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Introducing an Integrated Marine Observing System for Australia (IMOS)

Introducing an Integrated Marine Observing System for Australia (IMOS). Gary Meyers (IMOS Director) and John Middleton (SAIMOS). IMOS Strategic Goal. Assemble and provide free, open and timely access to streams of data that support research on The role of the oceans in the climate system

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Introducing an Integrated Marine Observing System for Australia (IMOS)

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  1. Introducing an Integrated Marine Observing System for Australia (IMOS) Gary Meyers (IMOS Director) and John Middleton (SAIMOS) .

  2. IMOS Strategic Goal • Assemble and provide free, open and timely access to streams of data that support research on • The role of the oceans in the climate system • The interaction between major boundary currents and shelf environments and ecosystems • And in the longer term • Supports policy development, management of marine and terrestrial climate impacts and adaptation by industries

  3. IMOS Funding: • $50M cash from Commonwealth • Additional $40M cash and in-kind support from marine agencies around Australia IMOS Development: • National Science Plan priorities workshopped in 2006 • Local science plans (with equipment needs) developed • Envelopes for equipment allocations developed • Agreement of who runs what facilities and what “nodes” are allocated facilities. • Plan strongly supported and funded by Aust. Govt. National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy

  4. IMOS—5 Nodes and 11 FacilitiesGoals: onshore-offshore interaction, climate impacts GBROOS WAIMOS NSWIMOS SAIMOS

  5. Water depth 110 m Met Station • National Reference Stations • Key components: • Real Time Data sent via satellite • 2x CTDs • 1x ADCP (SAIMOS, NSWIMOS only) • 1x Surface Meteorological Station Communications via acoustic modem ADCP

  6. Reference Stations RS RS

  7. National Reference Station - Monthly Biogeochemical Sampling • Carbon Parameters: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alkalinity 2. Hydrochemical parameters: Nitrate/nitrite, silicate,phosphate, salinity 3. Biological parameters: Phytoplankton: pigment composition, microscopy, genetic composition, total suspended solids Flow cytometry (population size, physical and chemical composition) Zooplankton: dry Weights, community composition, genetic composition 4. Physical/profiling instrument measurements: CTD with capabilities for: Temperature, Pressure (depths), Conductivity, Fluorescence, Light (PAR), Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen

  8. Aust. Coastal Ocean RADAR Network – six systems (WERA&CODAR) WERA Installation Radar is back reflected by ocean waves. The Doppler shift in Radar frequencies enables surface currents and other variables to be measured.

  9. HF Ocean RADAR Example From South Carolina Live current measurements every 30 minutes from the WERA system off South Carolina (US). Strong North-East Velocities associated with the Gulf Stream are clearly visible Note: range is better during day

  10. Aust. National Facility for Ocean Gliders 8 gliders (Slocum and deep)

  11. Glider Cross-Section: Temperature OffPerth Play Movie

  12. Other IMOS observing systems Passive acoustic listening for sea-floor slumps, Antarctic Ice collapse and marine mammals using hydrophones Pygmy Whale singing off Perth AUV (hulls removed) for sea floor video and mapping

  13. Moorings detect tagged fish < 1km 6 month service to obtain data Tagged Fish: AATAMS and community receivers SAIMOS Glenelg 10 moorings Portland 31 moorings

  14. Bluewater Node: Major research questions: • What is the role of the ocean in weather, climate variability and change? • What role does the ocean play in setting atmospheric carbon levels? • Where and how does ocean and climate variability impact on pelagic ecosystems, their productivity and fisheries? • How do large-scale offshore changes affect our coastal environment and ecosystems? • Is there predictability in the system and where? On what timescales? Tools • ARGO Floats • Ships of Opportunity • Satellites • S.O. Mooring

  15. IMOS Argo • 50 T/S Argo floats per year (assuming a continuation of existing contributions from AGO, CSIRO and BoM)

  16. Implementation

  17. West Australian IMOS • Leeuwin Current eddies and their interaction with the shelf waters. • Western Rock lobster recruitment • The Perth Canyon – highest biodiversity with whale and fish aggregations, high primary and secondary production which are controlled by the physical oceanographic processes Leeuwin Current 0 200km Jurien Bay Perth Canyon Rottnest Island Leeuwin UC

  18. Southern Australian IMOS- cross shelf exchange/ecosystems • Summer: • Upwelling - Deep cold, water is brought to surface • Mechanisms: winds • canyons • Flinders Current • Winter: • Density current outflows from gulfs and coast Sea Surface Temperature from satellite measurements

  19. Planned SAIMOS Infrastructure: • HF Radar • Shelf/Slope Moorings • Reference Station • CTD Stations • PLUS • Gliders • Fish tag curtains • AUVs

  20. NSW IMOS – The EAC and upwelling: Oke & Middleton 02

  21. Climate change (East Coast, Tasmania) … Mean sea surface temperature (deg C) Mean surface salinity (ppt) After Hill et al. 2007

  22. Issues for GBR function and health • Connectivity (currents) • Productivity (upwelling) • Coral bleaching (temperature) • Coral calcification (carbonate chemistry) Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System GBROOS

  23. SEC = South Equatorial Current EAC = East Australian Current SEC SEC Coral Sea mooring (1) Slope moorings (4) Shelf mooring (1) Oceanographic buoys (3) Island Research Stations (4) Reef towers (3) HF Radar Temp/Salinity Flow Light & heat fluxes Chlorophyll Turbidity Particulate carbon Local variables (sensor networks) EAC

  24. Planned IMOS Coastal Deployments G R A A

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