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Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia A CAI-Asia Program

Strengthening Air Quality Management Community in China: -- CAI-Asia China Project 加强中国空气质量管理-亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目简介. Wang Xin 王新 Acting Director of Division 1, FECO, SEPA 国家环保总局外经办一处. Development Partners Meeting on Clean Air 清洁空气发展合作伙伴会议 27 September 2006 2006 年9月 27 日

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Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia A CAI-Asia Program

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  1. Strengthening Air Quality Management Community in China:-- CAI-Asia China Project加强中国空气质量管理-亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目简介 Wang Xin 王新 Acting Director of Division 1, FECO, SEPA 国家环保总局外经办一处 Development Partners Meeting on Clean Air 清洁空气发展合作伙伴会议 27 September 2006 2006年9月27 日 Beijing, Xiyuan Hotel, China 北京西苑饭店 Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia A CAI-Asia Program

  2. 大纲Outline • 亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目 CAI-Asia China Project • 2006年工作计划 Workplan 2006 • 未来工作计划 Future plans

  3. 第一部分: 亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目组织机制概况Part 1: Institutional overview of CAI-Asia China Project

  4. 环保总局和亚洲城市清洁空气行动联合倡议启动了亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目,并得到了亚行、世行、美国能源基金会、美国惠勒特基金会的支持CAI-Asia China Project is a joint initiative of SEPA and CAI-Asia and is currently supported by ADB, WB, Energy Foundation, Hewlett Foundation 。 定期参与中国网络活动的城市共11个: 长沙,成都,重庆,贵阳,广州,哈尔滨, 杭州,洛阳,青岛, 天津,乌鲁木齐CAI-Asia China network consists of 11 cities: Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang, Guangzhou, Harbin, Hangzhou, Luoyang, Qingdao, Tianjin, and Urumuqi (苏州、太原、兰州、西安和南宁表示希望参加项目活动Suzhou, Taiyuan, Lanzhou, Xi’an, and Nanning have expressed interest to participate in the activities of the CAI-Asia China Project) 清华大学、中国环科院、上海环科所、能源所、交通研究院、北京大学、美国环保署、欧盟和意大利环境研究所是中国项目的专家来源 Tsinghua U, CRAES, Shanghai RAES, ERI, CATS, Peking U, USEPA, EU, CNR act as resource organizations for the CAI-Asia China Project 参与各方 Who are in CAI-Asia China Project

  5. Organizational Chart 机构图 China SEPA PCD, FECO CAI-Asia Project Steering Committee SEPA, CAI-Asia, ADB, WB, EF, HF CAI-Asia China Project Office Resource Organizations City Network Changsha Hangzhou CAI-Asia Secretariat ADB EU Chongqing Harbin BP SEPA-PCD Chengdu Luoyang Coastal Cities US EPA Guangzhou Qingdao CRAES TU Guiyang Tianjin EF WB Urumuqi

  6. 机构图 中国国家环保总局 外经办、污控司 CAI-Asia 项目指导委员会 国家环保总局、CAI-Asia, 亚行、世行、能源基金会、惠勒特基金会 项目办 专家来源机构 城市网络 长沙 杭州 亚行 欧盟 CAI-Asia 秘书处 重庆 哈尔滨 总局污控司 BP公司 成都 洛阳 沿海城市 美国环保署 广州 青岛 中国环科院 清华大学 贵阳 天津 能源基金会 世行 乌鲁木齐i

  7. 项目的宗旨是:促进在所选的中国城市中空气质量管理的改善项目的宗旨是:促进在所选的中国城市中空气质量管理的改善 The Mission is to: Improve Air Quality Management in Selected Chinese Cities. 项目预期目标有三: The expected Outputs include: 中国会员城市间就空气质量管理开展协调和合作Coordination and cooperation among the network member cities on AQM is established; 中国会员城市的空气质量管理政策和项目实施得到改善Implementation of AQM policies and programs in the Chinese member cities is improved, and 为达到CAI-Asia成员城市在空气质量管理上的需要,开展具有创新性的项目new programs and projects initiated for the network member cities to address their AQM needs. 目标 Mission Statement

