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Currently how many Mexican immigrants are there in the United States?. In 2009, there were approximately 11.5 million Mexican immigrants in the United States 1. 1: http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=112. 62%, or almost 2/3 of all Mexican immigrants, are illegal 1.
Currently how many Mexican immigrants are there in the United States?
In 2009, there were approximately 11.5 million Mexican immigrants in the United States1 1: http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=112
62%, or almost 2/3 of all Mexican immigrants, are illegal1 2: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ois_ill_pe_2009.pdf
Mexican immigration increase = fear + debate in U.S. society
Why are so many Mexicans leaving Mexico? By: Kaitlin Farrell April 5, 2010
1,969 mile border • History of immigration between the two countries • Most Mexicans immigrate to the southwest • Circular migration-->permanent settlement • Mexican-American War (1846-1848)
“In the felicitous phrase of contemporary immigrant activists, they didn’t cross the border; the border crossed them.”1 http://www.focus-migration.de/Mexico.5296.0.html?&L=1
What Does This All Mean? • Family connections across the border help propel immigration! • Almost 2/3 of the Mexican population has a relative living in the United States1 • In a survey of about 5,000 Mexican immigrants, 80% reported having a relative other than a spouse or a child in the U.S.2 • Remittances 1: http://www.focus-migration.de/Mexico.5296.0.html?&L=1 2: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-12-06-immigrant-survey_x.htm
The Drug Wars • Most prevalent in the northern Mexico, especially Ciudad Juarez • Gruesome • U.S. is partly to blame- we are the consumers • Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s own war on drugs, 2007 • 10,031 have died in drug-related deaths since 20071 • Has created a new immigrant group of asylum seekers, typically “middle-class, employed, and frightened”2 1: http://projects.latimes.com/mexico-drug-war/#/its-a-war 2: http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/04/nation/na-asylum4/2
The Statistics • While the percentage of Mexico’s poor is about the same as it was 20 years ago, the population has risen1 • Large gap between rich and poor • In 2008: • 19.5 million people living in “extreme” poverty • 50.6 million people living in poverty2 (just about half of the total population of Mexico) 1: http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/213/45611.html 2: http://www.caller.com/news/2009/dec/13/mexico-needs-defeat-both-poverty-cartels/
Poverty is most prevalent in rural areas • Even though only about 25% of the population lives in rural areas, they represent about 70% of Mexico’s extreme poor and about 46% of Mexico’s moderately poor1 1: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMEXICO/Resources/A_Study_of_Rural_Poverty_in_Mexico.pdf
Single Cause? Not Likely • Why such poverty? • No one single cause • Much has to do with the country’s unstable past • Quick history lesson on Mexico…
Mexican Political Structure • Independence from Spain declared in 1810 • Have had 3 different constitutions since then • Authoritarian presidents • Revolution in 1910, lasted a decade
3 branches of government, but executive has traditionally held most of the power • Highly centralized • Until 2000, the monopoly political party was the PRI • No re-election policy • Corruption & patronage among officials
Economy • After years of instability due to the Revolution, experienced rapid economic growth between 1946-1970 • Predominately urban for first time • “Mexicanize” the economy & growth of national industries1 1: A Concise History of Mexico, p. 256
Economic turmoil • 1970s-1980s = economic crises! • Problem with “Mexicanizing” the economy was that it created a closed environment
As a result… • Mexican leaders opened up the country to international investment, trade, and competition (aka globalization) • NAFTA, 1994 • Pros and Cons
Therefore… • Mexico’s political and economic structures have created many shortfalls • The economic crises especially have “hampered overall growth, halted the creation of new jobs and pushed large numbers of the lower middle class into poverty.”1 1: http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/213/45611.html
Is Poverty Improving? • Some say yes because of statistics • But in reality, still large numbers of Mexicans living in poverty • Still see U.S. as opportunity to advance • 1/3 of Mexicans would still move to U.S. if they could1 1: http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=266
Conclusion • Why are so many Mexicans leaving Mexico? • Family ties • Escape the violence • Escape poverty • All 3 are connected
Bibliography • Baker, B. C., Hoefer, M., & Rytina, N. (2009). Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2009. Retrieved from http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ois_ill_pe_2009.pdf • Becker, A. & McDonnell, P. J. (2009, March 4). Drug war creates new class of refugees. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/04/nation/na-asylum4 • Caller.com. (2009, December 13). Mexico needs to defeat both poverty, cartels. Retrieved from http://www.caller.com/news/2009/dec/13/mexico-needs-defeat-both-poverty-cartels/ • Chavez, A. H. (2006). Mexico: A Brief History. (A. Klatt, Trans.). Berkely , CA: University of California Press. • Cevallos, D. (2005, August 23). Not Everyone Celebrates Improved Poverty Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/211/45123.html • Cohn, D., & Passel, J. (2009). Mexican Immigrants: How Many Come? How Many Leave? Retrieved from http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=112 • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. (2010). Spotlight: Remittances to Mexico Cross-Border Money Flows Slowed by U.S. Slump. Retrieved from http://www.dallasfed.org/research/swe/2010/swe1001d.cfm#1 • Focus Migration. (n.d.). Country Profile:Mexico. Retrieved from http://www.focus-migration.de/Mexico.5296.0.html?&L=1 • Hamnett, B. (1999). A Concise History of Mexico. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Income Generation and Social Protection for the Poor. (n.d.) A Study of Rural Poverty in Mexico. Retrieved from http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMEXICO/Resources/A_Study_of_Rural_Poverty_in_Mexico.pdf • Jordan, M. & Sullivan, K. (2003, March 22). Trade Brings Riches, but Not to Mexico’s Poor. Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/213/45611.html • Los Angeles Times. (2010, April 5). Mexico Under Seige: The drug war at our doorstep. Retrieved from http://projects.latimes.com/mexico-drug-war/#/its-a-war • Nasse, H. E. (2005, December 6). Family, better jobs pull Mexicans to USA. USA Today. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-12-06-immigrant-survey_x.htm • Pew Global Attitudes Project. (2009, September 23). Most Mexicans See Better Life in U.S. - One-In-Three Would Migrate: Troubled by Crime, the Economy, Drugs and Corruption. Retrieved from http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=266 • Pew Hispanic Center. (2009). Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 2008. Retrieved from http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1191/mexican-immigrants-in-america-largest-group • Terrazas, A. (2010). Mexican Immigrants in the United States. Retrieved from http://www.migrationinformation.org/USfocus/display.cfm?id=767 • Voice of America. (2010, March 17). Mexican Government Struggles to Contain Drug War Violence. VANews.com. Retrieved from http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/americas/Mexican-Government-Struggles-to-Contain-Drug-War-Violence-88275562.html