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Locally Decodable Codes. Uri Nadav. Contents. What is Locally Decodable Code (LDC) ? Constructions Lower Bounds Reduction from Private Information Retrieval (PIR) to LDC. /2. codeword. Minimum Distance. For every x ≠ y that satisfy d(C( x ),C( y )) ≥ δ
Locally Decodable Codes Uri Nadav
Contents • What is Locally Decodable Code (LDC) ? • Constructions • Lower Bounds • Reduction from Private Information Retrieval (PIR) to LDC
/2 codeword Minimum Distance For every x≠y that satisfy d(C(x),C(y)) ≥δ • Error correction problem is solvable for less than δ/2 errors • Error Detection problem is solvable for less than δ errors
Error-correction Codeword Encoding x C(x) Input Worst case error assumption Errors Corrupted codeword y Decoding i x[i] Bit to decode Decoded bit
Query Complexity • Number of indices decoder is allowed to read from (corrupted) codeword • Decoding can be done with query complexity Ω(|C(x)|) • We are interested in constant query complexity
Adversarial Model We can view the errors model as an adversary that chooses positions to destroy, and has access to the decoding/encoding scheme (but not to random coins) The adversary is allowed to insert at most m errors
Why not decode in blocks? Adversary is worst case so it can destroy more than δ fraction of some blocks, and less from others. Nice errors: Worst Case: Many errors in the same block
Ideal Code C:{0,1}nm • Constant information rate: n/m > c • Resilient against constant fraction of errors (linear minimum distance) • Efficient Decoding (constant query complexity) No Such Code!
Definition of LDC C:{0,1}nm is a (q,,) locally decodable code if there exists a prob. algorithm A such that: x {0,1}n, y m with distance d(y,C(x))<m and i {1,..,n}, Pr[ A(y,i)=xi ] > ½ + The Probability is over the coin tosses of A Areads at most q indices of y (of its choice) A has oracle access to y Queries are not allowed to be adaptive A must be probabilistic if q< m
Example: Hadamard Code • Hadamard is (2,δ, ½ -2δ) LDC • Construction: Relative minimum distance ½ Encoding x1 x2 xn <x,1> <x,2> <x,2n-1> codeword source word
xi ei=(0,…0,1,0,…,0) the i’th entry Example: Hadamard Code Pick aR{0,1}n Reconstruction 2 queries reconstruction formula <x,a> <x,a+ei> = + Decoding x1 x2 xn <x,1> <x,2> <x,2n-1> source word codeword If less than δfraction of errors, then reconstruction probability is at least 1-2δ
Reconstruction of bit xi,j: 1) A,B 2) A{i},B 3) A,B{j} 4) A{i},B{j} Another Construction… Probability of 1-4 for correct decoding
Generalization… 2k queries m=2kn1/k
Smoothly Decodable Code C:{0,1}nm is a (q,c,) smoothly decodable code if there exists a prob. algorithm A such that: 1 x {0,1}nand i {1,..,n},Pr[ A(C(x),i)=xi ] > ½ + The Probability is over the coin tosses of A A has access to a non corrupted codeword 2 Areads at most q indices of C(x)(of its choice) Queries are not allowed to be adaptive 3 i {1,..,n} andj {1,..,m}, Pr[ A(·,i) reads j] ≤ c/m The event is: A reads index j of C(x) to reconstruct index i
LDC is also Smooth Code Claim: Every (q,δ,ε) LDC is a (q,q/δ,ε) smooth code. Intuition – If the code is resilient against linear number of errors, then no bit of the output can be queried too often (or else adversary will choose it)
Proof: LDC is Smooth • A - a reconstruction algorithm for (q,δ,ε) LDC • Si= {j | Pr[A queryj] > q/δm} • There are at mostq queries, so sum of prob. over j is q , thus |Si| < δm Set of indices read ‘too’ often
0j Si [C(x)’]j = C(x)j otherwise Proof:LDC is Smooth • A’ – uses A as black box, returns whatever A returns as xi • A’ gives A oracle access to corrupted codeword C(x)’, return only indices not in S • A reconstructs xi with probability at least 1/2 + ε, because there are at most |Si| < δm errors A’ is a (q,q/δ, ε)Smooth decoding algorithm
Proof: LDC is Smooth indices that A reads too often C(x) what A wants A what A gets C(x)’ 0 0 0 indices that A’ fixed arbitrarily
Smooth Code is LDC • A bit can be reconstructed using q uniformly distributed queries, with ε advantage , when no errors • With probability (1-qδ) all the queries are to non-corrupted indices. Remember: Adversary does not know decoding procedure’s random coins
Lower Bounds • Non existence for q = 1 [KT] • Non linear rate for q ≥ 2 [KT] • Exponential rate for linear code, q=2[Goldreich et al] • Exponential rate for every code, q=2 [Kerenidis,de Wolf] (using quantum arguments)
Information Theory basics • Entropy H(x) = -∑Pr[x=i] log(Pr[x=i]) • Mutual Information I(x,y) = H(x)-H(x|y)
Information Theory cont… • Entropy of multiple variable is less than the sum of entropies! (equal in case of all variables mutually independent: H(x1x2…xn) ≤ ∑ H(xi) • Highest entropy is of a uniformly distributed random variable.
