PRopOSaLs Hannah Hill
My Plan The plan I have put forward for my music magazine is to create a limited edition Halloween issue. The genre I have chosen to use is rock however I have not chosen a sub-genre as Halloween might not attract everyone in that genre so it keeps the saleability more broad. Colours are going to be traditional black and red as it is to appeal to rock fans and red and black is seen as a generic convention for rock. however I will use oranges to relate it to Halloween. I plan to put a female on the cover with the main focus being her makeup. I have chosen a female although it is a generic convention for a band or men to be on the cover I decided to use a female model as this may attract more to reformers and stand out against the other magazines available in that genre. A forest is where I'm planning my photo shoot to be as that is an iconic spooky scene which will work well with my theme.
Target Audience The target audience I have chosen is reformers as a Halloween magazine is more likely to stand out to this crowd as well as the fact that as a generic convention for a rock magazine would feature a male or band on the cover whereas I have chosen to use a female. The socio-economic my magazine will aim at it group E (lowest form of subsistence) as the main group I am targeting is students who wont have a high income due to school fees.
Models That Inspired Me I have been looking at alternative and rock magazines for my inspiration to do my music magazine for media. The main magazines I have looked at are Kerrang, Rock Sound. NME and Q which are all well known alternative brands for a music magazine. I chose to look at these as they all have the rocky image I am looking for as my magazine will have a similar target audience as these magazines. They also have many that have very intriguing cover models for example the slipknot cover on Kerrang as the look is similar to my theme I have chosen. This cover is a good example of how I want my magazine to look as the model is close-up to show of the make-up/mask that is used to produce and interesting look that works well and draws your attention to the magazine.
Programmes I Will Use To make my magazine cover and double page spread I will be using Adobe Photoshop cs5 and for the contents page I will use Adobe In Design cs5. I used these programmes to make the cover and contents page for the college magazine we were set to do at the beginning of this project. Using Photoshop will mean I will be able to create the perfect cover as my main focus will be the cover model and using Photoshop means I can alter and change the way she will look or where she is standing to make the cover sit properly on the cover. This is similar with using In Design as it means I can make the contents match the cover with the colour themes and images. Other sites I will consider using is logo maker to create a logo for my magazine that people will be able to see and know the brand much like magazines such as Q who have a unique symbol that readers can relate to. I have also been using a range of social networking, blogging and primary research sites. To research what I was planning on doing, I used survey monkey to create a questionnaire to see what the public would like to use. To post my work, I am using wordpress and to look for creative ideas I have been using pinterest to help with my ideas.