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PROGETTO COMENIUS «UNITY IN THE DIVERSITY» 2012 - 2014. A thousand years history. A journey through the Mediterranean civilization from its origins to the present day through celebrities: visible traces of art and culture.
A thousandyearshistory A journey through the Mediterranean civilization from its origins to the present daythrough celebrities:visible traces of art and culture. A thousandyearsofhistory: a journeythrough the Mediterraneancivilizationfrom the origins up tomoderntimestaking a look at famouspersonalities: visibletracesof art and culture.
A journeyis: • Knowing the greatvariety of culture expresssions in the world. • Developing new cultural models. • Learning source thatallows to meet and compare othercultures. • Searching for a new identity and possibility of a social progress. • Satisfying the need for freedom.
Ulisses The Odisseyis the story of the troubledherowhilereturning to his home townat the end of the Trojan War. Odysseus (Ulisses) wants to return home butwithoutabandoning the idea of experience and knowledge, he can haveduringhisadventurous trip, and thisshows a greatsimilarity to the modern man. I am Odysseus Laertes, for all the tricksI am known among men, and my fame goes to the heaven.I live in Ithaca aprica [...] and I will never see nothingsweeter than my land.Because nothing is sweeter than our own country and our fathers,even if someone lives in a very rich house, but in a foreign land, far away from his family.[Odyssey, IX, vv. 21-46] Ulysses in Dante's Comedy In the Twenty-sixth canto of Dante’s “Inferno” Ulysses is condemned to eternal suffering, in the pit of the fraud chancellors because of his continuous tricks. In fact, the speech with which he persuades his companions to overcome the Pillars of Hercules, is made on the grounds of knowledge that, for Ulysses, is a goal to be pursued at all costs: 'Oh brothers! I said, that for hundred thousanddangers you have come to the West,to our little senses which don’t want to deny the new experiences, what is back to the sun, what is the inhabited world.Consider your origin!....….You were not born to live like brutes,but to follow virtue and knowledge!.'
Dedalus and the attraction of flying The man’s desire to overcomehislimits and not to be stopped by difficultiesisalreadyknown in the myth of Dedalus and Icarus. Dedalusis in fact the ingeniousfatherwhocannotresist the allure of the flight, the temptation to free through the air like a winged creature. The mythsaysthatDedalus, tired of the • the hatefulprison wanted to escape at any cost. “LetMinosobstacle on me the ways of earth and water,but at least the skywill be alwaysopen.Hewill be the master of everythingbut air!” So Dedalusbuilt for himself and his son twopairs of wingswoven of light feathers; attacked with wax to Iracus’s shoulders and armsand alsofixedthem at his back. Then, turning to the boy, said: ‘’Follow me Icarus! And do not be afraid, haveonly care to stay with me like birth just out of the nest.”
Scylla and Charybdis In the ancienttimes, the tworockslocatedbetweenpeninsular Italy and Sicilyoverlooking the Strait of Messina, wereknownasdangerous to navigationsincetwoterriblemonsterscalled by thosenameslivedthere. Scilla,wholived on a cliffnear Reggio Calabria, wasthought to havetwelvefeet and six long neckstopped with asmany heads; in each of the sixmouthsshehadthreerows of teeth and barkedlike a dog. Charybdis on the Siciliancoast, wasstayedinvisible under a tallfigtree. Three times a day, he used to swallow the waters of the strait and the hethrowthem back to the sea. Odissea, XIIL'altro scoglio, più basso tu lo vedrai, Odisseo,vicini uno all'altro,dall'uno potresti colpir l'altro di freccia.Su questo c'è un fico grande, ricco di foglie;e sotto Cariddi gloriosamente l'acqua livida assorbe.Tre volte al giorno la vomita e tre la riassorbepaurosamente. Ah, che tu non sia là quando riassorbe. Odissea, XIIScilla ivi alberga, che moleste gridaDi mandar non ristà. La costei voceAltro non par che un guaiolar perenneDi lattante cagnuol: ma Scilla è atroceMostro, e sino a un dio, che a lei si fesse,Non mirerebbe in lei senza ribrezzo,Dodici ha piedi, anteriori tutti,Sei lunghissimi colli e su ciascunoSpaventosa una testa, e nelle boccheDi spessi denti un triplicato giro,E la morte più amara di ogni dente. Omero
Marco Polo Consideredone of the thegreatest travellers of alltimes, Marco Polo influencedmanygenerations of travellers whowent on search of new lands and knowledge. He wasone of the few travellers whowroteaboutwhat he hadseen and heardduringhis long trips, famous the mythicalvoyage to the SilkRoute. He surpassedall the other travellers in determination, writing and influence. His voyagethrough Asia lasted a total of 24 years; Duringhistravels he was so able to enter in strictcontact with people from differentcountries and becameone of KublaiKhan’s(1214-1294) closest friends. Back to Italy he toldhis story in the book thatbecame the greatestdiary of alltimes, the book of Wonders, alsoknownas the Million. Marco Polo, (1254-1324) Itinerario del viaggio di Marco Polo
