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This presentation outlines the Department of Communications' strategic plan for the years 2010-2013, focusing on their mandate, vision, mission, functions, and key programs.
2010-2013 Strategic Plan Department of CommunicationsPRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONSBY MS MAMODUPI MOHLALA,DIRECTOR-GENERAL 09 March 2010 Cape Town A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
DoC Team 2 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
DoC Mandate, Vision & Mission • The strategy is based on the DOC mandate and targeted towards achieving our vision and mission • Mandate • To create a vibrant ICT Sector that ensures that all South Africans have access to affordable and accessible ICT services in order to advance socio-economic development goals, support the African Agenda and contribute to building a better world • Vision • South Africa as a global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development • Mission • Building an inclusive information society through a sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment to enhance the knowledge economy”. 3 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
DoC Functions • In line with the mandate of the Department, its functions are - • To develop ICT policies and legislation that create conditions for an accelerated and shared growth of the South African economy and improves the cost, quality, availability and usage of ICTs so as to positively impact on the well being of all our people; • To ensure the development of robust, reliable, affordable ICT infrastructure that supports and enables the provision of a multiplicity of applications and services to meet the needs of the country and its people; • To strengthen the ICT Regulator, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) , to enable it to regulate the sector in the public interest and ensure growth and stability in the sector; • To enhance the capacity of, and exercise advanced oversight over State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) as the delivery arms of government; • To fulfill South Africa’s continental and international responsibilities in the ICT field. • To facilitate the coordinated and accelerated development of an inclusive Information Society (IIS) in South Arica that is aligned with, and contributes to the Global Information Society 4 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Introduction • The Department’s draft 2010-2013 Strategic Plan is in line with the Medium Term Strategic Framework that is informed by the electoral mandate period (2009-2014). • It is in support of the achievement of Government’s priorities as enumerated in the MTSF: • more inclusive economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods • economic and social infrastructure • rural development, food security and land reform • access to quality education • improved health care • the fight against crime and corruption • cohesive and sustainable communities • creation of a better Africa and a better world • sustainable resource management and use • a developmental state including improvement of public services. 5 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
FOCUS AREAS • Government’s refocus on outcomes of our plans • Government priorities • Education • Health • Rural development • Focus on • Youth • Persons with disabilities • Women • SMMEs • BEE • SOEcapacity 6 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
KEY PROGRAMMES • e-Connectivity • Broadband • Broadcasting digital migration • Oversight of SOEs • ICT SMMEs • Second economy interventions • Integrated ICT Policy • e-Skills development: ISSA, NEMISA, Meraka e-Skills Institute • Structured Intergovernmental Relations • Legislative programme • Policies and Policy directions • HR Policies 7 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Overview… • The Medium Term Strategy comprises of 7 Strategic Goals supported by 16 strategic Objectives which are to be realized through the achievement of numerous 3-year targets. • These 3-year targets are allocated across the 6 Programmes of the Department and in certain instances, the achievement of these targets requires close collaboration with the Department’s Entities. 8 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
…Overview… • Programme 1: Governance and Administration • To provide strategic support to the ministry and overall management of the Department. • Programme 2: ICT International Affairs and Trade • To ensure alignment between South Africa’s international activities and agreements in the field of ICTs with South Africa’s foreign policy and to optimally position South Africa on the African and/or Sub-Region ICT Agenda • Programme 3: ICT Policy Development • To develop ICT policies, legislation and strategies that support the Regulation and development of the ICT sector taking into account the projected development of the Sector as well as new and emerging technologies so as to create conditions for the accelerated and shared growth of the economy. • To develop strategies that increase the uptake and usage of ICTs by the majority of the South African population, thus bridging the digital divide. 9 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
