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Trade, Sustainable Development and SIDS: Seeking a post-Doha Strategy . AOSIS Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Small Island States 12-15 December 2001 Montego Bay, Jamaica. Charles Arden-Clarke Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)
Trade, Sustainable Development and SIDS: Seeking a post-Doha Strategy AOSIS Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Small Island States 12-15 December 2001Montego Bay, Jamaica Charles Arden-Clarke Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) Economics and Trade Branch (ETB)
CSD 7 on Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action “…the pace of globalization and trade liberalization has affected the economies of SIDS, presenting new problems and opportunities…..increasing the need for focused implementation of the BPA.” “as a result of globalization, national policy frameworks and external factors, including trade impacts have become critical in determining the success or failure of SIDS in their national efforts [for sustainable development].”
WTO Ministerial Conference, Doha The Third Age of Trade Policy? • trade for sustainable development • depends on who engages and how - which ministries, other stakeholders and IGOs • if SIDS do not engage, with a strategy, their needs and policy priorities will not be met
AOSIS and SIDS • Need a strategy for forthcoming WTO negotiations, and related inter-governmental developments • Need to enhance the necessary, technical, policy-making and negotiating capacity • SIDS can collaborate and build on the Climate Change coalition, and their regional organisations
Barbados Programme of Action • 15 priority areas, both sectoral and cross-sectoral • 10 with direct, concrete linkages to trade and finance, which are considered means of implementation • Construct the post-Doha strategy around trade and finance
Trade for Sustainable Development - Objectives • Integrate environmental and natural resource considerations into trade promotion and expansion... • ...so as to maximise the net development gains of trade (by minimising associated environmental damage and natural resource use), and • mainstream trade in national socio-economic development plans.
Trade for Sustainable Development - Means • Cooperate, coordinate and enhance SIDS’ regional cooperation mechanisms (eg OECS, SPREP, AOSIS, ACP) • Secure IGO and bilateral aid agency support for this (capacity-building) • Defend trade preferences and Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO
Joined-up Policy Making and Governance • Coordinate activities across the different international fora (WTO, MEAs, WSSD, UNCTAD, UNEP) • Share your experience and expertise (in meetings such as this) • Benefit from the human and technical resources of NGOs, academics and the business sector
The Doha Development Agenda - why this is an opportunity • places the needs and interests of developing countries at the heart of the WTO work programme • commits members to addressing the marginalization of LDCs in trade and improving their effective participation in the WTO • reaffirms the principle of Special and Differential Treatment and addresses implementation issues
Doha Development Agenda Paragraph 6 • Commitment to objective of sustainable development and mutually supportive trade and environment policies • Welcomes WTO’s continued cooperation with UNEP • Promote cooperation with environment and development organisations in run-up to WSSD • Amounts to a call for integrated trade, environment and development policies
Doha Development Agenda Paragraph 33 • Recognises the importance of technical assistance and capacity-building on T, E & D, especially for LDCs • Encourages sharing of expertise on environmental reviews of trade policy (also noted in para 6) • Report required at 5th Ministerial • Donor agencies are already beginning to factor this in to their programmes
Doha Development Agenda Paragraphs 29 & 31 - Negotiations • clarifying relationship between WTO rules and MEA trade measures • procedures on information exchange and granting observer status for MEAs in the WTO • liberalisation of trade in environmental goods and services • clarifying and improving WTO disciplines on fisheries subsidies
Doha Development Agenda Paragraph 32 - Focusing the CTE • Effect of environmental measures on market access, and eliminating trade restrictions and distortions for T, E & D • examining the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement (technology transfer, ESTs?) • labelling requirements for environmental purposes • these are not formal negotiations
Doha Development Agenda Other trade and sustainable development issues • Examining the relationship between TRIPS and the CBD, in the context of TRIPS reviews (para 19) • CTE and CTD to identify and debate environmental and developmental aspects of the negotiations (para 51) • preparations for negotiations on a multilateral framework for investment, to start only with consensus, at 5th Ministerial
Doha Development Agenda Work relevant to sustainable development for SIDS • Work programme to examine issues relating to trade of small economies, for fuller integration into trading system • Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance • Working Group on Trade and Technology Transfer
UNEP Work Programme on Trade,Environment and Development • enhancing synergies and mutual supportiveness between MEAs and the WTO • environmental and integrated assessment of trade-related policies, to maximise the net development gains of trade and trade liberalisation • combining country projects and a reference manual on integrated assessmentof trade-related policies
UNEP Work Programme on Trade,Environment and Development • work on fisheries subsidies, agricultural trade liberalisation, and TRIPS and the environment • UNEP-UNCTAD Capacity Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development (CBTF) • country projects, thematic research; • regional seminars, training programmes; • demand-driven, 8 projects running, 40+ submitted
Actions for SIDS This workshop is a prime opportunity for SIDS to formulate their own actions at this critical juncture for trade, environment and development policy integration. The experience, tools (eg SIDSNET, SIDSTAP) and collaboration built on climate change show the way. UNEP can provide support and capacity-building to AOSIS members.
Trade, Sustainable Development and SIDS: Seeking a post-Doha Strategy Contact points: Economics and Trade Branch, 15 ch. des Anemones, 1219 Chatelaine, Switerzerland Tel. +41 22 917 8179 Fax +41 22 917 8076 Email: etu@unep.ch Web-site: www.unep.ch/etu