Dante Alighieri He is known as the greatest poet, author of many works, but mainly the author of the "Divine Comedy."The "Divine Comedy" is the masterpiece of the Florentine poet and is considered as one of the most important examples of the Italian culture. The Divine Comedy is presented as an imaginary journey through the Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Dante said he was chosen to visit the underworld to be able to tell people what he saw. During this experience, Dante encounters numerous characters, now dead, and communicates with them who are forever damned souls, souls being purified and blessed souls.Montale refers of Dante as a…. «.Universal heritage ... ». Firenze 1265- Ravenna 1321
Cristoforo Colombo Genova 1451- Valladolid 1506 He was among the most important Italian sailors who took part in the process of exploration of the great geographical discoveries at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth century.Sailor since his youth Colombo, during his travels as a merchant, came up with the idea of an overseas land existence, Asia, according to him.
Leonardo Da Vinci Eclectic spirit, Leonardo was a painter, scientist, writer and engineer.He is considered one of the greatest geniuses of mankind.During his lifetime, Leonardo invented many concepts, some of them, like the flying machine, were real prototypes.Leonardo manifested his interest for the flight in around the year 1482. The observation of birds convinces him that the flight has nothing mysterious but it is a mechanical phenomenon, due to the flap of the wings in the air. The fact that the air is compressible and makes a resistance capable of supporting a body, is one of the fundamental discovers of Leonardo, who realized that also man had the possibility to fly. Vinci 1452– Amboise 1519 Project of a flyingmachine
Galileo Galilei Pisa 1564 – Arcetri 1642 His name is associated with important contributions in dynamic and astronomy - including the improvement of the telescope, which allowed important astronomical observations - and the introduction of the scientific method (often called the Galilean method or experimental scientific method). His role was of primary importance in the astronomical revolution; he supported the heliocentric system and the Copernican theory.
Alessandro Manzoni The writer who gave great authority to the Italian Romanticism .He was born in Milan in 1785. He became a great world-famous writer, author of the novel "The Betrothed", a work in which he highlights the eternal conflict between vice and innocence. The theme of journey recurs when the future married couple leave their country to escape the oppressor; with the "Farewell to the mountains”, Manzoni writes a page of great poetry. The same theme is presented when he tells about Renzo escaping the gendarmes… "walk, walk,”… to state his fate as a traveler. The internal narrative metaphor of Renzo’s travels reflects Manzoni’s idea of travelling” that also recurs when he talks about his writing: "Now, we cannot avoid stopping, as the traveler, tired and sad with a long walk, who holds and loses a little“time under the shadow of a tree.” Milano 1785-1873
GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI, THE HERO OF THE TWO WORLDS Giuseppe Garibaldi, the hero of two worlds. His pride and his courage led him far from his home, in Latin America, to fight on behalf of freedom and independence ideals. The same patriotic ideals moved to the struggle to unite Italy, to put an end to the divisions which weighed on our country. Calabria was also one of the destinations of his expeditions and conquests, to achieve a single purpose of unity. Nizza 1807 – Caprera 1882
Lucio Dalla The singer-songwriter LucioDalla uses the point of view of the sailor who asks his captain if he ever worries about the fate of all those soldiers who travel with him. The sailor says to his captain he wishes he went back to his beloved Ithaca, where his wife is waiting for him. He also says that he is poor and has to travel to earn money to support his family.In fact, if he died, his family would not survive, and if the captain died, it would be like missing a king: who always let an heir and great wealth.In the song Dalla refers to the mythical Greek traveler, even if he chooses not to mention him ever. There are, in fact, linguistic elements that are clear allusions to the journey of Odysseus. Bologna 1943-Montreaux 2012 • Capitano che hai negli occhi • il tuo nobile destino • pensi mai al marinaio • a cui manca pane e vino • capitano che hai trovato • principesse in ogni porto • pensi mai al rematore • che sua moglie crede morto • Itaca, Itaca, Itaca • la mia casa ce l'ho solo la‘ • Itaca, Itaca, Itaca • ed a casa io voglio tornare • dal mare, dal mare, dal mare • Capitano le tue colpe • pago anch'io coi giorni miei, • mentre il mio più gran peccato • fa sorridere gli dei • e se muori è un re che muore • la tua casa avra' un erede • quando io non torno a casa • entran dentro fame e sete • Capitano che risolvi • con l'astuzia ogni avventura • ti ricordi di un soldato • che ogni volta ha piu' paura • ma anche la paura in fondo • mi dà sempre un gusto strano • se ci fosse ancora mondo • sono pronto dove andiamo.
