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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Deep dive into the attributes of God and the problem of sin, exploring His righteousness, justice, compassion, mercy, and grace. Discover how Jesus' resurrection conquers death, offering redemption and forgiveness to all who believe.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. The Glory and Majesty of GodAttributes of Redemption Jesus’ resurrection solves natural man’s greatest dilemma - how to conquer death Jesus’ resurrection is proof of His claims and promises - man can be redeemed from sin

  3. The Problem of Sin Despite living in a perfect environment, Adam & Eve fell into sin bringing its curse to all their descendants People prove their sin nature by their own actions and attitudes that are contrary to God’s law

  4. The Problem of Sin Skeptics fall for one of Satan’s oldest lies when they claim God is cruel or even immoral Judgments based on personal, societal or majority standards are ultimately relative and arbitrary

  5. The Problem of Sin Skeptical judgment of God also demonstrated ignorance of God’s attributes and character God is infinite in every dimension - time, space, knowledge & power - making Him holy & sovereign

  6. Righteous The quality of being right, accurate, just, in conformity to the standard - legal, ethical, moral God is righteous in His person and actions: Isaiah 5:16, Isaiah 42:21, Jeremiah 9:24 God’s judgment and salvation arise from His righteousness: Isaiah 45:21-22, Isaiah 41:10

  7. Righteous Redemption is tied directly to His righteousness: Isaiah 53:11 God’s righteousness results in His condemnation of the wicked: Isaiah 11:4-5

  8. Just To be morally right, to apply the standard of law, ethics Righteousness & justice are often together or used as synonyms: Jeremiah 9:24, Isaiah 9:7

  9. Just Justice brings blessing for the righteous and punishment for the wicked: Isaiah 30:18, Isaiah 61:8 Jesus will bring justice during His reign in the Millennium: Luke 18:7-8

  10. Jealous 1 a: intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness. 3. Vigilant in guarding a possession God is properly jealous: Exodus 20:5–6 Moses warned the people that God was jealous: Deuteronomy 4:24

  11. Jealous The Lord is the only God making it right & and true to be intolerant of any rivalry - any less would condone evil All sin is ultimately an attack against God and His character for sin requires believing lies about God

  12. Anger / Wrath Anger is strong feelings of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. Wrath is its intensification Warnings of God’s anger & wrath: 2 Kings 22:17, Micah 5:15; Zechariah 8:2

  13. Anger / Wrath God’s wrath against Israel and the Gentile nations is both historical and future: Revelation 14:10 Jesus expressed His anger: John 2:14–16, Mark 3:5

  14. Anger / Wrath God is slow to anger because it is tempered by His other attributes: Exod. 34:6, Hosea 14:4, Ezek. 39:25-29 We need redemption because the Lord’s wrath abides upon those who do not obey Him (John 3:36)

  15. Compassion An emotion expressed in various ways including pity & mercy. Feelings which motivate kindness God is compassionate by choice and it tempers His wrath: Exodus 33:19, Isaiah 60:10, Zechariah 10:6

  16. Compassion Jesus’ compassion moved Him to acts of kindness: Matthew 15:32 (see Matt. 14:4; Mark 6:34; Luke 7:13)

  17. Mercy The compassionate disposition to withhold the punishment an offender or adversary deserves The mercy of God begins in Genesis 3 with animal sacrifice whose skin covered Adam & Eve’s nakedness

  18. Mercy The Father is merciful (Luke 6:36) which is tied to His jealousy (Ezek. 39:25) and extends outward (Isa. 63) Mercy is foundational for redemption for without it we would already be destroyed

  19. Lovingkindness Acts of kindness arising out of the love set on the person Exodus 20:5-6: God grants lovingkidness to those who love Him God’s lovingkindness is exercised in harmony with His justice and righteousness: Jeremiah 29:24

  20. Gracious A heartfelt response to someone who has a need and acts to assist - it extends an undeserved blessing God is gracious by His own choice: Exodus 33:19 Grace is joined with compassion and justice: Isaiah 30:18

  21. Faithful God keeps all His promises God will fulfill His promises of restoration to Israel: Isaiah 49:7; 61:8 Jeremiah 31 - God will be faithful to establish the new covenant

  22. Forgiving An offer of pardon to the sinner. God is forgiving - Exodus 34:7 Sin is taken up and carried away - the sin offering (Lev. 10:16) and the scapegoat (Lev. 16:22)

  23. Forgiving Forgiveness is part of the new covenant: Jeremiah 31 Forgiveness is based on Jesus’ blood sacrifice of Himself: Matthew 26:26-29

  24. Conclusion All of God’s attributes meet at the cross and are harmonized Jesus fulfills the promise of a coming Redeemer Jesus is the promised Savior who offers salvation to all who turn to Him: Matthew 11:28-30; John 5:24

  25. Conclusion Without the resurrection, there is no hope (1 Corinthians 15:12-19), but Jesus rose from the dead If you have faith in Jesus, then rejoice and tell others about Him If you do not have faith in Jesus, today is the day of salvation if you will repent and turn to Him

  26. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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