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IR Update. AIRPO New Paltz June 19, 2008 John Porter, Associate Provost SUNY System Administration. IPEDS Update. IPEDS Surveys. E12 = 12-Month Enrollment C = Completions EF = Fall Enrollment F = Fin ance GRS = Graduation Rates HR = Human Resources IC = Institutional Characteristics
IR Update AIRPO New Paltz June 19, 2008 John Porter, Associate Provost SUNY System Administration
IPEDS Surveys E12 = 12-Month Enrollment C = Completions EF = Fall Enrollment F = Finance GRS = Graduation Rates HR = Human Resources IC = Institutional Characteristics SFA = Student Financial Aid • Red:SUNY does • White: Campuses do • Red/White: • SUNY does State Op • CCs do their own
Proposed changes Collect more detailed student financial aid data Eliminate first-professional degree category Revise Finance data collected for both GASB and FASB institutions Introduce phased implementation of new R/E categories
Student Financial Aid Survey Changes will: Distinguish between Pell and other fed grants Distinguish between Federal loans and other loans Implementation 2008-09
First-professional going away! • Probably not in NYSED but in IPEDS • Doctoral programs will be classified as: • Doctorate research/scholarship • Doctorate professional • Doctorate other • First-professional certificates now “post-masters certificate”
Doctorate research/scholarship A PhD or other Doctorate Requires advanced work beyond the master’s level including dissertation or original project Examples: EdD, DMA, DBA, DSc, DA, or DM, or others, as designated by the awarding institution
Doctorate professional practice Doctorate degree but not Ph.D. Completion of program provides knowledge & skills for credential, or license required for professional practice Requires at least 6 FTE academic years of study (including pre-professional) Some are former 1st professional degrees Others as designated by institution
Doctorate other Doctorate degrees that do not meet the definition of: research/scholarship or professional practice
Master’s degree Requires completion of a program requiring one or two FTE academic years beyond bachelors’ Some, such as those in Theology (Mdiv, MHL/Rav) that were formerly classified as first-profession, may require >2 FTE yrs work but will be classified as Masters in future
Proposed Finance changes Purpose: To increase comparability of finance data between public & private colleges Changes will improve utility of data and improve financial transparency of the institutions
GASB institutions Part A – Statement of Net Assets Change asset categories Plant, property, and Equipment Report only Ending balances Definitional change to Property obtained under capital leases
GASB institutions Part B – Revenues Report local operating grants and contracts separately from private operating grants and contracts Add line for sales and services of educational activities
GASB institutions Part C – Expenses Change to resemble the FASB form Allocation of Operation and Maintenance of plant (O&M) Allocation of Depreciation
GASB institutions Component Units will be discontinued
New race/ethnicity standards Collectionof R/E data one standard Reportingof R/E dataanother standard Don’t confuse the two colleges have to collect more R/E data than what they report
DOE collection standard • NCES requires two-question format: • Is respondent Hispanic/Latino? Y/N • Respondent selects one or more races: • American Indian or Alaska Native • Asian • Black or African American • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander • White
SUNY 3rd question Due to New York’s unique demographics, SUNY is introducing a 3rd question If Hispanic/Latino, is your background? Central American Dominican Mexican Puerto Rican South American Other Hispanic/Latino Handout
DOE collection standard Ethnicity question must come first Race question must read “one or more” instead of “all that apply” Standards call for self-identification of race/ethnicity DOE encourages institutions to allow current students and staff to re-identify their race and ethnicity under the new standards
DOE reporting R/E standard Nonresident aliens Race/ethnicity unknown Hispanics of any race For non-Hispanics only: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White 2 or more races
Other considerations A person answering “Yes” to Hispanic/Latino should also answer the race question even though that person is reported to IPEDS as Hispanic/Latino only. If a person does not answer the Hispanic/Latino question but does answer the race question, report that person in the race category selected (which by default assumes a “No” response to the Hispanic question).