  8. 工作计划 Workplan Component(1) Knowledge Management: • 电子时事通讯:周刊是英文 (已出53期),月刊是中文(计划中) E-newsletters: Weekly in English (53 issues as of 25 Sept 2006) Monthly in Chinese (upcoming), • 中国空气质量管理报告:目前正在准备,并将在定于2006年12月13-14日期间召开的第一次城市空气质量政府会议上交流 Country Synthesis Report on AQM in China: in preparation for the First Governmental Meeting on Urban Air Quality in Yogyakarta, 13-14 December 2006. • 中国AQM项目和研究课题汇编将纳入到亚洲区域的汇编中 Overview of AQM Programs and Projects in China as part of the CAI-Asia Compendium of AQM projects and Studies – • 亚洲城市清洁空气行动网站的中国部分将录入中国城市空气质量管理的内容 China section on the CAI-Asia website documenting AQM in Chinese cities: http://www.cleanairnet.org/china

  9. 工作计划 Workplan Component (2) 能力建设 Capacity Building: • Basic AQM training course in November 2006 to four of the city members identified: Guiyang, Luoyang, Changsha, Urumuqi 拟于2006年11月开办空气质量管理基础课程, 主要培训对象是四个城市: 贵阳、洛阳、长沙、乌鲁木齐 • Emission inventory training courses: for all 11 city members planned for First quarter 2007 拟于2007年第一季度开办关于排放源清单的培训课程,对象包括目前定期参加活动的11个城市 • Coordination with the World Bank on the implementation of Urban Air Quality Management training course 与世界银行积极配合开办了城市空气质量管理培训课程

  10. 工作计划 Workplan component (3) 政策对话 Policy Dialogue: • 要求会员城市审视其现行的空气质量管理战略, 邀请这些城市就空气质量管理框架中某些具体的内容在亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目组织的研讨会上做介绍, 例如在乌鲁木齐召开的第三次城市研讨会上,城市代表就二氧化硫控制的问题分别做了介绍。 Cities have been requested to review their existing AQM strategies and are invited to provide updates on specific components of the AQM strategies at the CAI-Asia China Project City workshops: e.g. SO2 control in the 3rd City workshop in Urumqi • CAI-Asia中国项目将组织由国内外专家组成的专家组到城市进行面对面的交流。第一个城市之行是到长沙讨论其清洁能源计划 CAI-Asia PRC Project facilitate the process to bring focused expertise to cities (combined Chinese and International Expertise). First visit was to Changsha (24-26 September) to discuss the Changsha Clean Energy Plan

  11. 工作计划 Workplan Component (4) 试点项目 Pilot Projects: 在积极考虑以下试点项目:(每个试点项目预算大约25,000-30,000美元) Actively considering the following pilots(around USD25,000-30,000 per pilot) • 乌鲁木齐:可持续性城市交通 Urumqi: Sustainable Urban Transport • 长沙: 清洁能源和清洁空气综合行动计划 Changsha: Integrated approach to clean energy and clean air action plan • 全国范围: 电动自行车的环境影响研究 National: Environment Impact Study for E-bikes

  12. Future Plans : Institutional Development 强化网络建设 Strengthened Network: • 自成立以来,经过一年的努力,中国网络的生命力彰显,目前正在跟总局一起讨论,对网络发展采取分阶段逐步扩大的方式进行。 After one year of the city network establishment, the network viability has been clearly demonstrated and discussions are ongoing with SEPA on a phased development and expansion of the network • 城市对中国项目的兴趣增强,具体体现如下: City commitment to the CAI-Asia China Project is demonstrated by: (i)参加项目活动的官员级别提高 more senior level officials participate in CAI-Asia China Project activities, (ii) 城市提出需要得到援助的数量增加,more requests for assistance from cities, (iii) 城市愿意对项目活动提供财务支持, cities’ willingness to contribute financially to project activities, (iv) 其他更多的城市希望参加项目活动的数量增加 Increased interest by more non-member cities to participate in the activities of the CAI-Asia China Project

