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Humanities Jeopardy. What region of China contains the majority of its arable land? Middle Kingdom – 20 points. Name several of the physical Barriers that helped protect China From invaders and helped to create Isolationism at times throughout its history. Middle Kingdom– 40 points.
What region of China contains the majority of its arable land? Middle Kingdom – 20 points
Name several of the physical Barriers that helped protect China From invaders and helped to create Isolationism at times throughout its history. Middle Kingdom– 40 points
Which regions of China are Most densely populate and Why? Middle Kingdom– 60 points
What method of farming helped To increase agricultural output Significantly by creating access Previously fallow land? Middle Kingdom – 80 points
Why has China been called “The Middle Kingdom” at several Points throughout its history? Middle Kingdom – 100 points
What are logograms and Why are they important In Chinese writing? Shang – 20 points
Which River Valley did the Shang Dynasty emerge from? Why are river valleys important When describing origin places For early civilizations? Shang – 40 points
Describe several political And religious precedents set by The Shang Dynasty Shang – 60 points
Describe the Mandate of Heaven And how it relates to the Dynastic Cycle Shang – 80 points
What were Oracle Bones and What is their importance in understanding early Chinese Writing? Shang – 100 points
Describe one way in which Shi Huangdi abused his power. Describe one way in which he Used his power legitimately. Qin & Han – 20 points
Describe the unification of China under the Qin Dynasty Qin & Han – 40 points
Describe the concept of Filial piety Qin & Han – 60 points
Describe why the reestablishment Of Confucianism as the official State philosophy under the Han was a more successful policy than Legalism that was practice under The Qin Dynasty Qin & Han – 80 points
Describe at least three Things that the Han Dynasty Built upon or improved upon Following the fall of the Qin Dynasty Qin & Han – 100 points
How did many Chinese dynasties Prosper from the Silk Road throughout China’s history? Tang & Song – 20 points
What is a tributary state? Which tributary states did the Tang Dynasty add to China during their rule? Tang & Song – 40 points
Describe how the Tang dynasty Used Land Reform to increase Government power. Tang & Song – 60 points
Describe at least two things That the Song Dynasty did to Expand the Chinese economy During their rule. Tang & Song – 80 points
Describe at least three Technological advancements Achieved under the Tang and Song Dynasties. How did these Innovations help spread Chinese culture throughout East Asia? Tang & Song – 100 points
Describe Zhen He’s fleet and Voyages. What was the purpose of These voyages? Ming & Qing – 20 points
Which group of foreigners Invaded and ruled China Prior to the Ming dynasty? Ming & Qing– 40 points
Describe several reasons that Calling the Ming dynasty the “Brilliant” dynasty is legitimate Ming & Qing – 60 points
Describe in detail the Civil Service Exam System. What was its Purpose? Ming & Qing– 80 points
How did the Opium Wars Help to establish European Imperial control in parts of China (spheres of influence)? Ming & Qing – 100 points