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Status on recent accelerator projects at Korea ( 最近 韓國內 加速器 科題現況 )

Status on recent accelerator projects at Korea ( 最近 韓國內 加速器 科題現況 ). 1 月 22 日 2008 年 慶北 大學校 金 銀 山. 內 容.  Light source project ( 浦 港 ) - PLS-II ( 確定 , 1000 億圓 , Jan 2009 - Dec. 2011) : 現 PLS upgrade  Proton linac project ( 慶 州 )

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Status on recent accelerator projects at Korea ( 最近 韓國內 加速器 科題現況 )

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  1. Status on recent accelerator projects at Korea (最近 韓國內 加速器 科題現況) 1月 22日 2008年 慶北 大學校 金 銀 山

  2. 內 容  Light source project ( 浦 港 ) - PLS-II ( 確定, 1000億圓, Jan 2009 - Dec. 2011) : 現 PLS upgrade  Proton linac project ( 慶 州 ) - 100 MeV (進行中, ~1250 (2500) 億圓, 2002-2012) • Heavy-Ion accelerator project - Cancer therapy (現在 妥當成 調事中, ~1400(1900)億, 釜山市 + 政府, 2010-2015, @釜山) - 小型 heavy-ion accelerator (75億圓, 2008-2011, KBSI 釜山分所) • 科學 business 都市 (確定 Jan. 2009, 場所 :上半期 選定) : 3兆 5千487億圓 (土地買入費, 基盤施設 調成費 除外) - Rare Isotope Accelerator : 設計 (2010-2011), 建設 (2012-2015), 4600億圓 - ABSI 設立(亞世亞 基礎科學 硏究院, 2012 完工) : 50 硏究 groups • 其他 - 10 GeV SASE-FEL (計劃書 題出/推進 豫定 in 2009, PAL) - 10 MeV superconducting electron linac 所介 (@ KAERI )

  3. 1. PLS II project Extension of linac energy Modification of ring lattice

  4. 1. PLS II project (主要 變化)

  5. 1. PLS II project(現 linac) Beam energy 2.5 GeV Length 160 m RF frequency 2.856 GHz No. of columns 44 Beam pulse length 1 ns Energy spread 5x 10-3 Repetition rate 10 Hz Bunch length 6 mm

  6. 1. PLS II project(linac upgrade) • Add Modulator / Klystron - Add 4 MK units @ 現 linac 入口 - Energy increase : from 2.5 GeV to 3 GeV • Improvement of stability for Top-up injection - improvements on diagnostics, gun, timing, modulator, optics, control, utilities.

  7. 1. PLS II project (現 ring) Lattice type Triple Bend Arc Beam energy 2.5 GeV Circumference 280 m RF frequency 500.08 MHz Harmonic number 468 Beam emittance 18.9 nm Energy spread 8.6 x 10-4 Damping time 8 ms / 4 ms

  8. 1. PLS II project(ring lattice modification) ID ID ID 現在 TBA @2.5 GeV Chromatic DBA @3 GeV Combined Bend

  9. 1. PLS II project(ring parameters 比較) • Energy : 3.0 GeV (2.5 GeV) • Emittance : 5 nm (18.9nm) • Beam current : 400 mA (190mA) • Circumference : 281.82 m (280.56m) • Number of bunch : 470 (468) • Bunch length : 6 mm (7.6mm) • Energy spread : 0.1% (0.086%) • RF voltage : 3.6 MV (1.6 MV) • RF frequency : 500 MHz (500 MHz)

  10. 1. PLS II project(ring straight sections) •  12 x 6.8 m long straight sections • 10 are for IDs and 1 for injection • 1 (or 2) for 500 MHz RF • [Normal Cavity or Super-Cavity : 議論中] •  12 x 3.1 m short straight sections • 10 are for IDs • ( 20 bending magnet beam lines )

  11. 2. Proton Linac Project

  12. 2. Proton Linac

  13. 2. Proton Linac 檢討中 (RCS,…)

  14. 2. Proton Linac

  15. 2. Proton Linac 現在 20 MeV 運轉中

  16. 2. Proton Linac

  17. 3. Heavy ion therapy accelerator(@ Pusan)KIRAMS (原子力 醫學院, Seoul)

  18. 3. Heavy ion therapy

  19. 3. Heavy ion therapy 現120 MeV製作中

  20. 3. Heavy ion therapy

  21. 3. Heavy ion therapy @ Pusan 400MeV C12 basic concept 病院 建築中 not still fixed layout

  22. 4. 小型 Heavy-Ion and Fast Neutron Beam Facility KBSI (Pusan) (2008-2011) 現ECR 製作中 (Li2~3+ production >1pmA) Neutron production (2.5MeV 3x1012/sec) Acceleration ~2.5MeV/u Li 3+ 5mA / Ar 8+ 2mA Kr 13+ 0.6 mA / Xe 20+ 0.3 mA H(7Li, n)7Be Inverse kinematics

  23. 科學 business 都市 - President visited KEK, CERN and GSI during electron period in 2007. - He promised a new science city that includes an institute and an accelerator facility. - Last week, government officially decided a new science city project that includes establishment of ABSI and construction of a heavy-ion accelerator [actually, Rare-Isotope Accelerator].

  24. 5. Rare Isotope Accelerator (@ 科學 business 都市) 2010-2011 : 設計 2012-2015 : 建設 Not still detailed layout

  25. 5. Rare Isotope Accelerator (@ 科學 business 都市) 重ion 加速器 槪念圖

  26. 6. Superconducting e- linac at KAERI - 10 MeV beam 運轉中 - 10 MeV ERL 計劃中(not still funded)

  27. 7. 10 GeV SASE-FEL plan

  28. 7. 10 GeV SASE-FEL layout Injector frf =21o frf=22.2o frf =20o Undu. M1 L1 X BC1 M2 L2 BC2 M3 L3 M4 BTL q=1 nC sz=2.9 ps ex=0.93 mm ey=0.93 mm sd=0.2 % E=0.135 GeV q=1 nC sz=0.94 ps ex=1.05 mm ey=1.11 mm sd=0.93 % E=0.42 GeV q=1 nC sz=0.078 ps ex=1.10 mm ey=1.14 mm sd=0.53 % E=2.84 GeV q=1 nC sz=0.078 ps ex=1.10 mm ey=1.06 mm sd=0.037 % E=10.0 GeV M : Matching section X : X-band Linac ( 31.6 MV/m) L : S-band Linac (27 MV/m)

  29. 7. Bunch compressor II Bending angle : 0.0396 rad R56 : -49.5 mm Compression factor: 12

  30. 7. Beam performance

  31. 要 略 • Several accelerator projects are on-going: mainly in stages of design and initial construction, but man-power is not enough. • 韓國政府-CERN 硏究協力 MOU 締結 (done) : LHC 實驗 參加 硏究費 : 30億圓 (2009) 韓國政府-KEK 硏究協力 MOU (how about?) : 加速器 [ILC(ATF..), Super-B...] / 實驗 參加 硏究 爲

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