Alcide De Gasperi The journeyto USA Pieve Tesino 1881 – Borgo Valsugana 1954 • PoliticianThis was the first trip of the Italian Prime Minister in the United States. The meeting with the highest officials of the U.S. Administration was in favor of the economic aid that Italy was in urgent need.The journey of De Gasperi helped the admission of Italy in international institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.Along with the Frenchman Robert Schuman and the German Konrad Adenauer, he is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union. European policy with a common parliament was his great belief.
Dacia Marainia memoryas a journey Fiesole 1936 – vivente Writer, poet, essayist, playwright and screenwriter."Literature is a trip in the memory lanes: it is important to know how to listen to when it comes, unexpected just like Plato’s birds (memories) that reach the tree (the mind)."The ship from Kobe"... The first taste I've known and of which I keep the memory, is the taste of the trip. A taste of luggage just opened: naphthalene, shoe polish and the perfume that permeated my mother’s clothes on which I sank my face with delight. The trunk ... opened as the theater coffers once did ... "
Luciano Pavarotti Modena 1935 – Modena 2007 Tenor.Thanks to his vocal ability, music and communication has managed to change the face of opera forever.He brought the work to boundless audiences and was able to open the doors of traditional theatres to a vast new audience.
Rita Levi MontalciniA journey in the world ofscientificresearchlasting 103 years Torino 1909 – presentscientist She received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1986 for the discovery and identification of the growth factor of nerve fibers."I say to young people: Do not think of yourself, think of others. Think of the future that awaits you, think about what you can do and do not fear of anything. Do not fear the difficulties. "
...Whose name, thanks to their personality, gave popularity to our Region in the world…
RAFFAELE PIRIA Born in Scilla, RaffaelePiria, on whom our school bears its name, was a scientist of high level, he is considered the founder of modern chemistry. In 1860, after the legendary landing of Garibaldi on Calabrian costs, Cavour gave him the task to supervise the plebiscite that stated the annexation of our region to the Kingdom of Italy. In 1862 he was named Senator of the Kingdom. (Scilla 1814 – Torino 1865)
Ibico reggino Greek poet from Reggio who lived in the sixth century. B.C.Almost all his work has been lost.From some fragments found we can assume he was also an expert craftsman of musical instruments.Cicero praised him as a the most passionate love poet among the other poets from Ancient Greece. On the seafront of Reggio Calabria, you can see the Stele dedicated to him: a marble slab showing a muse with a lyre in her hands, on the one side, and some verses by the great poet on the other side.
Pitagora • Samo 570 a.C. circa – Metaponto 495 a.C. circa Greek mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, scientist and politician.Pythagoras from Samos moved to the Magna Grecia where, around in 530 BC., he founded a school in Crotone.
Pitagorasof Reggio Lived in the 5th century BC in the Chalcis colony of Rhegion, the sculptor Pythagoras is considered one of the five greatest Greek artists lived after Phidias, and certainly the biggest sculptor of Magna Grecia in Calabria.The origins of the sculptor are still uncertain because there is no hystorical evidence that shows the native town. But it is certain that in the fifth century BC, in Rhegion, a famous sculptor named Pythagoras lived and worked, he was also known as a disciple of the great master Clearchus, one of the greatest exponents of the statuary of Magna Grecia in Calabria.According to recent studies he could be the author of one or both the statues known as the Bronze Statues.
San Paolo di Tarsoitinerantpreacher Tarso 5 – 10 d.C. - Roma 64 - 67 d.C. The arrival of St. Paul in Reggio, witnessed by the Acts of Apostles, took place on the headland Artemisio, the current Calamizzi beach.The apostle would have got to be able to preach the Gospel of Christ to the people, but on one condition: he could only speak to the crowd until a candle, placed on a broken column of the temple, had not consumed. According to the tradition, after the wax had finished, the column caught fire to allow St. Paul to keep talking.The burnt column that allowed St.Paul’s preaching, is still housed in the Cathedral of Reggio Calabria.
