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Bangladesh Police Women's Network: Empowering Women in Law Enforcement

Explore the launch, vision, goals, and achievements of the Bangladesh Police Women's Network (BPWN) aimed at developing leadership and professional aptitude among policewomen. Learn about their participation in the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) and future plans for empowering women in law enforcement.

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Bangladesh Police Women's Network: Empowering Women in Law Enforcement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bangladesh Police Women's Network HamidaParvin Addl.SP 5 APBn Bangladesh Police.

  2. Presentation Outline • Launch of BPWN • Vision • Goals • Chief Patron • Governing Committee • Activities & Achievements Of BPWN • Participation with IAWP • Future plan

  3. Launch of BPWN (21.11.2008) BPWN was formed with the support of BD police & PRP Snippets of the inaugural ceremony of BPWN

  4. VISION To develop leadership among women through skill & capacity enhancement in line with nationally and internationally adopted policies.

  5. Goals To Strengthen the position of policewomen in Bangladesh. To develop the professional aptitude getting the acquired world class knowledge by introducing its international network. Increase the number of women police & to ensure women participation in national & international milieu. Ensuring women-friendly working environment.

  6. Increase professional capacity by organizing training and publications . Protecting women`s right in recruitment, promotion and posting. Initiating effective measures to find the opportunities of cooperation through interaction. Make fruitful participation with other development partner, organizations & groups for development of women at large.

  7. Chief Patron Inspector General of Police

  8. Central Governing Committee 23 members from all ranks and posts are comprises a central governing committee.

  9. Presidents of BPWN Fatema Begum Rowshan Ara Begum Mily Biswas, PPM (2013....)

  10. Member of BPWN

  11. Principles of the network • Active participation • Empowerment • Culture of care and understanding • Operational support

  12. Activities of BPWN in frame

  13. 1St National Conference 2013

  14. Divisional women police conference( September 2013 )

  15. Publications

  16. Achievements of BPWN • BPWN has established 6 divisional committees to coordinate the central governing committee. • Create a pool of suitable, capable women police. • Introduce a help line for rapid response. • Encouraging involvement of Women police in the UN mission. • Take strong attempt to increase the number of women police at every level of Bangladesh Police. The percentage of women police was 2%, now it is 4.65%.

  17. Current statistics of Female Police6,893 out of 1,52,8234.65%

  18. UN mission

  19. Achievements of BPWN • Bangladesh police is a proud member of IAWP. • In 2009 Bangladesh won the region 15 (Asia) coordinator ship of IAWP. Again won the same in 2012. • The half-annual board meeting of IAWP(5,6 march 2012) and first Asia Region Women Police Conference(7,8 march 2012) organized by BPWN with the support of Bangladesh police and PRP. • Women police selected as speaker on annual conference of IAWP. • Awarded IAWP international Recognition and Scholarship Award 2013,2012 and Excellence in Performance Award 2013.

  20. Achievements of BPWN in frame

  21. Participation with IAWP Bangladesh women police participate first in 1996 .

  22. 49th IAWP Parade of nations

  23. IAWP international Recognition and Scholarship Award 2013,2012 & Excellence in Performance Award 2013

  24. Create BPWN website and database. • Ensure the participation of more women police in policy making level. • Expand representation at existing operational structure • Cerate a strong platform to addresses police women issues • Create a women friendly work environment • Fund raise

  25. Thanks

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