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PROGRESS AND MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS IN RELATION TO MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES : EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region. 5 December 2012 Ministry of Foreign Affairs. C oncerns over degradation of the Baltic Sea environmentally
PROGRESS AND MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS IN RELATION TO MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES: EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region • 5 December 2012 • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Concernsoverdegradation of the Baltic Sea environmentally After2004 EU enlargement 8 countries bordering the Baltic Sea - members of the European Union Takefull advantage of new opportunities that EU membership provides and to adequately address the challenges Region- heterogeneous area in economic, environmental and cultural terms Commonresources, interdependence Why is a Strategy needed?
High-levelattentionduring PL and DK Presidencies EC Communication, March 2012(positioning EUSBSR within widercontext of EU 2020 and within EU policies 2014-2020, review recommendations): Clarifyingand strengthening roles of key stakeholders Unifying criteria of FPs (clear and formal setting of criteria for approving new FPs) Information policy towards society, institutions (in particular regional and local) more transparent monitoring system and introductionof targets Newmomentumforthefirst EU internal strategy for a European macro- region: 2011-2012
National co-ordinator– Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overallco-ordination framework: concrete line Ministry responsible for each priority area Steering Group set up by the Government HowisStrategyco-ordinated in Latvia?
Energy Competitiveness Education, research and culture Environment Civil security PrioritiesforLatvia
Main actions: Implementation of the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP) Increase use of renewable energies (biomass, solar energy, wind power) 3 mainpriorites in therevisedActionPlan:infrastructure, renewable energies and energy efficiency Latvia and Denmark – co-ordinatorsof regional energy co-operation
RevisedSteeringGroup: Involvescross-sectoral coordination centre (to align two parallel processes: National Development plan 2014-2020 and review of the EUSBSR) Informallistofpotentialprojectsforthe EUSBSR Visitsof COM representatives: In March/June 2012, discussionswith managing authorities of EU co-funded programmes: how to take into account national cooperation interests in future programmes Mainactivities in Latvia: 2012 (I)
StrenghteningCommunication: Task Force for Communication within the EUSBSR: PAC training DiscussionsonLatvia’sprioritiesduring EU Presidency Main activities in Latvia: 2012 (II)
When the priority areas for cooperation in the Common Strategic Framework (Art. 11) and Partnership Agreement (Art. 14) are being determined, macro-regional strategies should be taken into account where appropriate; Action programmes (Art. 87), where appropriate, should stipulate how the planned interventions will contribute to the implementation of macro-regional strategies. Legislative package of EU cohesion policy for 2014-2020 (6October 2011)
„In the framework of the EUSBSR, Latvia should seek synergies in the areas of RTD&I, VET and tertiary education, entrepreneurship, transport infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, energy, protection of environment and promotion of resourceefficiency.” Position of the Commission Services on the development ofPartnership Agreementand programmes in Latviafor the period 2014-2020
PA Transport - Improving internal and external transport links: Completionof major infrastructure projects in the Macro-Region, includingRail Baltica andVia Baltica PA Nutrients – Reducing nutrient inputs to the Sea to acceptable levels: Putting best agricultural practices into work – Baltic Deal PA Education – Developing innovative education and youthActionsandFlagshipProjects: Developnewmethodsfortrainingentrepreneurshipandinnovation - BalticTrainingProgramme (BTP) Relevantflagshipprojects in therevisedActionPlan (I)
For EUSBSR COM emphasizes 3 thematicobjectives: Strengthening research, technological development andinnovation Protecting the environment andpromoting resource efficiency Promoting climate change adaptation and risk prevention andmanagement Latviaisrepresented in atleast 8 PriorityAreasoftherevisedActionPlan: NUTRIENTS, HAZARDS, TRANSPORT, ENERGY, CULTURE, CRIME, EDUCATIONandAGRI Strongneed to focusattentiononotherPriorityAreas, especiallyINNO PartnershipAgreementand EUSBSR ActionPlan
Examplesoffuturedevelopments: PA INNO: Baltic innovative research and technology infrastructure project SUBMARINER Network: Transnational Projects for Sustainable and Innovative Uses of Baltic Marine Resources PA ENERGY: Sharing best practices on national approaches to renewable energy support schemes Promotemeasuresdevelopingusageofsustainablebiofuels Experiencein energyefficiencymeasures Relevantflagshipprojects in therevisedActionPlan (II)
EUSBSR asaninstrument: forthe Baltic states to teamupandto make a better bid beyond CSF funds(e.g. Horizon 2020, CEF). to coordinateregionalobjectiveswithstrategic areas in theLatvia'sNationalDevelopmentPlan. To createa space of opportunities for development of national objectives via cooperation. Linksbetween EUSBSR andtheCohesionPolicyshouldbestipulatedatthelevelofPartnershipAgreement, whileavoidingitsduplicationin operationalprogrammes (in order to avoidthesubsequentduplicationofinformation in planningandreportingdocumentation). Latvia’sviewonthe EUSBSR in 2014–2020
26 October 2012: 2nd draft action plan sent out (to NCP/PAC/HAL) 13 November 2012: deadline for comments 21 November 2012: COM interserviceconsultation 5 December 2012: Deadline for comments 11 December 2012: final version sent out 18 December 2012: High level group meeting January 2013: COM formal adoption- Staff working document Timeline for the review of the Action Plan
Lineministries, planningregions, socio-economicpartnersareexpectedto beactivelyinvolvedin EUSBSRprocess furtheron PositionofLatviaonthe EUSBSR Monitoringthe progress ofLatvia’sinvolvement in each PAoftheActionPlan Consultationsand exchange of views onthe futureoftheEUSBSR: joint meeting with national coordinators for the Partnership Agreementsin BSR (January, 2013) June 2013 evaluation of macro-regional strategies EUSBSR fortheLatvia’s EU Presidency What’snext?
ConflictingsignalsonthefundingalignmentforEUSBSR. Supranational integration processes do not guarantee cohesion in very diverse territories. Their own dynamics strengthen more developed areas. There is a need of a “positive discrimination”: programmes and projects to enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion. Focusing only on EU 2020 could threaten bottom-up approach and people-to-people projects. Politicalcommitmentandsenseofownership. Ourconcernson EUSBSR 2014-2020
Thank you for your attention!More information: http://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/eu/BalticSeaRegion/EU-strategyEmail: bjs@mfa.gov.lv