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This document outlines the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) activities, strategic objectives, monitoring, and reporting processes towards implementing the 2008 System of National Accounts. The AGNA, established in 2008, aims to equip African countries with a System of National Accounts (ASNA) that suits their socio-economic conditions. The strategic lines include developing the ASNA, strengthening ICP-Africa assets, and optimizing national accounts production and dissemination. This comprehensive plan focuses on enhancing African countries' capabilities in mastering national accounts and GDP breakdown methodologies. It emphasizes coordination, cost-effectiveness, and a detailed action plan to achieve the outlined strategic objectives efficiently.
Introduction AGNA activities Strategic Lines, Objectives and Activities Monitoring & Reporting and Action Plan Cost, Coordination and Road Map Conclusion African Strategy for the Implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 Al Khawarezmi First Conference Qatar, December, 2010 AfDB, Statistics Department AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Contents • Introduction • Activities of the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) • Strategic Lines, Strategic Objectives and Activities • Monitoring & Reporting • Action Plan • Cost of the Action Plan • Coordination • Road Map • Conclusion AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
1. Introduction • End of the Revision of the 1993 SNA • Acknowlegment of Diversified levels of implementation of the 1993 SNA in Africa • Implementing Strategy = Results based oriented Programme Approach • Participatory approach AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
2. Activities of the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) • Setting up in January 2008 by STATCOM-AFRICA • Members: AfDB (Lead), AUC, UNECA, ACBF, AFRISTAT, RECs, National Experts in National Accounts • ToRs developped during the Lusaka Meeting • Development of the Strategy for the implementation of the 2008 SNA AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
2. Activities of the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) Cont’d. • AGNA 1: Lusaka, 07-11 April 2008 • AGNA 2: Tunis, 02-04 July 2008 • AGNA 3: Durban, 12-13 August 2008 • AGNA 4: Addis-Ababa, 21-23 October 2009 • AGNA 5: Dakar, 20-22 November 2009 • AGNA 6: East London, 7-12 December 2009 • STATCOM Africa II, January 2010 AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
3. Strategic lines, Objectives and Activities • 07 Strategic Lines • 16 Strategic Objectives • 40 Activities Details in the results based Logical Framework matrix of the Strategy: 2008 SNA RB Logical Framework.doc AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 1. Equipping African Countries with an SNA that is appropriate to their socio-economic realities Strategic Objective 1.1: Developing the African System of National Accounts (ASNA) 1.1.1. Preparatory work for the development of the ASNA 1.1.2. Development of the African System of National Accounts (ASNA) 1.1.3. Inventory of sources of information and questionnaires (data collection tools) required by the 2008 SNA 1.1.4. Development of bridge tables between questionnaires to the 2008 SNA tables AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 1. Equipping African Countries with an SNA that is appropriate to their socio-economic realities Strategic Objective 1.1: Developing the African System of National Accounts (ASNA) 1.1.5. Development of conceptual and methodological notes, and practical guide books 1.1.6. Adaptation of ASNA at sub regional level Strategic Objective 1.2: To make the ASNA dynamic 1.2.1. Determination of the periodicity for updating the ASNA AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 2. Strengthening ICP-Africa assets in the field of National Accounts work Strategic Objective 2.1: Increasing the ability of African countries to master ICP-Africa, so as to make it the basis for routine national accounts work 2.1.1. Integration of the GDP breakdown into the 1993 SNA national accounts routine work 2.1.2. Publication and popularization of the GDP breakdown methodology 2.1.3. Development and publication of an African annual report on GDP breakdown into basic headings 2.1.4. Technical Assistance to ICP-Africa non participants countries 2.1.5. Assistance to fragile States and small island developing countries AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 2. Strengthening ICP-Africa assets in the field of National Accounts work Strategic Objective 2.2: Developing an African System for the annual production of macro-economic aggregates and Price statistics for the calculation of purchasing power parities 2.2.1. Elaboration of product lists for each Regional Economic Community (REC) 2.2.2. Enhance the validation of GDP expenditures and national accounts for each REC member countries 2.2.3. Compute, on an yearly basis, purchasing power parities for each REC and at the regional level AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 3. Preparing an optimal and efficient operational system of production and diffusion of National Accounts Strategic Objective 3.1: Preparing national accounts in accordance with an timeline that respects the national, sub- regional and international requirements 3.1.1. Establishing calendar for the publication of national accounts in Africa 3.1.2. Enhance national accounts’ validation processes at REC and regional levels 3.1.3. Adoption of the type (version) of national accounts i.e. preliminary, provisional and final figures AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 3. Preparing an optimal and efficient operational system of production and