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Customizing Sites and Pages in SharePoint 2013

Customizing Sites and Pages in SharePoint 2013. Wes Preston. Session Abstract.

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Customizing Sites and Pages in SharePoint 2013

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  1. Customizing Sites and Pages in SharePoint 2013 Wes Preston

  2. Session Abstract • This session covers an overview of how to do basic customizations of SharePoint 2013 sites and pages – beginning with capabilities in the web interface and similar to the activities you would have used SharePoint Designer for with the 2010 platform. These include conditional formatting, customizing views, etc… If you are a SharePoint 2010 power-user that utilized SharePoint designer for page customization, this session will show you where to start with 2013. If you are a developer or designer, this session will show you what out of box and client-side customizations are available with 2013.

  3. Intro: Wes Preston Owner / Principal Consultant – TrecStone Based in Minneapolis, MN Certification, etc. MVP – SharePoint Server (5 years) MCITP – SharePoint Administrator 2010 MCTS – SharePoint 2010, Configuration MCTS – WSS 3.0 and MOSS Configuration Contact: www.idubbs.com/blog www.trecstone.com @idubbs wes@trecstone.com

  4. Agenda • Overview • General Features and Updates • New Templates • Apps • Styling • Change the Look • Design Manager • Client-Side Rendering • JS Link

  5. Overview

  6. Ground Rules and Changing Times • Microsoft recommends leading with out-of-box solutions whenever possible • Get to know SharePoint’s features and capabilities before adding customizations • SharePoint Designer 2013 • Aimed at Developers for page customizations – Code View only • Extending functionality for power users no longer available without Design View

  7. Configuration vs. Customization 2010 2013

  8. What is ‘Customization’ in SharePoint • The answer depends on the audience: • Important when communicating with each group • May vary within each organization

  9. User ‘Customization’ • Lists, Libraries, (now ‘Apps’) and Views • App Templates • Columns, metadata, fields • Options available via the browser • Page Layouts • Web Parts • Formatting Text and Graphics • Site Pages and Wiki Pages

  10. Power Users • Skillset 1 • Connected web parts • SharePoint Store apps • HTML in Calculated Fields • SPD Workflows • Skillset 2 • ‘Copy/Paste Development’ • Simple Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

  11. ‘Pro’ Developers • Full range of customization options and opportunities: Some of the same, some new… LOTS of options. • Farm and Sandbox Solutions • Apps • New look and feel options • Advanced Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

  12. SharePoint 2013 New Features • Add ‘Tiles’ to the page – the Promoted Links app (see blog post) • Timeline Views, Project Summary, etc… • Themes, Branding and Style options

  13. SharePoint Designer 2013 • Expanded workflow management capabilities • Out of scope for our discussion • No more Design View • Can still/only make changes directly to code • Simple Client Side Rendering (CSR) • JavaScript editing • Design / CSS creation moves to other tools • Facilitated by Design Manager

  14. Apps Overview • Out-of-the-box Apps • Same lists and library templates we’ve been using, with a few new ones in 2013 • SharePoint App Store • 3rd Party Apps – Lots of potential here… • Private App Catalog • In-house custom developed (.NET) created apps specific to the organization • Custom Lists with specific views, functionality, etc.

  15. Branding

  16. Branding, Styles and Theming • ‘Looks’ • Choose from pre-created Looks • Tweak look details and preview before applying • Add or Edit color palettes (at Site Collection level) • Deprecated: Create themes using PowerPoint • Design Manager • Ease of use for Dreamweaver, Notepad, others • Export and Import Design Package • Snippets

  17. Change the Look • Galleries • Add New Font Schemes (XML) • Add New Color Palettes (XML) • Add Master Pages (Must be ‘15’ to show in dropdown) • Composed LooksEssentially pre-baked packages of: • Master Pages • Background images • Fonts • Color Palettes

  18. Demo Themes and Composed Looks

  19. Demo - Looks • Change the Look

  20. Demo – Looks • Change the Look -> Tweak a Composed Look

  21. Demo - Looks • Theme Gallery

  22. Demo - Looks • Color Palette • Font Scheme

  23. Demo - Looks • Composed Looks

  24. Demo - Looks • Composed Looks

  25. Design Manager • Design Manager is NEW for 2013 • Only available with Publishing enabled • Maps a network drive for 3rd party apps to integrate (Dreamweaver) • Uploaded files are converted to master pages • Snippets Wizard – configure, cut and paste • Same Master page, Page Layout, CSS relationships as earlier versions • New Display Templates • New Design Packages

