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NES Strategic Framework Refresh

NES Strategic Framework Refresh . How did we do?. Collected examples and evidence of achievements and to identify areas/issues that were not addressed. Education to create an excellent workforce EVIDENCE OF ACTION TO DATE

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NES Strategic Framework Refresh

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  1. NES Strategic Framework Refresh

  2. How did we do? Collected examples and evidence of achievements and to identify areas/issues that were not addressed. Education to create an excellent workforce EVIDENCE OF ACTION TO DATE Graduate Management Training Scheme (SG) and Finance Management Training (NES) merged by NLU. GP Practice managers scheme extended to dental practices. WHAT ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRES TO BE DONE? KEEP IT? (TALLY VOTES) YES: IIII NO: II

  3. NES THEMES and OBJECTIVES Our Six Strategic Themes: education to create an excellent workforce improving quality reshaping the NHS workforce responding to new patient pathways developing innovative educational infrastructure delivering our aims through a connected organisation Our Ten Strategic Objectives: 01 Deliver consistent evidence based excellence in education for improved care. 02 Ensure best use of the Additional Costs of Teaching (ACT) funding. 03 Continue to build co-ordinated joint working and engagement with our partners. 04 Provide education in quality improvement for enhanced patient safety & people’s experience of services 05 Develop our support for workforce redesign. 06 Provide integrated education to support models of care which are closer to people in their communities. 07 Support education in partnership that maximises shared knowledge and understanding. 08 Develop flexible, connected and responsive educational infrastructure which covers people, technology and educational content. 09 Establish a performance structure which connects individual performance to our objectives. 10 Improve the sharing of knowledge across our organisation.

  4. Are we making our values live?

  5. What are the external drivers that are influencing our direction of travel?

  6. How will 2014/19 refreshed strategic framework be different?

  7. Planning and resource alignment Outcome Planning Framework Define a set of outcomes Make resource allocations based on what works Identify key activities that deliver the outcomes Outcome Planning in practice Mainstream evaluation and causation analysis Identify the resources needed to deliver the activities Plan and prioritise the use of resources in delivering activities

  8. What do we need to achieve during 2014 - 2019?

  9. Strategic Outcomes A strategic outcome is a desired state or end result articulated through a clear and concise statement of the organisational change that needs to be made to deal with an identified issue. The strategic outcome will indicate the direction of change desired (increase, decrease, maintain) and will set out what, collectively, the organisation wants to achieve. Instead of referring to Strategic Objectives, we aim to publish clear statements or OUTCOMES that we will achieve over the life of the refreshed strategy.

  10. NES VISION, MISSION Our Vision: Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Our Mission: education that enables excellence in health and care for the people of Scotland

  11. Values and Ways of Working

  12. Educational Principles

  13. Outcome Themes and Activities

  14. Key Outcomes

  15. Keep an eye on our intranet page for updates: www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/about-us/planning-and-corporate-governance.aspx

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