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Strengthening Bangladesh Police Project (SBPP)

Strengthening Bangladesh Police Project (SBPP). A Joint initiative of the Government Of Bangladesh & United Nations Development Programme. Setting the Scene. Police reform is a difficult and necessary task for all states

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Strengthening Bangladesh Police Project (SBPP)

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  1. Strengthening Bangladesh Police Project (SBPP) A Joint initiative of the Government Of Bangladesh & United Nations Development Programme

  2. Setting the Scene • Police reform is a difficult and necessary task for all states • Bangladesh Police is seen as a legacy of colonial rule (The Police Act of 1861, the Criminal Procedure Code of 1898) • The Police is considered as an instrument to preserve the power and authority of various types of governments, rather than a service to protect the rights of average citizens • There exists a negative relationship between the Police and the Population. • The Police Commission of Bangladesh (1988-89) underlined the need for reforms but it’s recommendations were not implemented. • The GoB did not forge partnership with other development partners despite their longstanding efforts.

  3. PROGRAM PURPOSE: The Purpose of the SBP is to develop a safer and more secure environment based on respect for human rights and equitable access to justice through police reform, which is more responsive to the needs of poor and vulnerable people including women. PROGRAMME OUTCOME: Enhanced capacity and willingness of Bangladesh police and key stakeholders to contribute in a collaborative manner to the creation of a safer and more secure environment based on respect for human rights, equitable access to justice and rule of law in accordance with a multi-party democracy. In short: To convert what had been created as an instrument of the colonial repression, into a capable duty bearer at the service of the community.

  4. The development and implementation process of SBPP The Project Support Document (PSD) was designed by GOB & UNDP and signed on 11 January 2005 2005 2003 2004 STEP - 4 STEP - 1 STEP - 3 STEP - 2 Needs Assessment Preparatory Assistance ProjectSupportDocument Implementation

  5. Juxtaposing the 10-step approach on the development and implementation process of SBPP 2005 2003 2004 Phase -I Steps 1, 2, 3 Phase – II Steps 4, 5, 6 Phase – III Steps 6, 7, 8, 9 Phase –IV Steps 7, 8, 9, 10 Preparatory Assistance ProjectSupportDocument Needs Assessment Implementation

  6. Step 1Familiarizing with the Programming Context • UNDP’s Human Security Report—In Search of Justice and Dignity (2002) • Political Support at the highest level for a Police Reform programme: position paper on Institutional Strengthening of the Criminal Justice and Enhancement of Police Capacity in Bangladesh (2003) • Interim PRSP (2003). • TIB Surveys • Social demand for improved security as reflected i.a. by the media. • Wide consensus across party lines on the need to convert the Police Force into a Police Service. Shared electoral pledge. • Enough pro-reform elements within the Police itself. Better training, better advancement prospects, seen as positive incentives.

  7. Step-2Selection of a development problem • Identification of the Access to Justice Problem • Naripokkho project monitoring 22 police stations over a period of 6 years from October 1998 to November 2004, titled “Monitoring State Intervention to Combat Violence against Women” • The UNDP Bangladesh got involved in critical discussions and negotiations at both formal and informal levels with the stakeholders of security and criminal justice sector, in Bangladesh particularly with Bangladesh Police • Towards Pro-women policing in Bangladesh • To change the Police Force into a Police Service, less militarized in its approach and training

  8. Step-3Securing Adequate Capacities • It was decided to start work on a possible project to address this problem and accordingly a PA was launched • The PA facilitated to undertake a Need Assessment Mission which was composed of both local and international Experts

  9. Step-4Ensuring participation • The Need Assessment Mission undertook the critical process of participatory consultations with various stakeholders following draft guidelines for participatory consultations on access to justice released in June 2003 by AP-A2J Initiative • Introductory Meeting—Brainstorming Meeting—Stakeholders Panels (Govt/CSO/DPs/Focus groups)--Consolidation Workshop. • Adequate space for participation throughout the Project life

  10. Step-5 Analyzing Problems and its cause and effects • The needs Assessment confirmed the analysis made by the Human Security Report One of those major obstacles in the case of criminal justice is the lack of police responsiveness to the poor, due in turn to several factors: • anti-poor bias • lack of human rights awareness, • pressures from powerful interest groups and influential members of the community, • deficient training resulting in serious lack of investigative skills, • ethos focused on repression, • poor mechanisms for police monitoring and accountability, • poor remuneration and motivation, • lack of an adequate promotion system. • Results: worrying law and order situation. Serious lacks in the police forces are one of the main causes in the law and order problem. This situation affects more severely the disadvantaged groups who see their problems compounded by the obstacles they face to access justice.

