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Turkey’ Position in UNFCCC , First National Communication and CCS Dr.G ü nay Apak Bahar Ubay. Symposium on C O 2 C apture and S torage(CCS) i n U nderground G eolog i cal F ormat i ons. Ankara - December 4-5, 200 6. T urkey and Climate Change Effects. Temperature Changes
Turkey’ Position in UNFCCC, First National Communication and CCS Dr.Günay Apak Bahar Ubay Symposium on CO2 Capture and Storage(CCS)in Underground Geological Formations Ankara - December 4-5,2006
Turkey and Climate Change Effects
Temperature Changes • decreasing trends Black Sea region and • widespread decreasing tendency in the central Anatolian region Rising sea-level • increased flooding, and sedimentation across the delta plain, interrupting agricultural activity (particularly on the Kizilirmak, Yesilirmak, Gediz, Seyhan and Ceyhan plains)
BUYUK MENDERES BASIN GEDIZ BASIN AEGEAN SEA Streamgaging St. Meteorological St. River Gediz River and Büyük MenderesBasins
Gediz River Basin • second largest in the Aegean • total drainage area of about 18,000 km2 • water scarcity due to water competition among various uses(agriculture,textile, industry) and water allocation problems • mainly irrigation with a total command area of 110,000 ha versus the domestic and fast growing industrial demand in the coastal zone • environmental pollution in addition to the fact that the basin experiences droughtness
Gediz River and Büyük MenderesBasins business as usual scenario • ~20% of surface water will be gone by 2030 • 35% and >50% respectively by 2050, 2100 • potential crop • evapotranspiration crop water demand %11, %19, %48 in 2030,2050,2100
GHG Emissions of Turkey 1990-2004: 170.2 Tg to 357.4 Tg CO2 eq
The Distribution of Final Energy Consumption by Fuels in 1990 and 2004 Source: MENR, 2006
The Distribution of Final Energy Consumption by Sectors in 1990 and 2004 Source: MENR, 2006
WOM (Reference) Scenario Final Energy Consumption Shares by Fuel.
Forecast GHG Emissions 2005-2020, WOM (Reference) and WM (DSM)
UNFCCC-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change • UNFCCC sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate change.It recognizes that the climate system is a shared resource whose stability can be affected by industrial and other emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Under the Convention governments: • gather and share information on greenhouse gas emissions, national policies and best practices • launch national strategies for addressing greenhouse emissions and adapting to expected impacts, including the provision of financial and technological support to developing countries • co-operate in preparing for adaptation to the impacts of climate change
Kyoto Protocol and the CommitmentsThe overall emission reduction target for Annex 1 Parties as a group is at least 5 percent below 1990 levels to be achieved by the commitment period 2008 to 2012 (an average over the five years).The negotiated targets for individual Annex I Parties is included in Annex B of the Protocol.
ANNEX-I Countries Annex-I Countries CTPME* Annex-I Countries = + *Countries within the Transition Period for Market Economy
Turkey’s Ratification Period Raising public awareness and development of national capacity to fulfill the commitments of UNFCCC A brief report on the emissions of the country had been communicated with the Secretariat through the document FCCC/CP/1997/ MISC.3. before the ratification The inter-ministerial NationalCoordination Board on Climate Change, initially established in 2001, was revised in early 2004 decision 26/CP.7 of COP7 in 2001, which placed Turkey after becoming a Party, in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex I to the Convention.
UNFCCC Republic of Turkey ratified UNFCCC on 24 May 2004 Benefiting from GEF Funding Turkey startedinitiationsforbenefiting from the GEF funding for the preparation of the national communication since the country eligible for climate change related GEF funding pursuant to Article 9.b of GEF Instrument.
