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Andrew Jackson's election in 1828 marked a shift towards popular democracy. This era saw increased public involvement in government, expanded voting rights, and a stronger executive branch. Jacksonian Democracy also witnessed the rise of the Democratic Party and the implementation of the Spoils System. This presentation explores the key terms, influential figures, and major events of this transformative period in American history.
Jacksonian Democracy Andrew Jackson’s election to the presidency in 1828 brought a new era of popular democracy
Key Terms Nominating Conventions Jacksonian Democracy Democratic Party Spoils System Kitchen Cabinet Key People John C. Calhoun Martin Van Buren Key Vocabulary and Key People
A New Kind of President • As the Country Continued to Expand, the rise of the Lower and middle class saw the wealthy gaining more power in fewer Numbers • The New Lower and Middle Class Also saw their influence in government Shrinking • Small farmers, Frontier Settlers, and Slave owners turned to War Hero Andrew Jackson to defend their rights
Democracy Battle Jacksonian Democracy • MORE public involvement in Government • Voting EXPANDED to all white males • Limited government with a STRONGER executive Branch Jeffersonian Democracy • Government by an EDUCATED few • Voting restricted to PROPERTY OWNERS • Limited Government
Dirty Politics • In the Election of 1824 FOUR men ran for president With Andrew Jackson winning the MOST popular vote but NOT the majority of the Electoral College • The House of Representatives would choose the winner and Henry Clay would throw his votes to John Quincy Adams • When JQ Adams named Henry Clay his Secretary of State Andrew Jackson would call it a corrupt bargain and plan his run for president in 1828
We’re Having a Party • As Jackson’s Popularity Rose, Voting expanded to include more white males but abolished the voting power of free blacks • Nominating conventions replaced Party leaders in choosing their presidential nominee expanding voting rights • The Expansion of Democracy would be known as Jacksonian Democracy
Banana Splits • Jackson and J.Q. Adams continued to split the Democratic-Republican Party creating TWO political parties, the Democratic Party and National Republicans • Jackson appealed to the common man as J.Q. Adams was a wealthy politician • Jackson Would Choose John C. Calhoun as his running mate in a rematch of the 1824 election
Leader of the common pack • John Quincy Adams was seen as out of Touch with the Common man…Cold and uncaring • Jackson Was Described as Hot-tempered, Crude, and unprepared to be president • Jackson would win the election in a landslide with a record number of popular votes
A Real Man’s Man • Jackson was popular for many reasons: • He was NOT Aristocratic and led a life of hardships • He was a military hero in the Revolutionary war who escaped capture • He Built his own legal practice through hard work • He was a war hero in the War of 1812
Crowd Control • Shortly after the election Jackson’s wife Rachel died of a Heart attack taking a toll on Jackson • Jackson’s Inauguration brought together people of all classes in celebration • Jackson, the common man, would be a popular president from day one
I Guess Jackson left the Milk out of the Refrigerator all night or something • Jackson used the Spoils System to reward his political supporters with jobs in governmentincluding Martin Van Buren as his Secretary of state • He would also create a “Kitchen Cabinet” to advise him on other matters of politics
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