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BEST CRISS STRATEGIES FOR TAKS. Selective Highlighting/Underlining Marginal Notes: Power Thinking, Two Column Notes, Venn, Read and Write Something Question/Answer Relationships(QARS) Questioning the Author(QtA). SELECTIVE HIGHLIGHTING/UNDERLINING. P.42-44 CRISS Manual
BEST CRISS STRATEGIESFOR TAKS • Selective Highlighting/Underlining • Marginal Notes: Power Thinking, Two Column Notes, Venn, Read and Write Something • Question/Answer Relationships(QARS) • Questioning the Author(QtA)
SELECTIVE HIGHLIGHTING/UNDERLINING • P.42-44 CRISS Manual • Magazine or newspaper articles, old textbooks, photocopies, or TAKS selections • Teacher models. Talk about the author’s plan. • Divide into groups of three using a transparency of a selection. Selective highlight together and present to the class.
SELECTIVE HIGHLIGHTING/UNDERLINING(Cont.) • Use with teacher notes and study guides • Use different articles or selections with each group(differentiation) • Use clear transparencies over selection pages-transfer information onto paper, erase and reuse • Use non-fiction material dealing with current events, history, or science
MARGINAL NOTES • Power Notes P.38: Power 1-selection title or thesis statement, Power 2s-topic sentences of the body paragraphs, Power 3s,4s,5s-details in the body paragraphs • Read and Write Something-Variation of Read and Say Something • Two Column Notes P.118 Main ideas/Details • One Sentence Summaries P.111 over the paragraphs of the selection
QUESTION ANSWER RELATIONSHIPS • Easy example P. 71 CRISS Manual: Popcorn • Start with In the book questions: RightThere / Think and Search • After mastery, add Author and You • Model, model, model (Dr. Seuss books work well for modeling and practice) • Start with easy material: Well known fairytales or picture books
QARS(Cont.) • About 85% of the TAKS questions are Author and You • Put the students in groups of 4 and have them make up all four types of questions • After the students have used QARs successfully several times, model how to use it as a tool to identify and answer TAKS questions. • Practice in groups or partners with release TAKS materials. Discussion is important. • Move to independent practice
THE PLAN FOR QARS • Phase 1: Introduce the Strategy • Phase 2: Modeling/Think Aloud (Teacher does, Students observe) • Phase 3: Scaffolding (Teacher does, Students help) • Phase 4: Coaching (Students do, Teacher helps) • Phase 5: Independent Practice (Assessment)
QUESTIONING THE AUTHOR • QtA P.37-38 CRISS Manual • Ask and answer these questions while reading: What is the author trying to tell me? Why is the author telling me this? Does the author state it clearly? If not, how might have the author written it more clearly? What would I have wanted to say instead? • Partners, small group, independently