Tommaso Campanella He was the greatest philosopher of the Renaissance.He completed his studies in the Academy of Cosenza, where he learned about Telesio’s Naturalism.In his most famous work, “The City of the Sun”, Campanella gives vent to the new political and social ideas that characterized his life since an early age. The work is a model for the understanding of his spirit that expresses the general desire to redeem Europe in the seventeenth century, before the feudal system decline. Stilo 1568 – Parigi 1639
Mattia Preti Taverna 1613 – Malta 1699 • Named the Calabriancavalier painter of the Neapolitan school, he belongs to Caravaggio’s school. Among his paintings the "Belshazzaroffeast", the “Crucifix", "Lazarus’s Resurrection ." He was the official painter of Malta’s Knights and worked at the decorations of St. John’s Cathedral in La Valletta.Some of his works are found in the art gallery of Taverna.
Giuseppe De Nava "A southern conservative reformist “ as defined by ItaloFalcomatà. De Nava was the "first minister from Reggio to be appointed by the king," He did his best to make Reggio be rebuilt from the ruins after the earthquake of 1908.His political life was rich of events that marked a period of deep changes in Italy after the “Risorgimento”. Reggio Calabria 1858 – Roma 1924
Francesco Cilea Famous musician, author of vocal, symphonic and chamber music. He showed his love for music since he was a little boy. He was particularly impressed by the final “piece” of Bellini’s “Norma” once he listened a concert performed by the musical band in his town. In 1897, Cilea presented the opera "The Arlesiana“ at the International Lyrical Theatre of Milan. Palmi 1866 – Varazze 1950 In his memory, the Theatre Francesco Cilea and the Music School of Reggio Calabria were entitled after him.A mausoleum was erected in his home town and a street bears his name .
Corrado Alvaro • Writer of vigorous moral behavior, he was the is the pessimist writer of his mythic and beloved Calabria.Although an open minded intellectual towards Europe, thanks to his stay abroad and his work assignments, especially in France, he remained deeply rooted to his home town.In his works he always shows the need to tell about the humble, poor and painful reality of Calabria with the lyrical and evocative tones of the person who lives far away from his land. San Luca 1895 – Roma 1956
Antonino Panella Reggio Cal.1895 – VelikiKrib 1917 Italian military hero of World War I, he was awarded with the gold medal for military valor memory on March 23,1919. He considered the war not only as the possibilityfor Italian people to highlight the love for the country together with a strong adherence to the nationalist enthusiasm of his time, but he also thought, with "Calabrian tenacity“ that the war was "a process by which it was necessary to improve the relations of brotherhood and equality among the regions of Italy. "
Tito Minniti A military aviator, Lieutenant of the Royal Air Force and a hero in Ethiopia war, he was awarded the gold medal for military valor.In memory of Tito Minniti the Airport of Reggio Calabria has been named after his name, as well as a primary school in the town of Pompei, a middle school in Naples, some educational institutions and several streets in Italian cities. Placanica 1909 – Dagabur 1935
Umberto Boccioni the perpetualdynamism Reggio Calabria 1882 – Verona 1916 Adventurous and restless soul as a fighter, he wandered the world, trying to find countless ways, attracted both by the violent action and the dream.The aim of his art: to find a way that could represent the speed of modern times on canvas. Futuristpainter and sculptor. Unique Forms of Continuity in the Space The raisingtown- Museum of Modern Art, New York
Gianni Versace Reggio Calabria 1946 – Miami Beach 1997 Designer, collector of globes.As a boy he worked for her mother’s atelier, since she was a dressmaker .He wished he had been one of “Ulysses gang" and one of Marco Polo’s friends.His travel experiences are reflected in his work with the creation of "impossible encounters“; he said: "I like that a Fragonard dress can talk to Picasso, that Evita Peron can dance with Yukio Mishima."
Renato Dulbeccojourney into the world of genes Biologist, physician and geneticist.He was the first geneticist to realize that some forms of cancer originated from genetic defects in the DNA.The study of oncogen viruses, which could transform a normal cell into a cancer cell, was the one that made him gain he Nobel Prize in 1975.He took part to the International Human Genome Project from which a complete map of human DNA resulted. Catanzaro 1914 – La Jolla 2012