diffusion of National Accounts Strategic Objective 3.2: Optimizing and rationalizing the production of the national accounts 3.2.1. Clustering countries according to the kind of accounts to be elaborated 3.2.2. Establishing tables to be published by group of countries 3.2.3. Work on classifications as regards groups of countries AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 4. Building capacity and sustainability of national accounts production and analysis Strategic Objective 4.1: Building national accounts production capacities 4.1.1. Utilization of modern and country-adapted IT tools Strategic Objective 4.2: Improving training in national accounts 4.2.1. Development of training programs in national accounts 4.2.2. Development of national accountants’ profile 4.2.3. Creation of a postgraduate national account institute AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 4. Building capacity and sustainability of national accounts production and analysis Strategic Objective 4.3: Improving national accountant’s analysis capacities 4.3.1. Development of training specimen modules and tools 4.3.2. Organization of training workshops and seminars AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 5. Increasing the availability and improving the quality of the basic data required for the compilation of national accounts, based on NSDS Strategic Objective 5.1: Developing a system of ordinary structural socio-economic surveys 5.1.1. Evaluation of data sources required for the compilation of the 2008 System of national accounts 5.1.2. Development of statistical surveys required for the compilation of National Accounts (NA) 5.1.3. Development of practical guidebooks on statistical surveys required for the compilation of national accounts 5.1.4. Development of practical guidebooks for updating statistical survey results for the compilation of NA, and making forecasts AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 5. Increasing the availability and improving the quality of the basic data required for the compilation of national accounts, based on NSDS Strategic Objective 5.2: Promoting and developing administrative statistics 5.2.1. Making an inventory of administrative data sources required for national accounts compilation 5.2.2. Development of a guidebook on processing data from administrative sources in national accounts AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 5. Increasing the availability and improving the quality of the basic data required for the compilation of national accounts, based on NSDS Strategic Objective 5.3: Implementing international statistical systems (balance of payments, budget statistics, financial Statistics, etc.) for the improvement of national accounts 5.3.1. Development of bridge tables between international statistical systems and 2008 SNA Strategic Objective 5.4: Adapting international classifications to african socio-economic realities 5.4.1. Classifications are developed at regional and sub regional levels, and adapted at national level AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 6. Increasing human, material and financial resources Strategic Objective 6.1: Reorganizing and developing national accounts work 6.1.1. Creation of the African National Accountants Network (ANAN) = 1st step of the creation of the African National Accountants Association Strategic Objective 6.2: Optimizing the use of the available resources 6.2.1. Setting up a team of regional advisers in national accounts 6.2.2. Launching assistance for countries lagging behind in the implementation of the 1993 SNA AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Line 7. Undertake advocacy at all decision-making levels Strategic Objective 7.1: Developing an active and operational advocacy 7.1.1. Preparation of advocacy tools and organization of the advocacy at the Head of State and Government’ levels 7.1.2. Organization of advocacy at regional, sub regional, and national levels AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
4. Monitoring & Reporting • Timeline designed for each actor and activity • AGNA: Bi-annual reports to African Statistical Coordination Committee & Bureau of STATCOM-Africa • 2-Year report to STATCOM-Africa on the implementation of the 2008 SNA • A manual on monitoring the implementation of the 2008 SNA • Drawing up a standard frame of the report AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
5. Action Plan • 5-Year action plan 2010-2014 • Consensual programming framework • Activities at each level of the African region (National, Sub regional and Regional) • Activities for each participating player which well-defined role • Assumption of full ownership by African Countries, Sub regional & Regional Organizations of the Continent AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
6. Cost of the Action Plan AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
7. Coordination Regional Coordination Mechanisms • Regional Coordinators(3): AfDB (Lead), AUC and UNECA • Sub regional Coordinators(5): AMU, COMESA, ECCAS, ECOWAS and SADC • Technical Advisor(1): AFRISTAT AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
8. Road Map AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
8. Road Map AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
9. Conclusion • First African Common initiative to conduct the implementation of a system of national accounts • Big challenge at international level • Ownership at all levels needed to ensure the success of the implementation AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference
Introduction AGNA activities Strategic Lines, Objectives and Activities Monitoring & Reporting and Action Plan Cost, Coordination and Road Map Conclusion Thank You AfDB, Statistics Department Al Khawarezmi First Conference