifying of the Lord's-day. Can there be any greater joy for a person condemned, than to come to his Prince’s house to have his pardonsealed? For one that is deadly sick, to come to a Physician that can curehim? Or for a prodigalchild that fed on husks with Swine, to be admitted to eat the Bread of Life, at his Father'sTable? Or for him who fears, in the tidings of death, to come to hear from God the assurance of eternal life?
O Lord, cleanse our Souls from filthy Sins, with the blood of Thy most pure and undefiled Lamb, which taketh away the Sins of the World. And let Thy Holy Spirit more and more subdue our Corruptions, that we may be renewed after Thine own Image, to serve Thee in newness of Life, and holiness of Conversation.
Of Thy Mercy, Thou hast brought us to the beginning of this blessed Day; so we beseech Thee, make it a Day of Reconciliation, betwixt our sinful Souls, and Thy Divine Majesty. Make it a Day of Repentanceunto Thee, that Thy Goodness may seal it to be a Day of Pardon unto us. May we remember, that the keeping Holy of this Day is a Commandment which Thine own Finger hath written. And give us grace to behave ourselves in the holy Congregation with comeliness and reverence in Thy presence.
Keep us from drowsinessand steeping, and from all wandering thoughts, and worldly imaginations. Sanctify our Memory, that it may be apt to receive, and firm to remember those good and profitable Doctrines, which shall be taught unto us out of the Word! And through the assistance of Thy Holy Spirit, may we put the same lessons into practice, for our direction in prosperity, for our consolation in misery, for the amendment of our lives, and the glory of thy Name.
On this day, which godless and profane persons spend in their own lusts and pleasures, may we, ceasing from the works of sin as well as from the works of our ordinary calling, through thy blessing, feel in our hearts the beginning of that eternal Sabbath, which in unspeakable joy and glory we shall celebrate with Saints and Angels, to Thy praise and worship, in Thy Heavenly Kingdom forevermore. All this we humbly crave at Thy hands, in the Name and Mediation of our Lord Jesus. Amen.