R/E implementation schedule 2008-09 and 2009-10 Optional 2010-11 Mandatory for EF, HR Optional for C, E12, GRS 2011-12 Mandatory all surveys SUNY ASC implementing in 2009-10 Guide Book and online app
CIP table being updated CIP is an DOE taxonomy of instructional programs CIP is used to identify “registered” programs that result in a degree, certificate, license or certification Not intended as a classification scheme for courses, but SUNY uses it as such in SIRIS Last updated in 2000; new table coming in 2009-10
Reporting non-credit instruction • For many institutions, non-credit instruction a core mission, e.g., remedial, professional, etc. • IPEDS plans to collect this activity in about 5 years • Unduplicated counts of students will be required (including regular college students) • This reporting means Continuing Ed courses and students to IPEDS!
Implementation schedule • Most Banner campuses will implement SIRIS Course, Student, & Term/Section during 2008-09 • Implementation schedule posted on the SIRIS project website (www.suny.edu) • Handout • Non-banner campuses have more leeway but all campuses have to implement SIRIS by fall 2010 due to IPEDS R/E change
Space Inventory Human Resources Course “SIRIS” SUNY’s New IR System Bursar Term/Section 1st Phase 2nd Phase Existing Systems Degree Degree Financial Aid Applicant Student
SIRIS reporting deadlines • Course file • Campuses submit as often as needed (needed for editing “sections” reported in Term/Section) • Student file • Fall/Spring census due Oct 15th/Mar 1st • End of term • Fall due January • Winter due March • Spring due June • Summer due September
SIRIS reporting deadlines • Term/Section • End of term • Fall due January • Winter due March • Spring due June • Summer due September • Degree • September for the prior AY • Or, after every commencement • Handout
Reporting non-credit instruction • In SIRIS, all non-credit instruction claimed for state aid must be reported in Course, Student & Term/Section • Required fields & edits will be different for non-credit courses & students • SUNY will no longer accept the Excel spreadsheet for reporting Continuing Ed instruction • Community colleges must prepare for this change • Eventually, all Continuing Ed will have to be reported to IPEDS
Campus status on sending SIRIS submissions • 42 campus have sent a Course submission to test or production • 10 campus have sent a Term/Section • Handout
New York’s P-16 system • SED is building a state level unit record system • Almost every state has an SLDS project underway • New York’s project initially contains data on students enrolled in public school and SUNY/CUNY • Courses & grades • Regents’ test results • SUNY participating in prototype project • Very difficult data issues between sectors • Campuses may have to capture NY’s unique K-12 ID beginning in 2009-10
P-16 brings a new level of oversight • USNY Regents • P-16 Executive Committee • Chief Data Director for P-16 • P-16 Advisory Committees • Data • Research
NASH Initiative • NASH = National Association of System Heads • Ed/Trust, Inc. is a Foundation • Two initiatives: • Low-income/under represented access & success • Success in math curriculum for the above groups • 6 campuses participated in Math study because SUNY does not have grade data centrally • Albany, Brockport, Oswego, Potsdam, Hudson Valley, and Monroe
NASH Initiative • Cohorts tracked for 6 years • Full & part-time • By gender/URM/Pell • Baccalaureate: Fall 1999 • Associate: Fall 2001 • SUNY submits this data every year until 2015 • SUNY is collecting campus Pell files • Baccalaureate 1999-2000 forward • Associate 2001-02 forward • Now on annual calendar of data submissions • Handout
Teacher Certification Examination Database • SUNY is behind on releasing TCED release #3 • Program completers through 2006-07 • Exam scores through Aug 2008 • Campus IR gatekeepers of CDs containing protected data • Execute non-disclosure agreement with faculty & staff before releasing disc 2 • Discs 1 & 3 may be released for analysis purposes to anyone who has a need to know • SED ready to release TEACH (certifications) data to campuses – SUNY hasn’t had time to use it
National Post-secondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS 98) • Campuses are making good progress • Handout • A few campuses refused to participate
Community College Benchmarking Project (NCCBP) • About half of the 25 CCs that are participating submitted data – Good Work! • Handout • The other colleges have until July 8th to submit data!
System-wide surveys • NSSE/CCSSE • State Operated campuses completed NSSE Spring 2008 • Community Colleges to administer Spring 2009 • Part of strengthened campus-based assessment • SUNY pays but only every third year • SOS • State Operated campuses Spring 2009 • Community Colleges Spring 2010