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Age of Napoleon

Age of Napoleon. Background. Born on the island of Corsica in 1769 Sent to French military school at age 9 1785, became lieutenant in French artillery. Hero of the Hour. When the French Revolution started, Napoleon joined the army of the new government .

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Age of Napoleon

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  1. Age of Napoleon

  2. Background • Born on the island of Corsica in 1769 • Sent to French military school at age 9 • 1785, became lieutenant in French artillery

  3. Hero of the Hour • When the French Revolution started, Napoleon joined the army of the new government. • Defeated royalist troops marching against the National Assembly. (Oct. 1795) • 1796: Defeated armies of Austria and Sardinia • Defeated in Egypt (kept secret)

  4. Coup d’Etat • Oct. 9 1799, Napoleon was put in charge of French Army • National Legislature established a consul of three. Napoleon was one of the three. • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power.

  5. Napoleon Rules France

  6. Creating an Empire • Sold Louisiana Purchase to United States (1803) • As he expanded, countries rose up against him • Third Coalition: Britain, Russia, Austria, & Sweden • Battle of Austerlitz – had now defeated all enemies except Britain • Only major loss was at Trafalgar – 1805 – Naval defeat to British Admiral Horatio Nelson

  7. Napoleon’s Three Mistakes • 1) The Continental System • 2) The Peninsular War • 3) The Invasion of Russia

  8. The Continental System • Decision to cut Britain off from the rest of Europe. • Blockade – Forcible closing of ports • Trying to prevent trade and communication • England responded with a blockade of its own • In essence, the Continental system hurt France more than it did England

  9. The Peninsular War • Sent an army to invade Portugal • Weren’t following Continental System • Had to go through Spain • Displeased Spanish • Made his brother King • Guerrilla Warfare • Army of Spanish peasants • Informal, Napoleon could not defeat in one battle • Fought for 5 years (1808-1813) • Nationalism • Pride in one’s country

  10. Invasion of Russia • 1812: invaded Russia • Scorched Earth Policy – As Russian troops retreated, they burnt grain fields and slaughtered livestock to leave nothing for the French • Entered Moscow – Burnt by Russians • No Peace Treaty Came • French turned to home • Starving and freezing • Large % of army died

  11. Napoleon’s Downfall • Weakened by war with Russia, enemies attacked • Fourth Coalition: Britain, Russia, Austria, & Prussia • 1813: Battle of Leipzig – Napoleon defeated • April 1814: Accepted terms of surrender • Exiled to island of Elba • Off Italian coast

  12. The Hundred Days • New King, Louis XVIII became unpopular (Louis XVI’s brother) • Napoleon escapes Elba (Mar. 1, 1815) • Napoleon gathers troops as he nears Paris, once again ruler of France • June 18, 1815 – Battle of Waterloo • Napoleon vs. British • Prussian Army arrived and turned the tide • British led by the Duke of Wellington • Napoleon defeted

  13. Second Exile • After his escape and capture needed more remote location • Taken by British navy to St. Helena • Remote island in South Atlantic • Only lived for 6 more years • Died in 1821

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