WORK GROUPS Working Group I Researching the Effects of Climate Change State Meteorological Services Working Group II Emission Inventory of GHG State Institute of Statistics Working Group III Mitigation of GHG from Industry, B.,W. & S.S. General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration Working Group IV Mitigation of GHG from Energy SectorGen. Directorate of Energy Works Working GroupVMitigation of GHG from Transportation General Directorate of Railways, Harbors and AirportsConstruction Working GroupVI LULUCF Research and Development Department Working GroupVII Development of Policies and Strategies (MoEF) MoEF Air Management Department Working GroupVIII Education and Public Awareness (MoEF) MoEF Air Management Department
National Climate Change Programme • SELF ASSESSMENT EXERCISE • GEFfunded UNDP & MoEF Project / 15,000 USD • TUBITAK PROJECTS • Initiated by UNDP country funds / 25,000 USD • FIRST NATIONAL COMMUNICATION on CLIMATE CHANGE • GEFfunded UNDP & MoEF Project/ 405,000 USD
National Communication Activities Climate Modeling Studies Inventory R&D Capacity Development Awareness Projections Vulnerability Mitigations Measures Adaptation National Climate Plan National Communications National Inventories UNFCCC
COP 12, Canada 2005 Parties recognised the following mitigation measures: • Energy Efficiency • Renewable Energy • Forestation • CO2 Capture and Storage
COP 13, Kenya 2006 Recommendations by Ad-Hoc Working group for Post-Kyoto Period: • A working group to be set up under UNFCCC : - with the assistance if experts from appropriate organizations - to enhance capacity building on CCS - to resolve issues - to draw upon all available expert analysis • Annex II countries to enable CCS within the CDM with a progress report by SBSTA
EU COMMON ENERGY POLICYGOALS • Competitiveness: internal market, competition, interconnections (TENT), European electricity grid, research & innovation (clean coal, carbon sequestration, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, nuclear) • Environment: renewable energy, energy efficiency, nuclear, innovation & research, emission trading • Security of Supply: international dialogue, European stock management (oil/gas), refining capacity and storage of ener
GREEN PAPER: PRIORITY AREASFOR POSSIBLE COMMON ACTION • Internal market → towards a fully competitive internal energy market • Internal energy supply policy → solidarity among Member States • Energy mix → diverse, efficient & sustainable • Environment → integrated approach to tackling climate change: energy efficiency, renewable & low carbon energy production • Energy technology & innovation → strategic approach • External relations → coherent external energy policy
Energy Efficiency in TurkeyDraft Law:Energy Efficiency Draft Law Voluntary Agreements
Use of Renewable Energy in Turkey- Law on Promotion of Renewable Energy Resources, 2005
Geothermal Sites and Potentials in Turkey Temperature Potential MW Geothermal . °C Site Denizli-Kızıldere 240 34 Aydın-Germencik 230 51 Manisa-Göbeklii 182 0.6 Çanakkale-Tuzla 174 1,1 Aydın-Salavatlı 171 7,2 Kütahya-Simav 162 3,5 İzmir-Seferihisar 153 0.2 Manisa-Caferbey 150 0.04 Aydın-Yılmazköy 142 0.5 İzmir-Dikili 130 0.01 Total 98.2 Source MTA 2006
Wind Power in Turkey • Technically and economically viable wind potential : • 88,000 MW and more than 10,000 MW respectively • Total installed capacity has reached 50.1 MW, about 1,500 MW is licensed • Licence applications of 2,500 MW
Other Measures - Cogeneration - Removal of the old Cars (more than 15 years older) from the traffic
Developmentof Cogeneration Installed Capacity Source : TEIAS
World Regional Total Primary Energy consumption– Scenario-BIIASA / WEC GLOBAL ENERGY PERSPECTIVES
World Regional Final Energy Consumption– Scenario-BIIASA / WEC GLOBAL ENERGY PERSPECTIVES
World Sectoral Total Final Energy Consumption - ScenarioB IIASA / WEC GLOBAL ENERGY PERSPECTIVES
World Resource Based Final Energy Consumption - ScenarioB IIASA / WEC GLOBAL ENERGY PERSPECTIVES