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HAEMORRHAGING FAITH . stemming the flow of young people from the church. DREAMING OF MORE. for the next generation. Despite all our incredible children’s, youth and young adult programs, we have not been able to stop this mass exodus from our churches.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HAEMORRHAGING FAITH • stemming the flow of young people from the church

  2. DREAMING OF MORE • for the next generation

  3. Despite all our incredible children’s, youth and young adult programs, we have not been able to stop this mass exodus from our churches. We have not just lost one generation, we are losing several. DAVID SAWLER Goodbye Generation

  4. Like a Geiger counter under a mushroom cloud, the next generation is reacting to the radioactive intensity of social, technological, and religious changes. And for the most part, we are sending them into the world unprepared to withstand the fallout. DAVID KINNAMAN You Lost Me

  5. Students didn’t begin doubting in college, they simply departed by college. If you look around in your church today, two-thirds of those who are sitting among us have already left in their hearts ALREADY GONE Ken Ham & Britt Beamer

  6. If the church is haemorrhaging young people, we have to ask our selves if it’s because we address the issue of discipleship too late. Is the spiritual education we provide for our young people neither consistent enough or rigorous enough to provide them with the means to have a strong and stable faith in a time when there are many challenges to the authenticity and relevance of our beliefs? MEND THE GAP Jason Gardner

  7. Faith trajectories are often set in early adolescence. Sadly, most youth ministries are long on fun and fluff and short on listening and thoughtful engagement. The former produces a million paper boats; the latter produces a handful of seaworthy ships. STICKY FAITH Kara Powell & Chap Clark

  8. Twenty years ago, the phrase was, ‘If you don’t reach a young person by 18, you probably won’t reach them.’ Now, atheists and agnostics have the same access to your kids as you do; it is just one click away. The internet has levelled the playing field, and now If you don’t reach a child by their 12th birthday, you won’t reach them.” Josh McDowell Changes that create the perfect storm against the church

  9. 50,000 young people a year are leaving the Christian faith and deciding that they have 'no religion'. PHILIP HUGHES Christian Research Australia

  10. One of the biggest problems I have seen, and which I believe must be addressed, is that a large percentage of children who have been brought up in Sunday Schools and churches - and in Christian homes - do not continue on into adult church. DAVID GOODWIN Lost in Transition

  11. Biblical Faith Development Family Focused Baheth/Misbahor

  12. Faith Development Robert Raikes Child Focused Family FocusedBaheth/Misbahor Christian Education

  13. Faith Development Child Focused Family Focused Baheth/Misbahor Christian Education

  14. “There is an increasing probability that young people will develop high Christian commitment, and high loyalty to the Church if they have the benefits of effective homes, effective churches and effective Adventist schools." Dr Barry Gane Valuegenesis 2

  15. Church Home School

  16. Church Home School

  17. Church Home School

  18. Church Home School

  19. Church Home School

  20. Church Home School

  21. Church Home School

  22. Church Home School

  23. Church Home School

  24. It is time to work together for the life-long faith of our present and future generations of children and young people. We have a faith retention problem AND We have a solution. Church Home School

  25. http://children.adventist.org.au/faith-shaper In Partnership With www.HERE2STAY.org.au. discipling to stay

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