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Lessons from the Eurobarometer 2007 Additional analysis from the Belgian perspective

Lessons from the Eurobarometer 2007 Additional analysis from the Belgian perspective Sergio Perelman CREPP, HEC-Ecole de Gestion, Université de Liège. Outline. The Eurobarometer on UDW Puzzling results The limits of descriptive analysis Econometric treatment

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Lessons from the Eurobarometer 2007 Additional analysis from the Belgian perspective

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  1. Lessons from the Eurobarometer 2007 Additional analysis from the Belgian perspective Sergio Perelman CREPP, HEC-Ecole de Gestion, Université de Liège

  2. Outline • The Eurobarometer on UDW • Puzzling results • The limits of descriptive analysis • Econometric treatment • Lessons from the Eurobarometer • A new survey in Belgium

  3. The Eurobarometer on UDW • A first international large scale attempt • UDW dimensions retained - Demand of services/products - Supply: UDW as part of salary Other undeclared activities • Individual characteristics and perceptions • An invaluable tool for research purposes

  4. Puzzling results UDW and refusal rates NORDIC: DK, FI, SE CONTINENTAL: AT, BE, DE, FR, LU, NL + UK + IE SOUHTERN: CY, EL, ES, IT, MT, PT EASTERN: BG, CZ, LV, LT, HU, EE, PL, RO, SI, SK

  5. Puzzling results Sample representativity Belgium: Population aged 15+

  6. Puzzling results Perceptions and institutions

  7. Puzzling results Respondents’ cooperation

  8. The limits of descriptive analysis % UDW Other activities

  9. The limits of descriptive analysis % UDW Part of salary

  10. Econometric treatment • Probit/Logit Models • UDW participation (Demand/Supply) • Explanatory variables - age, sex, education, family size, origin - occupation, economic sector - urban/rural areas, house ownership • Control variables - country dummies - perceptions, respondents’ cooperation

  11. Econometric treatment ***, **, *: 1%, 5% and 10% Khi2 Test significativity

  12. Econometric treatment Undeclared work: Demand of services or products ***, **, *: 1%, 5% and 10% Khi2 Test significativity

  13. Econometric treatment Undeclared work: Part of salary ***, **, *: 1%, 5% and 10% Khi2 Test significativity

  14. Econometric treatment Undeclared work: Other activities ***, **, *: 1%, 5% and 10% Khi2 Test significativity

  15. Lessons from the Eurobarometer • Preliminary econometric results - Allowing to identify several actors’ characteristics - Demand and supply driven by country specificities - Perceptions on national institutions mater - Robust results • Drawbacks - Too small country sample size - Limited UDW cases to be analyzed

  16. A new Survey on UDW in Belgium • Sample design - Depending on demand and supply specificities studied - For instance, supply of UDW • Over sampled characteristics - Construction, repair services, transport, hotels/restaurants - Men aged less than 55 years old - Occupations other than employees

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