Proof Combined …
Single query (q=1) Claim: If C:{0,1}nm, is (1,δ,ε) locally decodable then: No such family of codes!
Good Index Index j is said to be ‘good’ for i, if Pr[A(C(x),i)=xi |A reads j] > ½ + ε
Single query (q=1) There exist at least a single j1which is good for i. By definition of LDC Conditional prob. summing over disjoint events
Perturbation Vector Def: Perturbation vector Δj1,j2,…takes random values uniformly distributed from ∑, in position j1,j2,… and 0 otherwise. Destroys specified indices in most unpredicted way
Adding perturbation A resilient Against at least 1 error So, there exists at least one index, j2 ‘good’ for i. j2 ≠ j1 , becausej1can not be good!
Single query (q=1) A resilientAgainst δm errors So, There are at least δm indices of The codeword ‘good’ for every i. By pigeonhole principle , there exists an index j’ in {1..m}, ‘good’ for δn indices.
Single query (q=1) Think of C(x[1..δn]) projected on j’ as a function from the δn indices of the input. The range is ∑, and each bit of the input can be reconstructed w.p. ½ + ε. Thus by IT result:
Case q≥2 m = Ω(n)q/(q-1) Constant time reconstruction procedures are impossible for codes having constant rate!
Case q≥2 Proof Sketch • A LDC C is also smooth • A q smooth codeword has a small enough subset of indices, that still encodes linear amount of information • So, by IT result, m(q-1)/q= Ω(n)
Applications? • Better locally decodable codes have applications to PIR • Applications to the practice of fault-tolerant data storage/transmission?
What about Locally Encodable • A ‘Respectable Code’ is resilient against Ω(m) fraction of errors. • We expect a bit of the encoding to depend on many bits of the encoding Otherwise, there exists a bit which influence less than1/nfraction of the encoding.
Open Issues • Adaptive vs Non-Adaptive Queries guess first q-1 answers with succeess probability ∑q-1 • Closing the gap
Logarithmic number of queries • View message as polynomial p:Fk->F of degree d (F is a field, |F| >> d) • Encode message by evaluating p at all |F|k points • To encode n-bits message, can have |F| polynomial in n, and d,k around polylog(n)
To reconstruct p(x) • Pick a random line in Fkpassing through x; • evaluate p on d+1 points of the line; • by interpolation, find degree-d univariate polynomial that agrees with p on the line • Use interpolated polynomial to estimate p(x) • Algorithm reads p in d+1 points, each uniformly distributed
x+(d+1)y x+2y x+y x
Private Information Retrieval (PIR) • Query a public database, without revealing the queried record. • Example: A broker needs to query NASDAQ database about a stock, but don’t won’t anyone to know he is interested.
PIR A k server PIR scheme of one round, for database length n consists of:
PIR – definition • These function should satisfy:
Simple Construction of PIR • 2 servers, one round • Each server holds bits x1,…, xn. • To request bit i, choose uniformly A subset of [n] • Send first server A. • Send second server A+{i} (add i to A if it is not there, remove if is there) • Server returns Xor of bits in indices of request S in [n]. • Xor the answers.
Lower Bounds On Communication Complexity • To achieve privacy in case of single server, we need n bits message. • (not too far from the one round 2 server scheme we suggested).
Reduction from PIR to LDC • A codeword is a Concatenation of all possible answers from both servers • A query procedure is made of 2 queries to the database