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The Past,

Click here after each animation. The Present,. The Progress. The Past,. By Gloria Blair & Debra Crowe. Click here after each animation. The Past, The Present, The Progress. Immigration Ellis Island. Immigration Angel Island. Homer Adolph Plessy. John Marshall Harlan.

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The Past,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Click here after each animation The Present, The Progress The Past, By Gloria Blair & Debra Crowe

  2. Click here after each animation The Past, The Present, The Progress Immigration Ellis Island Immigration Angel Island Homer Adolph Plessy John Marshall Harlan Westward Expansion James Withers Sloss Migration Booker T. Washington 1st Transconti-nental Railroad W. E. B. Dubois


  4. Click here after each animation

  5. Click here after each animation Alabama HistoryCLICK MAP FOR HISTORY

  6. Click here after each animation Click on next slide to view each map quadrant Source: 1910 Rand McNally Handy Railroad Map.

  7. Click here after each animation

  8. Click here after each animation Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court Click on the picture to view the court case.

  9. Click here after each animation Plessy v. Ferguson Click on “facts” on the plan book to analyze the political cartoon. Now let's analyze the facts of this case.

  10. Click here after each animation • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) • "The object of the [Fourteenth] Amendment was undoubtedly to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law, but in the nature of things it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political, equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either." • —Justice Henry Billings Brown, speaking for the majority Click picture for more details on Henry Brown

  11. Click here after each animation Homer Adolph Plessy • Homer Plessy • Period: Struggle for Civil Rights (1877-1964) • Born: March 17th, 1863 • Died: March 1st, 1925 • Articles: • Plessy Story • Sitting at the Dock of the Bay • Homer Plessy in a Mixed Up Time

  12. Click here after each animation • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) • Excerpts from the Dissenting Opinionof Justice John Marshall Harlan. • While there may be in Louisiana persons of different races who are not citizens of the United States, the words in the act 'white and colored races' necessarily include all citizens of the United States of both races residing in that state. So that we have before us a state enactment that compels, under penalties, the separation of the two races in railroad passenger coaches, and makes it a crime for a citizen of either race to enter a coach that has been assigned to citizens of the other race. Thus, the state regulates the use of a public highway by citizens of the United States solely upon the basis of race. Click picture for more details on John Marshall

  13. Click here after each animation Booker T. Washington Click “Up From Slavery” to view autobiography.

  14. Click here after each animation W.E.B. Dubois Click “Dubois The Person” to view autobiography. Dubois The Person An Autobiography By W.E.B. Dubois

  15. Click here after each animation Sloss Furnace Click to view history.

  16. Click here after each animation James Withers Sloss Click Sloss Furnaces to view biography.

  17. Click here after each animation First Transcontinental Railroad Click picture to view history.

  18. Click here after each animation Central Pacific Railroad Click track to view history and click picture to view biography.

  19. Click here after each animation Union Pacific Railroad Click logo to view history and click picture to view biography.

  20. Click here after each animation Promontory Point Click map to view extract and click picture to view history.

  21. Click here after each animation Rail Lines Between TheAtlantic & Pacific

  22. Click here after each animation Westward Expansion of the U.S.

  23. Click here after each animation Angel Island Click picture to view history.

  24. Click here after each animation Ellis Island Click picture to view history.

  25. Lesson Plans

  26. Click here after each animation Lesson Plans Click on each plan book to view a lesson. Lesson Plan 1 LessonPlan 2 LessonPlan 3

  27. http://cprr.org/Museum/ http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/treasures_of_congress/Images/page_15/51a.html http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/g/GOLDENSPIKE.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/central_pacific_railroad/central_pacific_railroad.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/transcontinental_railroad/transcontinental_railroad.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/union_pacific_railroad/union_pacific_railroad.html http://school.nettrekker.com/results/?keyword=promontory%20summit&ctgry_id=X0 http://www.archives.state.al.us/timeline/al1000.html http://landmarkcases.org/plessy/home.html http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/scales/plessyiss.html http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/highlandsprings/strusky_m/Resources/example%20projects/bsmith%20webpage/images/plessy%20v%20ferguson.gif http://www.supremecourthistory.org/02_history/subs_timeline/images_associates/044.html Bibliography

  28. http://cat.xula.edu/unmasked/articles/413/ http://cat.xula.edu/unmasked/articles/420/ http://cat.xula.edu/unmasked/articles/438/ http://www.supremecourthistory.org/02_history/subs_timeline/images_associates/037.html http://docsouth.unc.edu/fpn/washington/washing.html#washing1 http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/scott/washfp.jpg http://www2.pfeiffer.edu/~lridener/DSS/INDEX.HTML#dubois http://www.nathanielturner.com/images/New_Folder3/jacoba4.jpg http://www.slossfurnaces.com/media/html/home/sloss_story.php http://www.slossfurnaces.com/media/html/home/sloss_story.php http://slossfurnaces.com/media/html/sloss_story/james_sloss.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/transcontinental_railroad/transcontinental_railroad.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_names/judah_theodore/judah_theodore.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/central_pacific_railroad/central_pacific_railroad.html Bibliography

  29. http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/union_pacific_railroad/union_pacific_railroad.htmlhttp://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_clubs/union_pacific_railroad/union_pacific_railroad.html http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_names/dodge_greenville_mullen/dodge_greenville_mullen.html http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/treasures_of_congress/Images/page_15/51a.html http://www.media.utah.edu/UHE/g/GOLDENSPIKE.html http://www.lakemirabel.com/Railroad/images/Transcontinental1873.jpg http://www.branson.k12.mo.us/school_links/jr_high/blackwellk/WEB%20PAGE/Picture%20Files/westward.jpg http://www.aiisf.org/history http://library.thinkquest.org/20619/Eihist.html chambeg@ocps.k12.fl.us chambeg@ocps.net http://cprr.org/ http://rs6.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/rrhtml/rrmap.html http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/united_states/us_terr_1860.jpg http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/united_states/us_terr_1870.jpg Bibliography

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