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The Big Opening

The Big Opening. WWW. Or they can provide answers to pervasive questions.

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The Big Opening

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  1. The Big Opening WWW Or they can provide answers to pervasive questions. FM Scion Service Corp has developed the FMScion Insurance System which provides Policy, Premium, A/R, Claim, statistical, management, reinsurance, G/L (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) plus numerous other informational reports for your Employees, Agents, Associates and Insureds. FM Scion Service Corp can make any or all of it available to your Web Interface. Then you can supply the Who, What and When instead of Wondering, Why or Why not! These three letters can bring a company to a screeching halt…

  2. Your Web Presence Payment Information? Policy Information for the insured? Insured information for the Agent? Budget Figures for Associates? The FMScion Insurance System provides all of this information and more. Custom interfaces can be provided to link to your existing or planned World Wide Web Presence. How can I feed my Web Presence?

  3. Reports of all kinds The FMScion Insurance System provides figures for any report or meeting with its myriad of printed or imaged reports. Each month a batch closing is processed for Policy, Loss and G/L systems, producing these reports. Then there’s that pesky statement… and budgets… and board meetings. Statement Planning

  4. or walk a tight rope… Get to There or run a marathon… after all this is Insurance! And you won’t need to learn to do a back flip.

  5. My company needs information to stay in business! More than $ in $ out? In step with the industry! On a daily basis, the FMScion Insurance System provides up to date Premium, Policy, A/R, G/L (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) , and Loss information, ready to pass to your Internet Presence, or direct to your Agents and Associates. FMScion will customize an interface to your existing database or email process to provide data and reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. How does the FMScion Insurance System help me?

  6. The information seen here is updated daily. For the WWW An Insured checking for Premium Due An Insured or Agent checking the progress of a claim. Printing and mailing is expensive. Reports? Some World Wide Web Information.

  7. A central place for all the year’s reports in simple text format. More the WWW Commissions. Renewals. A/R. Cancelled. Open Losses. Paid Losses. More World Wide Web Information.

  8. Risk locator report

  9. Deferred premiums

  10. New business by line

  11. New business by agent

  12. Commissions on AR

  13. Agents unearned premiums

  14. Agents analysis

  15. Agents activity

  16. Unearned premium by G/L code

  17. G/L expense breakdown

  18. Direct premiums QTD

  19. Premiums and losses for statement

  20. Cancels by reason

  21. End is Web Site Thank you for your time. We hope to be of assistance to you in the near future. Please drop us an Email, visit our Web Site or give us a call. We’d be happy to show you around. www.fmscion.com

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