…Overview • Programme 4: Finance and ICT Enterprise Development • To oversee and manage government’s shareholding interest in public entities, facilitate growth and development of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in the ICT sector and ensure compliance of the Department with the Public Finance Management Act. • Programme 5: ICT Infrastructure Development • To promote investment in robust, reliable, secure and affordable ICT infrastructure that supports the provision of a multiplicity of applications and services and to harmonise the optimum utilisation of such infrastructure. • Programme 6: Presidential National Commission * This programme is currently under review and is likely to change during the 2011 MTEF process. • The purpose of this programme is to facilitate the development of an all inclusive information society by promoting the uptake and usage of ICTs for improved socioeconomic development and research, in line with the objectives of WSIS. 10 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Policy Development (1) • Legislative programme • Public Service Broadcasting Bill introduced to Parliament • SAPO and Postbank Bills enacted into law • Concept paper on Integrated ICT Policy developed, with the intention to develop an Integrated National ICT Law • ICASA and EC Amendment Bills developed and enacted into law • Manage the implementation of the Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy • Set Top Box (STB) manufacturing sector development strategy • STB installers identified and appointed. • STB Conformance Scheme approved and implemented • Scheme for Ownership Support of STBs for poor TV-owning households • Local and digital content development strategy • Digital Dzonga Secretariat capacitated and operational • Awareness campaign 11 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Policy Development (2) • Policy Directions to ICASA: • Declaration of essential facilities • Unbundling of the local loop by the set target date of 2011 • Pricing for broadband services - wireless/satellite • Mobile termination rate with specific reference to cost-base pricing • Aligning interconnection costs for public pay phones to those of community service telephone • Implement the programme of action with regard to reducing the cost and improving the quality, availability and usage of ICTs: • 15% reduction in telecommunications costs • Policy Direction on quality of service (telecoms & broadcasting) • 5% increase of household’s broadband penetration • Compliance with ICASA Postal quality of service standards monitored • 2% increase in the broadcasting network coverage to remote rural areas • Development of 2 new Thusong Post offices monitored 12 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
ICT Policy Development (3) 2010/11 PrioritiesICT Policy Development (3) • Conduct impact assessment on key legislation and policies and implement recommendations thereof • Develop a comprehensive Uptake and Usage Policy, aimed at increasing mobile telephony and Internet uptake • Review business models for USALs and community radio stations (CRS) and television stations • Develop a criteria for application and allocation of Universal Service Access Fund, to encourage private sector infrastructure investment prioritising rural and under-serviced and un-served areas • Conduct a study on the impact of ICTs on the environment • Develop a policy instrument to separate pricing on the backbone network elements based on LRIC and/or TELRIC methodology (V-Sat, cable, fibre, antenna, mast, POP, etc.) 13 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Policy Development (4) • Facilitate additional 10% of South African homes to have Postal Addresses and access to e-mail addresses • Mainstream issues related to gender and children in the programmes of the Department and its SOEs (SABC, NEMISA and USAASA) through the development of sector-specific strategies • Conclude the service deployment for the 800 e-Cadres • Conclude the second intake for training of 450 International Computer Drivers License Learners • Confirm exit strategies for at least 20% of the e-Cadres • Stakeholder engagement: • Support and institutionalise five platforms of engagement • Conduct annual stakeholder surveys • MERAKA e-SKILLS Institute: • e-Skills Summit, July, Cape Town • Facilitate the piloting of short and certificated e-Skill courses in collaboration with Universities, FET Colleges and Corporate Schools to impact on the employment readiness of students 14 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Infrastructure Development (1) • Broadband: • National Broadband Legislation submitted to Cabinet • Provinces and Municipalities engaged on individual Broadband guidelines • Broadband Intergovernmental Implementation Committee, to coordinate all broadband initiatives, established • National Radio Frequency Spectrum: • National Radio Frequency Spectrum policy submitted to Cabinet • Develop measures to improve spectrum usage in accordance with the National Radio Frequency Spectrum policy • Validate current National Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan from 500MHz to 20 GHz • Investigate Spectrum pricing methodologies and issue Policy Direction on spectrum pricing for commercially competitive spectrum 15 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Infrastructure Development (2) • Cyber Security: • Cyber Security Advisory Council established • Identification of Critical Information Infrastructure facilitated • Establishment of the Cyber Inspectorate commences • Establishment of CSIRT approved by Cabinet • ECT Amendment Bill developed and enacted into law • Fully functional South African Accreditation Authority (SAAA) • Authentication service providers accredited • SAAA legal framework reviewed and policies to support SAAA mandate developed • Develop an integrated strategy on network roll-out in under-serviced and un-served areas • Facilitate the establishment of access networks in 2 rural municipalities • Implement a conceptual framework for advancing wireless mesh networks in targeted communities 16 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Infrastructure Development (3) • FIFA 2010 World Cup: • ICT Infrastructure for 2010 FIFA World Cup and the International Broadcasting Centre (IBC) fully operational • Consultations with