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Virtual and Persistent Presence from a mobility perspective

This paper discusses the concept of virtual and persistent presence in a mobile context, exploring its importance for ubiquitous access and its potential applications. It covers the definition, issues, standardization efforts, and concludes with the importance of privacy.

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Virtual and Persistent Presence from a mobility perspective

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  1. Virtual and Persistent Presence from a mobility perspective Klaas Wierenga Klaas.Wierenga@SURFnet.nl TNC Antalya, May 2001

  2. Contents • Ubiquitous access • Why Presence? • Examples • Definition • Issues • Standardisation efforts • Conclusions • Links

  3. Presence Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 : the fact or condition of being present 2 a : the part of space within one's immediate vicinity b : the neighborhood of one of superior especially royal rank 3 archaic : COMPANY 2a 4 : one that is present: as a : the actual person or thing that is present b : something present of a visible or concrete nature 5 a : the bearing, carriage, or air of a person; especially : stately or distinguished bearing b : a quality of poise and effectiveness that enables a performer to achieve a close relationship with an Audience 6 : something (as a spirit) felt or believed to be present

  4. Virtual Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, possessed of certain physical virtues, from Medieval Latin virtualis, from Latin virtus strength, virtue Date: 1654 1 : being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted <a virtual dictator> 2 : of, relating to, or using virtual memory 3 : of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence <virtual photons> compare REAL 3

  5. Persistent Function: adjective Etymology: Latin persistent-, persistens, present participle of persistere Date: 1826 1 : existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: as a : retained beyond the usual period <a persistent leaf> b : continuing without change in function or structure <persistent gills> c : effective in the open for an appreciable time usually through slow volatilizing <mustard gas is persistent> d : degraded only slowly by the environment <persistent pesticides> e : remaining infective for a relatively long time in a vector after an initial period of incubation <persistent viruses> 2 a : continuing or inclined to persist in a course b : continuing to exist in spite of interference or treatment <a persistent cough> - per·sis·tent·ly adverb

  6. Ubiquitous access Wireless • Always on • Hi/low bw • Roaming • Location GSM GPRS UMTS WLAN xDSL cable ethernet dialup Wired fixed nomadic

  7. The hourglass • End2end • IPv6 • Mobile-IP applications middleware IP transmission

  8. Electronic and persistent presence • With Mobile-IPv6 we can communicate whenever, wherever but how? • Where (virtual and real), availability, bandwidth, device capacities, user capabilities, user preferences etc. etc.? • Human + technical constraints => Presence Information as middleware

  9. Instant messaging - ICQ

  10. Web-centric - Gooey

  11. 3D - Active Worlds

  12. Agents – Gossip

  13. Location Based Services – LocatioNet

  14. Personalisation - CDnow

  15. Presence • Information about • The environment you are in (real or virtual) • What you are doing • Who you are • Your preferences • ‘you are there’: presence of user somewhere else • ‘it is here’: presence of remote objects/users near the user • ‘we are together’ • Continuous (3d party) information about your current presence

  16. The intelligent mobile world I am Nikita and I like holidays I am a pda and have colorcapabilities I am the app. Server of x.com and offer service A and B I am a combination of information defining the environment around a user I can deliver 500 Kbit connection Physical environment 3G network users Systems & applications Devices

  17. Issues • Privacy and security (AAA) • Accounting • Privacy • Privacy • Privacy • Naming & Addressing • Locators, directories • Connectivity Management / Negotiation • QoS, Bandwidth • Infrastructure management

  18. Standardisation efforts • IETF • IMPP working group • rescap • Beep • AAA • … • W3C • CC/PP • PPP • ETSI • MExE • IMUnified (AT&T, Excite@home, MSN, Odigo, Phone.com, Prodigy, Yahoo!) • Wireless Village IMPS (Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia) • …

  19. Conclusions • Presence is not new but increasingly important to deal with ubiquitous access • Presence as a generic, standardized middleware layer is desirable to build new kinds of services upon like: • IM • LBS • Personalisation • Privacy remains a very important issue

  20. Useful links • www.ietf.org/html.charters/wg-dir.html • www.w3c.org/Mobile/CCPP • www.mexeforum.org • www.imunified.org • www.wireless-village.org • Mobility@terena.nl

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