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The promise:

Explore the potential and limitations of Aerosol Mass Spectrometers in analyzing ambient aerosol particles. Learn about their capabilities in providing size distribution and chemical composition data. Discover how these instruments can aid in understanding aerosol processes and source attribution.

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The promise:

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  1. Aerosol Mass Spectrometers: Do they keep their promise?Rainer VogtFord Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbHGermany

  2. The promise: • Provide time resolved size distribution and chemical composition of ambient aerosol in the 10 nm to 10 mm size range

  3. What have we learnt? What can we learn? (1) • Can aerosol mass spectrometry detect atmospheric aerosol processes? • Yes! (Gard et al, Science 1998)

  4. What can/have we learnt? (2) • Health discussion raises question of relevance of particle number besides PM mass. Can single particle MS do number • apportionment to specific sources? Daily variation of major particle classes (Tan et al., ES&T 2002) 0.5 µm diameter particles at an Autobahn & rural site(Vogt et al., Aerosol Science 2003) • Yes, but attribution depends on instrument and scientist. • Issue with detection efficiency carbon cotaining particles,(Lake et al, ES&T 2003)

  5. Issues with Aerosol Mass Spectrometers • Detection efficiency varies by particle size from 10-2 to 10-6 (for Laserionization) • Ionization efficiency is species dependent (Single Particle MS) • Quantitative analysis only for volatile (non-refractory) PM (AMS) • Labor intense operation and data analysis: limited to special campaigns

  6. The future? • Aerosol mass spectrometers are not the universal aerosol analyser • Use for specific problems: • Chemical composition of 10-100 nm (ultrafine) volatile particles • State of aerosol mixing, atmospheric chemical processing • Source attribution by aerosol number: link to epidemiology/health programs

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