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West African Influence: Major Impact on Music Evolution

Explore the significant influence brought by African slaves to music through three distinct styles - Worksongs, Gospel, and Spirituals. Worksongs were sung to maintain a steady beat while working, uplifting workers' spirits. Gospel music, evolved from spirituals, focuses on artistic expression and strong emotions. Spirituals highlight African American religious songs expressing deep feelings. Discover the Hambone technique of body percussion and the Call and Response form in this enriching musical journey.

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West African Influence: Major Impact on Music Evolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. West African Influence

  2. Major Influence brought by African Slaves 3 music styles brought from Africa: Worksongs Gospel Spirituals

  3. Worksong A song that is: - sung while working -to keep a steady beat for the workers - to help keep a good spirit or morale for the workers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGglKPqG16s

  4. Gospel Music Gospel music: - evolved from spirituals brought by African Slaves - Purpose of Music: Artistic Expression http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd6sy5DKpxk

  5. - religious songs of African Americans - Purpose of Music- Artistic Expression (shows strong feelings and emotions) Spirituals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJGahpt1-GU&feature=related

  6. Hambone Technique - African American rhythm technique - use body percussion to create the sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnrlzc39edM

  7. Call and Response Form - a form that alternates between the call (solo singer) and the response (choir) Improvisation - to create and perform spontaneously or without preparation - paved the way for jazz improvisation A.K.A. - To make it up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iimMKWF7SK0

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