municipalities of all the Host Cities and broadcasters on the implementation of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Legacy Plan concluded • Implementation of the Legacy Plan on future utilisation of ICT infrastructure rolled out for the 2010 FIFA World Cup facilitated • Facilitation and monitoring of DTT infrastructure roll-out – 60% of population coverage • Develop a policy on use of satellites for communication developed • Obtain Cabinet approval on the e-Connectivity Plans for schools and health centres • Connect 50% of Dinaledi schools • Facilitate roll out of low power transmitters to 15 rural communities by the SABC 17 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Infrastructure Development (4) • Internet Governance: • National Internet Governance Policy approved and implemented • Country position paper on Internet Governance developed and advocated at SADC and AU • SKA: • Impact assessment is to be reviewed and mitigation measures considered • Facilitate the establishment of radio quiet zones for SKA • Conduct an audit on number usage • Accredit 2 additional institutions as training centres for STBs (installation, repairs and maintenance) • ISSA capacitated and programme launched focusing on: • Software application development and research • Remote sensing • Feasibility study on STB conformance testing • Training on software development • Oversight of .zaDNA 18 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT International Affairs & Trade (1) • Contribute towards the implementation of the NEPAD ICT Programme • Advocate proposed standards for international spectrum pricing in SADC and AU • Further strengthen • SADC ICT structures in order to achieve socio-economic development and regional integration through submission of one SA Position Paper per meeting • African Multilateral organisations through the influencing of key debates via the submission of at least two SA Position Papers • Bilateral relations with “Anchor” African countries in order to be effective and mutually beneficial through the formation and implementation of Strategic Partnership/ Programmes • Facilitate ICT related Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development Programmes in prioritized countries 19 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT International Affairs & Trade (2) • IBSA: • IBSA information society annual Programme of Action with specific actions aligned with SADC PoA adopted and implemented • IBSA Free Open Source Software Sub-Working Group established • IBSA Portal extended to include civil society • Status of the Portal elevated as a critical platform for IBSA • International training and development opportunities secured through bilateral cooperation with India, Cuba, South Korea and China • Promoted economic & development interests as well as e-skills development through North-South relations • North-South bilateral relations promoted • Develop and advocate Country position papers influencing key debates on various ICT issues for WTDC, UPU, PAPU, ITU Plenipotentiaries and ATU • Identify and take up placement opportunities in Multilateral Organisations • Identify and support candidates/countries for election in Multilateral Organisations • Implement strategic multilateral engagement and partnership with EU, UNECA and UNESCO 20 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesICT Enterprise Development (1) • SOE Oversight: • Ensure alignment of the plans of SAPO, Sentech, USAASA and SABC with government priorities • Conclude Shareholder compacts for SAPO, Sentech, SABC and Corporate Plans for USAASA and NEMISA and undertake quarterly monitoring • Monitor performance of SOEs against set KPIs as per their Corporate Plans • Develop Self Sustainability Funding Models for Sentech, SABC (PSB) and NEMISA • Undertake Corporate Governance Reviews at Sentech, SABC, SAPO, NEMISA, .zaDNA & USAASA and implement outcomes of governance reviews • Revise Articles of Association of all SOEs in line with the new company’s Act • Develop and implement Action Plans to address specific audit finding of SOEs and Authorities to prevent recurrence • Conclude Performance Agreements for ICASA councilors and monitor performance on a quarterly and annual basis
2010/11 Priorities ICT Enterprise Development (2) • SMMEs • Facilitate 25 ICT business linkages • Develop an action plan, to benefit SMMEs in the Broadcasting Digital Migration value chain including the manufacturing, distribution, installation and maintenance of set top boxes • Develop an ICTSMME portal to host and SOE ICT tenders and with links to all government tenders, for access by SMMEs through the internet and mobile phones • Establish two ICT hubs in two under-served Provinces facilitated (one per Province) • Facilitate migration of at least 5 ICT SMMEs into mainstream (non SMME) businesses 22 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesPNC on ISAD (1) • Develop fully functional websites for district hospitals • Develop a Health content framework • Support the implementation of the e-Health strategy – e-connectivity • 25% municipal websites interactive • Facilitate implementation of the e-Government blueprint • Develop e-Commerce platform for SMMEs • Develop a Sustainability Strategy for the youth e-Cooperatives • Implement E-literacy training programme for children in conflict with the law, in Eastern, Western and Northern Cape • Adopt and implement the Provincial ISADFramework/guidelines • Second economy intervention 23 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 PrioritiesPNC on ISAD (2) • Develop, implement, monitor and review effective business management systems and processes • Pilot research and Foresight Centres of Excellence for e-Education and e-Health • Facilitate implementation of e-Skills Council and National