  26. Client Side Rendering

  27. Template Evolution • SharePoint 2010 • Data + XSL = HTML Server-side processing • SharePoint 2013 • Data + .js = HTML Client-Side Processing

  28. What is Client-Side Rendering (CSR) • JavaScript • HTML • CSS • Display Templates

  29. CSR Implementation • Deploy as an App • Deploy as a solution • Deploy manually and configure JS Link • Choose the implementation approach that best fits your needs. • “It depends”…

  30. Simple CSR Approach • Showing main components of the JS Link approach • Master Page Gallery • Upload your .js file • Must use the ‘JavaScript Display Template’ content type • Web part page • Web part – set the JS Link property

  31. Demo JS Link Web Part property

  32. Demo – JS Link • Before: Standard All Items view of a Custom list and columns

  33. Demo – JS Link • Create the js file – csr_overridable_demo1.js

  34. Demo – JS Link • Add the js file to the Master Page Gallery • Change the content type to JavaScript Display Template and complete fields

  35. Demo – JS Link • On the list web part, add the address to the JS Link property: • ~site/_catalogs/masterpage/csr_overridable_demo1.js

  36. Demo – JS Link • After: See the updates

  37. Notes, Trivia and Gotchas • Need to know and find the internal column names • Click on the column name in the List Settings page • Adding columns using the edit grid • Internal names created automatically

  38. Demo 2 – JS Link • Use the item context

  39. Demo 2 – JS Link • Before and After: • Simple, but just scratching the surface…

  40. Demo 3 – JS Link • Call other function

  41. Demo 3 – JS Link • Before and After: • Still simple, but going a little deeper and seeing more potential…

  42. Demo 4 – JS Link • Item override • Control over how the web part is rendered, not just the individual fields

  43. Demo 4 – JS Link • Before and After:

  44. Client-Side Rendering Recap • Approaches • [Crawl] Field overrides • [Walk] Item overrides – Includes Headers and Footers • [Run] PreRender and PostRender overrides • Targeting • BaseViewID • ListTemplateType

  45. Using SharePoint Designer • Can open and tweak in SharePoint Designer (SPD) • Can also use Visual Studio, but Power Users likely won’t have access to VS. • Doesn’t display in the main ‘Master Pages’ site objects • All Files -> _catalogs -> masterpage

  46. Form Override Notes • SharePoint Designer Forms • Default Forms – Use the ListFormWebPart and isn’t easily configurable. You do have JSLink and CSR Render Mode. • Custom-Created Forms (SPD) – Use the DataFormWebPart and can still be edited in SPD Code View or the XSL on the Web Part properties. NO JSLink. • Display Templates • DispForm.aspx • EditForm.aspx • NewForm.aspx • NOTE: JSLink override won’t work if form has been edited in SPD.

  47. Quick Recap • Understand your toolset – new and existing OOB web parts and apps. • New Design Manager – Publishing Customizations • New App Model and Customization Approaches • Client-Side Rendering (CSR) – Start with JS Link • See what develops in the coming months: practical best practices, patterns, etc.

  48. Try It Yourself! • Play with many of these features in Office365 • http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/en/whats-new

  49. References • JS Link Primer – Blog Post • http://www.idubbs.com/blog/2012/js-link-for-sharepoint-2013-web-partsa-quick-functional-primer/ • Microsoft: “Use as out-of-box whenever possible…” • http://sharepoint.microsoft.com/blog/Pages/BlogPost.aspx?pID=1012 • Customize a list view in apps using client-side rendering. (similar pieces to customizing list views) • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj220045(v=office.15).aspx • ListTemplateType Enumeration • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.client.listtemplatetype(v=office.15).aspx

  50. References • Creating a New Color Palette • http://www.estruyf.be/blog/creating-a-new-color-palette-for-a-sharepoint-2013-composed-look/ • SharePoint 2013 First Look for Power Users – Asif Rehmani (MVP) • https://store.vook.com/storefronts/book/sharepoint-2013-first-look-for-power-users.html#.UHxqZLgo5mN • Lightning Tools – Data Viewer Web Part • http://lightningtools.com/products/data-viewer-web-part/

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