  11. Steps 6 (& 7)- Setting objectives and Selecting outcomes (Defining and Prioritizing Strategies) Contribute to a Safer and more Secure Environment Based on Respect for Human Rights, Equitable access to Justice and Rule of Law Strategy and Oversight Crime Prevention HRM & D Investigations, Operations & Prosecutions Community Engagement & Crime Prevention Community Confidence & Equitable access & Crime Prevention Oversight, Future Directions & Planning Prosecutions Crime Investigations & Prosecutions General Policing & Public Order HRM & Professional Development Asset Planning, Acquisition & Management Leadership Management & Administration

  12. Steps (7 &) 8Setting outputs and a Partnership Strategy (Defining and Prioritizing Strategies) • Two pronged strategy: 1) Increase police’s professionalism 2) Make it more responsive – behavioural change – and integrated in the community, increasing publicconfidence. • Gender and responsiveness towards the poor and disadvantaged mainstreamed in all components, both in design of procedures and in allocation of resources. • Holistic and integrated approach to address issues within the organization and external factors that impact on performance. • SBP is phase 1 (3 years) of a broader Police Reform Programme, with successive phases to reach a total of 9-10 years, depending on the results achieved on phase 1, including continuing support by GoB. • Open process approach to be able to respond to opportunities and reform priorities as they arise. Emphasis on flexibility.

  13. Step 9-Establishing an Implementation Framework • Implementation under National Execution (NEX) modality • Implementing partner: Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) • Designated National Institution: Bangladesh Police (BP) • Cost-sharing partner: DFID (many others are willing to be partners) • Steering Committee will include as well representatives from NGOs and Civil Society Groups, Attorney-General’s Office, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Law and Justice & Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

  14. Step-10Designing a Monitoring and Evaluation System • Program Support, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PSM&EU) • Compliance of UNDP’s M&E Framework

  15. Strengthening Bangladesh Police (PRP: Phase – 1) Access to Justice Crime Prevention HRM & Training Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Bangladesh Investigations, Operations & Prosecutions Strategy & Oversight Development & Poverty Reduction (in line with MDGs) Safer,more Confident commu. Enhanced Police Capability National Stability & Security Better Stakeholder Cooperation Environment for Investment

  16. INTENDED BENEFICIARIES • People of Bangladesh in metropolitan and rural locations throughout the nations. Particularly poor, minorities, women, children and young people. • The police themselves are also a target group of this intervention.

  17. KEY COMPONENTS • Crime Prevention • Investigations, Operations and Prosecution • Human Resource Management and Training • Strategy and Oversight • Programme Management

  18. Component –1: Crime Prevention Objective: Police-community engagement will create an environment that facilitates prevention of crime and equitable access to justice. This includes development of a National Crime Prevention Strategy with a gender perspective. A further key objective is to minimise the opportunity for inappropriate influence over the police in administering their role in the justice system.

  19. Component –1: Crime Prevention Key outcomes: • Enhanced crime prevention through police/community awareness and collaboration • Removal of barriers to the more effective reporting of crime • Creation of an environment that enhances the public image of police and provides reduced opportunity for inappropriate influence over police • Contribution by Police to victim support enhanced particularly for the poor, women and girls and vulnerable groups. • Enhanced Capacity to be responsive to women, young people and vulnerable people • Refurbish and equip replicable model Thana in selected locations within Metropolitan Police and Ranges and staffed with both male and female police

  20. Component–2: Investigations, Operations and Prosecutions Objective: To ensure high quality police operations and investigations are undertaken in a timely and professional manner and lower court prosecutions do justice to investigative efforts.

  21. Component–2: Investigations, Operations and Prosecutions Key outcomes: • Improved crime scene preservation and forensic support; • Enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of investigativeprocesses; • Improved systems and processes for gathering and analyzing criminal intelligence. • Increased capacity , professionalism and effectiveness of court Inspectors to prosecute charges in the lower court; and • Revised criminal laws and regulations to reflect contemporary requirements

  22. Component –3: Human Resource Management and Training Objective: To ensure ethical, capable and well-trained people lead and staff the Bangladesh Police, and the human resource management (HRM) processes result in efficiency, transparency, accountability and equitability.

  23. Component –3: Human Resource Management and Training Key outcomes: • Introduction of transparent, merit based police recruitment; • Development and institutionalization of training (including specialized training) development, delivery and evaluation capacity; • More flexible and cost-effective training delivery options including work-based learning. • Support to setting targets for women recruitment into the police. More efficient use of women police and their representation in more responsible roles enhanced. • More efficient and effective use made of human resources throughout Bangladesh Police; and, • Leadership and management training is improved

  24. Component – 4: Strategy and Oversight Objective: to help the Bangladesh Police establish and maintain the standards, systems and structures necessary to meet current and future policing needs. This component essentially focuses at the strategic policy level but includes practical operational initiatives to ensure strategic policy is implemented and actioned.

  25. Component – 4: Strategy and Oversight Key outcomes: • Core functions and priorities of Police established and widely known; • Mainstreaming of gender perspective in all policies and Programmes; • Enhanced policies on violence against women; stronger focus on crime prevention; • Enhanced police capacity to identify and deal with emerging crimes. • Clear performance targets set and monitored; • Anti-corruption and complaints mechanisms made more robust and accessible; • Better relationships between police and the media:

  26. Component – 4: Strategy and Oversight Key outcomes: • Enhanced capacity for planning, acquisition and management of key assets; • Effective use of information technology and communications technology; and, • Strengthened capacity for planning, policy and research in PHQ

  27. Strengthening Bangladesh Police (PRP: Phase – 1) Access to Justice Crime Prevention HRM & Training Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Bangladesh Investigations, Operations & Prosecutions Strategy & Oversight Development & Poverty Reduction (in line with MDGs) Safer,more Confident commu. Enhanced Police Capability National Stability & Security Better Stakeholder Cooperation Environment for Investment

  28. Thank You

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