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EU Funding Options and Financial Instruments 2014 - 2020

EU Funding Options and Financial Instruments 2014 - 2020. Presentation made from European Commission & EIB presentations. EUSDR Relevant Funding Options. ENPI. Other Funding Sources. IPA. EU Cohesion Funding. ERDF. Cohesion Fund. European Social Fund. ETC (Objective III).

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EU Funding Options and Financial Instruments 2014 - 2020

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  1. EU Funding Options andFinancial Instruments 2014 - 2020 Presentation made from European Commission & EIB presentations

  2. EUSDR Relevant Funding Options ENPI Other Funding Sources IPA EU Cohesion Funding ERDF CohesionFund European Social Fund ETC (Objective III) Convergence (Objective I) RegionalCompetitiveness and Employment (Objective II) National National Regional Regional Cross-border EU Wide networking Transnational

  3. Danuberegion relevant fundingsources 18 Cross-border co-operation Programs 3 Transnational Co-operation Programs 11 EIB-linked facilities and instruments 15 regional Programs under Convergence Objectives 4 national Programs under Regional Competitivenaess and Employment Objectives Danube Region Relevant Funding Sources – at least 106 programmes 8 IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programs with MSs 6 IPA Cross-borderco-operation Programs forAccession Countries 32 National Programs underConvergenceObjectives 4EU-wide networkingprograms 3 ENPI Cross-border 3rd Country Programs Other FundingSources 13 Regional Programs under Regional Competitiveness andEmploymentObjectives Bucharest, 30.01.2012

  4. Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 - a package of funds A single package comprising: • European Social Fund (ESF) • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) • European Agricultural and Development Fund (EARDF) • European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) • Cohesion Fund (CF)

  5. "Structural and Investment Funds" 2014-2020 – shared management EU level EU LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE (Regulations) ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF National level PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF Operational Programmes for ERDF Rural development programmes (EAFRD) Operational Programmes for (EMFF) Operational Programmes for ESF National or regional level Operational Programmes for CF Multifund Operational Programmes for ERDF, ESF, CF

  6. Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 – key principles Principles guiding design of new funds: • Align EU cohesion policy more closely to the Europe 2020strategy • Geographical concentration in less developed regions (as now) • Increased thematic concentration in individual programmeson limited number of priorities • Investments part of broader, well-founded strategies(ex-ante conditionality) • Simplify implementation and improve links with other EU programmes

  7. Budget

  8. Thematic Objectives (with links to Europe 2020) • Research & innovation • Information and communication technologies (ICT) • Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) • Shift towards a low-carbon economy • Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management • Environmental protection & resource efficiency • Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures • Employment & supporting labour mobility • Social inclusion & combating poverty • Education, skills & lifelong learning • Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations  • R&D target • Climate change/energy target • Employment target   • Poverty target • Education target 

  9. Financing Options (EU, national, IFIs) Financial operations and instruments in support of EU policies • The Commission encourages the financing of investment in European enterprises and industries through a wide range of financial programmes and instruments. • DG ECFIN is in charge of implementing a number of these programmes and instruments for financing investment from the Community budget. The funding is channelled through international financial institutions (IFIs) and through specialised programmes (e.g. for SMEs and Trans-European Networks).The main participating IFIs: the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group, including the European Investment Fund (EIF), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in co-operation with the KreditanstaltfürWiederaufbau (KfW).DG ECFIN ensures the necessary coordination between the Commission and the EIB Group and the EBRD, and is represented on the governing bodies of these institutions.

  10. EU Financial Instruments - why? • A political priority (Europe 2020 , Communication on a Budget for Europe 2020) • Effective way to support Europe 2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth • 3 types of benefits • Financial leverage – multiplication of scarce budgetary resources by attracting additional finance • Policy impact – financial intermediaries pursue EU policies • Institutional know-how – EU can use the resources and expertise of financial intermediaries

  11. EU Financial Instruments – when ? Project characteristics Funding instruments High-Medium Financial Profitability, Low risk Commercial loan, (Including EIB loan) National public funds Joint Instrument e.g. credit enhancement Positive Economic rate of returns Potential Blending area High-Medium Financial Profitability/ High risk Low or negative financial profitability Cohesion Agri Research IPA/ENI EU budget grant 11

  12. What are EU Financial Instruments ? • Equity / riskcapital: e.g. venturecapitalto SMEs withhighgrowth potential orriskcapitaltoinfrstructureprojects. • Guaranteestofinancial intermediaries thatprovidelendingto e.g. infrstructureprojects, SMEs, people in riskofsocialexclusion. • Other risk-sharingarrangementswithfinancial intermediaries in order toincreaseleveragecapacityof EU funds. • Or a combinationoftheabovewithoterof EU financialassistance.

  13. Financial Instruments included in 2014 – 2020 MFF proposals

  14. Financial Instruments included in 2014 – 2020 MFF proposals

  15. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  16. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  17. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  18. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  19. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  20. EU Financial Instruments current and new

  21. EU Financial Instruments current and new

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