ISAD Council PoAs to full fill the national ISAD programme for implementation • Capture Provincial content for additional 4 Provinces into the National Digital Repository (KZN, Mpumalanga and N.C., Limpopo.) • Develop a Portal to captured content on military veterans • Commence with development of content that documents and profiles the contribution by military veterans towards the creation of the South African democratic dispensation • Publish biennuale-Readiness Report (WSIS) • Facilitate implementation of Mobinet for girls • Support IGRF 24 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 Priorities Administration (1) • Intergovernmental Relations • Develop and implement a joint programming framework for DOC projects across all spheres of government • Develop an action plan on DoC engagement model • Establish 9 Provincial Steering Committees • Engage all Provinces and all the district municipalities on BDM, Broadband Policy, Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy, Cybersecurity Policy, enacted legislation, ICT SMME Strategy, e-Skills programme, e-connectivity plans for schools and health centers and roll out of low power transmitters 25 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 Priorities Administration (2) • Enhance Departmental Performance • Implement an integrated, progressive and innovative HR Strategy within prescribed legislative requirements • Implement the integrated Strategic Management and Project Management Frameworks within prescribed legislative requirements • Develop an monitoring mechanism – monitor impact of e.g Programme of Action to reduce cost to communicate as well as commitments in Strategic Plan • Implement a comprehensive annual Communications Strategy which supports the priority and focus areas of the department and is in line with applicable standards and guidelines • Employment Equity • 50% gender representivity at SMS level • 2% representation of people with disability across the Department • Finance • 30% spend on black owned companies • Implement reviewed business management processes and systems to ensure sound financial management and other services 26 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
MTEF BaselineAllocation2010/11 – 2012/13 27 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
MTEF BaselineAllocation2010/11 - 2012/13 28 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
2010/11 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS 29 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
TRANSFERS 2009/10 – 2012/13 30 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
THANK YOU 31 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 32 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
DoC Medium Term Strategy Map …. SO 1.1: Contribute to creating conditions for an accelerated and shared growth of the South African economy through the development and implementation of ICT policies and strategies that positively impacts on the wellbeing of all our people SG 1: Enable the maximisation of investment in the ICT sector for socio-economic development SO 2.1: Support and enable the provision of a multiplicity of ICT applications and services through facilitating the modernization and deployment of the infrastructure SG 2: Ensure that ICT infrastructure is accessible, robust, reliable, affordable and secured to meet the needs of the country and its people SO 2.2: Improvement with respect to cost, quality, availability and usage of ICTs in line with world class standards by 2014 SO 2.3: Contribute to global earth observation systems and national space programmes 33 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
… DoC Medium Term Strategy Map … SG 3: Accelerate the socio-economic development of South Africans by increasing access to, as well as the uptake and usage of, ICTs through partnerships with business and civil society and three spheres of government SO 3.1: Increase universal access and services to ICTs SO 3.2: Contribute to increasing the ICT skills base in South Africa and increase access to, and uptake and usage of ICTs SO 3.3: Promote the ICT agenda across all stakeholders in order to ensure integrated and efficient service delivery to communities 34 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
… DoC Medium Term Strategy Map … SG 4: Contribute towards building a developmental state including improvement of public services and strengthening democratic institutions SO 4.1: Enhance departmental performance through improving institutional processes and mechanisms SG 5: Enhance the role of ICT SOEs as the delivery arms of government and support the Regulator SO 5.1: Provide efficient and effective oversight to SOEs and other entities SO 5.2: Provide effective monitoring of and support to SOEs through corporate governance mechanisms SO 5.2: Introduce and implement performance agreements for ICASA 35 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
…DoC Medium Term Strategy Map SG 6: Contribute to the global ICT Agenda prioritising Africa’s development SO 6.1: Support the African agenda through active participation and implementation of NEPAD as well as African Multilateral and Bilateral ICT programmes, in order to promote development in Africa SO 6.2: Strengthen South-South cooperation to support mutual economic development SO 6.3: Consolidate North-South Relations to promote economic development SO 6.4: Influence debates and decisions of multilateral summits, conferences and partnerships to promote development and implement the outcomes thereof SG 7: Facilitate the building of an Inclusive Information Society to improve the quality of life SO 7.1: Facilitate and promote Information Society development programmes to accelerate socio-economic development 36 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development