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Hany El Habibi Chairman

Egypt Always Open for Business November 4 th , 2010 Norwich, UK. Sahara Group. Hany El Habibi Chairman . Overview on the Egyptian Economy. - Economic Activity, y/y % chg. - External Sector Performance. - Financial Sector Performance. Monetary Indicators. - Fiscal Performance.

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Hany El Habibi Chairman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egypt Always Open for Business November 4th, 2010 Norwich, UK Sahara Group Hany El Habibi Chairman

  2. Overview on the Egyptian Economy - Economic Activity, y/y % chg. - External Sector Performance - Financial Sector Performance • Monetary Indicators - Fiscal Performance - External Debt - Egyptian Economy Indicators

  3. A quick overview on the Egyptian Textile & Apparel Industry Account for 25% Egypt’s total industrial work force 29 public & 2500 private textile enterprises Value of output estimated at US$ 12 BN US$ 8 BN Investment 10% of total exports Comprised 25% of all manufactured exports EUROMED - EU-Egypt FTA QIZ – USA-Egypt FTA COMESA- Egypt-African Countries FTA Egypt - Arab Countries Regional FTA Aghadir – Jordan, Egypt, Tunis, Morocco Industry Size Importance to the Egyptian Economy Free Trade Agreements applying in Egypt:

  4. Vertically Integrated Industry RMG&Home Textiles Dyeing & Finishing Spinning & Weaving Egyptian Cotton Fiber

  5. The Egyptian Cotton Egyptian Cotton History starts since 1818 Egyptian cottons are recognized world-wide as being of higher quality than all other world cottons. The Egyptian Cotton is hand-picked cotton. Main importers are India, Pakistan and China

  6. Egyptian cotton in the last 58 years

  7. Local consumption of cotton in the past 30 years

  8. Production of ELS Cotton Worldwide

  9. Main Importers of Egyptian and Pima Cotton 2007/2010

  10. Comparison of Egyptian Cotton and US Pima Cotton Exports in the period of 2003 - 2010

  11. Comparison of Egyptian - U.S Pima Cotton Prices from Dec. 08 - Oct. 10 C/LB

  12. Egyptian Cotton Trademark 1 2 3 4 5 6

  13. THIS IS The Egyptian Cotton Trademark

  14. Main Yarn Exporters to EU during 2004-2009

  15. Comparison of Egypt cotton yarn exports to the EU by yarn count ranges in the period 2003 - 2009

  16. Comparison of China and Mediterranean Countries Apparel export growth to the EU in the period 2003 – 2008

  17. Egyptian T&C Exports to EU Exports of Cotton Yarn and Fabrics to EU Exports of Woven Apparel to EU Egyptian Home Textile Exports to the EU Exports of Knitted Apparel to EU

  18. Egypt’s Exports of Textile and Apparel to EU during 2003 - 2009

  19. Egypt’s Exports of Textile and Apparel to U.S during 2003 - 2009 Egypt’s Exports of Cotton, Yarns and fabrics to USA Egypt’s Exports of Knitted Apparel to USA Egypt’s Exports of Woven Apparel to USA Egypt’s Exports of Home Textiles to USA

  20. Egypt’s Exports of Textile and Apparel to USA during 2003 - 2009

  21. Egypt’s Exports of Woven Fabrics to UK during 2003 - 2009

  22. Egypt’s Exports of Textile and Apparel to UK during 2003 - 2009

  23. Labor Cost Comparison 2009

  24. Egyptian Power & Energy Cost Egypt’s Water, Sewage & Natural Gas Tariffs Source: Egypt: Prime Minister Decree No. 1914/2007,www.eia.doe.gov Fiscal Year: Starts first of July and Ends 31 of June

  25. About Sahara Group


  27. Organizational Chart Sahara Group Consultation EGYTEX Trade Fair egytex.com Marketing Promotion INDUSTRIALExport Promotion DIRECTORY Technical Assistance Training Networking International BUYERS NEWS Strategy Services Production Information Technology SECTORIALExport Promotion SOURCE INDUSTRYREPORTS Marketing Intelligence E-commerce Quality Management B2B Services JOBS Sourcing Innovation RESEARCHES In-ward Matchmaking Missions NEWSLETTER Brand & Retail Management Out-ward Matchmaking Missions InformationManagement NETWORKING Textile Institute – Manchester, UK FASHION INSTITUTE – NEW YORK CEDITH/ETDA/EJB NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY WERNER INTERNATIONAL

  28. FORUMS Conferences EGYTEX Exhibition Workshops Institutional Support Networking

  29. Sahara Group – Projects’ Highlights

  30. Invitation to - Egytex2011 The 10th International Apparel & Textile Sourcing Trade Fair Highlight on Egytex2011 inner activities B2B Meetings’ Service During the Egytex2011 opening hours Factory Tours Interactive Forums discussing the challenges in exports Fashion Show On the Gala Farewell Evening URL: www.egytex.com

  31. Thank You! Sahara Group Tel: 202 26708995 202 22755958 E-mail: hany@saharagroup.com Block H - Zone No. 6 Public Free Zone, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

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