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III. French Republic & Rise of Napoleon

Dive into the tumultuous events of the French Revolution, from radical uprisings to the Reign of Terror, leading to Napoleon's rise to power and the transformation of France. Witness the dramatic shifts in power and ideology that shaped a nation in turmoil.

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III. French Republic & Rise of Napoleon

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  1. III. French Republic & Rise of Napoleon

  2. A. Radical Gain Power • Commune – Radical group that took control of Paris • Wanted to destroy monarchy and the king • August 10,1792 – King and royal family were imprisoned

  3. National Convention – Replaces the Legislative Assembly • Ruled France for 3 years • Universal Manhood Suffrage – All men were eligible to elect members of the convention

  4. B. Radicals Kill the King • National convention abolishes the monarchy • Louis XVI is put on trial for plotting against the French people • Found guilty of treason

  5. Trial of Louis XVI

  6. Primary Source – Maximilien Robespierre, December 3, 1792 • “If Louis is acquitted, if Louis can be presumed innocent, what becomes of the Revolution? Louis must die because the nation must live.”

  7. January 21, 1793 • Louis is beheaded by the guillotine

  8. Death of a King

  9. Backside of a French Coin from 1793

  10. Execution of Marie Antoinette

  11. C. Exporting Revolution • French armies are able to defeat Austrian forces • First Coalition • Austria • Prussia • Great Britain • Spain • Netherlands • Sardinia

  12. France suffers a series of defeats • Committee of Public Safety – Created to direct the war against the 1st Coalition • Conscription – All men between 18 and 45 were drafted in the military • France raises an army of 800,000

  13. D. Reign of Terror • MaximilienRobespierre – Takes control of the National Conventions • Reign of Terror – 40,000 people throughout France are executed • Robespierre rules France as a military dictator

  14. Primary Source – Eyewitness to the Guillotine, January 22, 1793 • “When I came to the guillotine, the blood of those who had been executed was still running in the streets . . . I said to a group of sans culottes (poor members of society) . . . That it would be decent to clear away all of this human blood. ‘Why should it be cleared?’ one of them said to me. ‘It’s the blood of aristocrats and rebels. The dogs should lick it up.’”

  15. MaximilienRobespierre

  16. Tried anyone who was suspected of opposing his rule and quickly had them beheaded • Some victims were arrested, tried, and executed in the same day

  17. Primary Source – Jacques Alexis Thuriot, a critic of Robespierre, June 8, 1794 • “It’s not enough for him to be master; he wants to be God.”

  18. E. Directory • Members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre • July 28, 1794 – Robespierre is executed

  19. Directory – New government ruled by 5 men • Allowed only property owners to vote • Economic life crumbled during the Directory

  20. Primary Source – Protestor, May 20, 1795 • “Under Robespierre, blood ran and we had bread; today blood does not run and we don’t have any bread, and we aught to make some blood flow to get the same.”

  21. F. Rise of Napoleon • Military genius • Directory asked Napoleon to lead campaign against 1st Coalition • Napoleon’s military tactics forces Austria to sue for peace

  22. Napoleon

  23. 1799 – People grow restless with the Directory • Believed Napoleon was the only hope for restoring order • Napoleon stages a coup de’tat and becomes dictator of France • Marks the end of the revolution

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