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Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS in SA Projects from SADC , National and Provincial Possibilities. Presentation to KZN PCA 2 nd March 2011. Presentation Outline. Setting the context and National coordination Framework Definition of Mainstreaming SA experience : Where we come from
Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS in SA Projects from SADC,National and Provincial Possibilities Presentation to KZN PCA 2nd March 2011
Presentation Outline • Setting the context and National coordination Framework • Definition of Mainstreaming • SA experience : Where we come from • Where we are going to • SADC Projects • Possible Priorities for KZN • Recommendations
Setting the Public Service and Administration Context • “Our work as the MPSA over the mid-term period of 2010 - 2014 will be informed by Outcome 12 as adopted at the January 2010 Cabinet Lekgotla which is to ensure: "An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship". Source: MPSA Budget Vote Speech 2010
Mainstreaming Defined • Mainstreaming AIDS is a process that enables development actors to address the causes and effects of AIDS in an effective and sustained manner, both through their usual work and within their workplace. • Mainstreaming addresses both the direct and indirect aspects of HIV and AIDS within the context of the normal functions of an organization or community. • It entails sector analysis of how HIV and AIDS can impact a sector now and in the future, and considers how sectoral policies, decisions and actions might influence the longer-term development of the epidemic and the sector. • To respond effectively to the epidemic, it requires exceptional responsesthat demonstrate timeliness, scale, inclusiveness, partnerships, innovation and responsiveness. • In other words, to stay on top of the rapidly evolving epidemics, actions need to be incorporated into sectors’ normal operations while simultaneously continue seeking innovations and extending new partnerships.
Developmental Context for AIDS: Government Priorities (2010-2014)
Linkage between National, Provincial, District, Local and Ward Levels of Mainstreaming National Development Plan , Comprehensive Social Security Framework, (DSD) Industrial Development Plan, NGP, IDPs etc. Ministries of Planning & Econ Dev. National HIV&AIDS and STI Strategic Plan (07-11) National: SANAC (Presidency, DPSA) Provincial HIV and AIDS Operational Plan Provincial AIDS Council (Premier) Provincial HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan District/ Local HIV and AIDS Operational Plan District, Local ,Ward AIDS Councils
Linkage between National and Department/ Agency Operational Planning Dimensions of Mainstreaming National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2007-11, HIV&AIDS and TB Management Policy for the Public Service 2009 Departments Operational Plan 2010-11 (Both Internal and External Dimensions) Departments Operational Plan 2010-11 (Both Internal and External Dimensions) Departments Operational Plan 2010-11 (Both Internal and External Dimensions) Departments Operational Plan 2010-11 (Both Internal and External Dimensions) Departments Operational Plan 2010-11 (Both Internal and External Dimensions)
Drivers of the Epidemic: SADC Think Tank 2006 • Social and structural Drivers: • High Population Mobility (and or residence close to major roads) • Inequalities of wealth (unemployment and deprivation) • Gender and social inequality ( transactional sex, social resonance with MCP) • Contributing Drivers: • Male attitude and behaviors • Intergenerational Sex • Gender and Sexual Violence • Stigma and lack of openness • Untreated viral STIs • Key Drivers: • Multiple and Concurrent Partnerships by men and women • Low consistent condom use • Low levels of male circumcision • Other Sources: HSRC 2008 Population Survey, KYE KYR Report etc.
SA and Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS: Where we come from • Entry Point to mainstreaming HIV&AIDS: • Capacity Development (TOT Training) • HCT Campaign • Mainstreaming in Local Government: Guidelines on Local Government and Traditional Affairs launched in 2008 and implemented in Municipalities and currently implemented • Mainstreaming is a Policy Measure in “HIV&AIDS and TB Management Policy for the Public Sector”approved by MPSA in 2009 for implementation with effect from 1 April 2010
SA and Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS: Where we going to • National and Provincial Government departments should present their operational plans for 2011/2012 financial year by 30 March 2011 • The OP should reflect and be linked to the NSP 2007-2011 or PSP • The OPs must be costed and address both internal and external mainstreaming and have results and indicators of success for both. • A costed M&E plan (7-10% of operational cost) for the OP should also be submitted to DPSA by 30 March 2011.