  13. 未来计划:机制建设Future Plans : Institutional Development 一些国际机构与亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目携手,共同对中国西部地区的城市提供服务。这也表明亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目已经得到了广泛的认可。 Interest of international organizations to partner with the CAI-Asia China Project to target cities in the Western Region in China is another indication of the widening acceptance of the CAI-Asia China Project

  14. 未来计划: 政策开发Future Plans: Policy Development 空气质量管理政策开发AQM Policy development • 对中国西部100个城市在空气质量管理领域的能力进行评估 Review the AQM capability of 100 cities in the Western Region of China • 起草关于加强中国西部城市空气质量管理能力的国家行动计划 Draft National Action Plan for Strengthening of urban air quality management in Western China • 就西部空气质量管理行动计划召开全国高层研讨会 Conduct national high level workshop on AQM Action Plan for Western Region 二氧化硫控制 SO2 control: • 为一些城市提供援助,评估其二氧化硫控制战略 (作为挪威资助的亚洲城市清洁空气行动区域项目的一个部分)Provide assistance to selected cities to review SO2 control strategies. (as part of Norwegian funded regional CAI-Asia project) • 就如何进一步指导城市实现二氧化硫减排控制目标在国家层面展开对话,Dialogue at the national level on how to give more guidance to cities in meeting the SO2 targets w/ respect to so2 control.

  15. 未来计划:能力建设Future Plans: Capacity Building • 就建立一个针对在职人员空气质量管理能力的长效培训机制在概念上得到认可。 这个培训机制具有以下特点: To develop the concept for the establishment of an institutional structure for in-service training on AQM. Such a structure will have the following characteristics: • 在中国不同区域内共选定4-5个技术研究机构作为培训的联络机构 4-5 technical institutes identified in different regions of China which will act as training focal points • 培训一支教员队伍,避免培训活动零散,培训人数有限的局面 Train the trainers, rather than the delivery of ad-hoc training courses to limited number of people • 重点培训可以针对113个重点环保城市,或者全部661个重要城市,或者仅仅针对西部城市 Priority cities could be 113 key cities defined by SEPA, OR all the 661 important Chinese cities OR just the cities in the Western Region • 联合并协调各援助机构如美国环保署、亚行、世行、挪威、意大利和瑞典的培训援助Combine and coordinate the training assistance delivered by various donors, e.g. US-EPA, ADB, WB, Norway, Italy, Sweden • 针对城市环保局局长开办空气质量管理高级培训班High level training course for EPB Directors on AQM • 选定与控制移动源和固定源和总体空气质量管理相关的具体题目,开办有一定深度的培训课程Selected in-depth training courses on specific topics related to control of mobile and stationary sources and general AQM

  16. Future Plans: Financing Regional Projects Dedicated China Project Funding Current Current ADB TA on Rolling Out AQM: $2.4 million HF: $130,000 WB: $50,000 ADB: $75,000 Future Future ADB Knowledge and ICT Fund: $500,000 HF: $400,000 Norway Policy Dialogue: $1.8 million EF: $75,000 Italy: $15,000

  17. 未来的计划:资金情况 亚洲区域项目 专门用于中国的项目 已有 已有 亚行技援项目:推广空气质量管理: $240万美元 惠勒特基金会: 13万美元 世行: 5万美元 亚行: 7.5万美元 未来 未来 亚行知识和宣传基金: 50万美元 惠勒特基金会: 40万美元 挪威政策对话: 180万美元 能源基金会: 7.5万美元 意大利: 1.5万美元

  18. 谢谢大家的关注Thank you for your attention!

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