SA and Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS: Where we come from: Sector examples
SA and Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS: Where we are going to • Guidelines on Simultaneous Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender and Human Rights: (In SA Simultaneous Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender, Human Rights into Public Service and Administration: DPSA ops plan 2011-2012. • NSP 2007-2011 ending December 2011. New NSP 2012-2016 to incorporate Mainstreaming based on Current Guidelines being developed for the Public Service, • Possible Policy Entry Points for HIV&AIDS Mainstreaming: New Planning Commission and Ministry, New Growth Path, Industrial Development Plans, Comprehensive Social Security Framework , National Decent Work Country Framework and Review of Code of Good Practice Employment Equity Act, NEDLAC Process. • Mainstreaming in Department of Labour . Country Decent Work Framework launched in November 2010. • Public Sector Expenditure Tracking. The first in HIV&AIDS beyond NASA, KZN Province up to ward level (Partnership with World Bank)
Mainstreaming HIV&AIDS into Environmental Impact Assessments • Address impact of development projects and how they render populations around the project vulnerable. • Purpose is to reduce vulnerability associated with capital development projects • Project Purpose : To Review existing Environmental Impact Assessment guidelines by integrating health and HIV and AIDS into the guidelines • SA Action: First Advocacy meeting 8th March 2011. Department of Environmental Affairs, DPW, DOH,DTI, Treasury etc. • Recommendation to KZN PCA: Delegate participants from departments with key Capital/ Development Projects
Mainstreaming HIV&AIDS into SADC Free Trade Agreement 2018 • Agreement makes provision for free movement of: • Goods and Services • Labour • Capital; and • Free access to markets • FTA is THUS an entry point for mainstreaming of cross cutting issues
Mainstreaming HIV&AIDS into SADC Free Trade Agreement 2018 FTA has unintended undesirable health impact including: perpetuating poverty cycle, increased gender disparities, limitation of adherence to medication, increased drug and human trafficking, seasonal work and CSW etc Internal and external migration is increased, pressure on social services as more people are mobile. Need to mainstream cross cutting issues with different partners SADC Decision: FP, DTI ministries and Environmental ministries to make linkages for mainstreaming cross cutting issues SA Action: First Advocacy meeting 28thMarch 2011. Department of Environmental Affairs, DPW, DOH,DTI, Treasury etc Recommendation to KZN PCA: Delegate participants from departments with key Capital/ Development Projects. Recommendations will contribute to the next NSP 2012-2016.
HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming in National development and Sector Plans • Agreed on defining results and indicators for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in national Development Plans and Sector plans. • SADC developing definitions of common terms, dimensions, approaches, levels and challenges of mainstreaming. • Expected outputs: SADC Guidelines on Simultaneous Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender, and Humana Rights in the context of responding to the AIDS epidemic. • SA Action: Draft Guidelines on Simultaneous mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender and Human Rights into development in the context of responding to HIV&AIDS epidemic • Recommendation to KZN PCA: Ensure Simultaneous mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender and Human Rights into development plans of the Province. Appoint relevant officials to liaise with for: • Consultation on Guidelines • Implementation of Guidelines
Mainstreaming into Basic Education: CSLT • SADC Decision and discussions: MS FP and National CSTL Coordinators to meet and harmonize National and SADC FS processes: • SA CSTL Best Practices: N West and KZN (Education Departments) • SA Action: 17th March 2011. Harmonization of Basic Education Draft Integrated Strategy on HIV&AIDS 2011-2015 • Recommendation to KZN PCA: • Note the progress • Address Education at Basic and Tertiary levels (January 8th and SONA Presidential pronouncements)
Capacity development Frameworkfor SADC HIV&AIDS 2010-2015 Strategic Framework • SADC Decision: Consult on the Documents • SA Actions Thus far: • Consulted with PALAMA and PSTF • New Growth Path prescribes capacity development and DPSA to lead • On operational Plan DPSA 2011-2012: Consultations and Development of SA specific HIV&AIDS Capacity development Framework in line with Human Resources Strategic Framework for the Public Service and the National Skills Development Plan 4, and the New Growth Path. • Recommendation to KZN PCA: • Participation in the Capacity Development framework
Mainstreaming HIV&AIDS into Economic Drivers in the KZN Province: Possibilities • Tourism • Agriculture • Transport and Human Settlement • Construction and Major Capital Projects • Education: Tertiary and Secondary Education • Health & Social Development • Rural Development • Governance and Administration
Recommendations • Note the concept of mainstreaming and good progress on some social sectors in KZN e.g. CSLT in Education, OVC in general • Appoint a task team to mainstream HIV&AIDS into major developmental sectors of the KZN economy.(Resonance with SADC Mainstreaming Projects) • Monitor the 2011-2012 Departmental Operational Plans and the extent to which they are mainstreamed, costed and implemented • Advocacy for Mainstreaming HIV&AIDS in the next NSP 2012-2016.